Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

Vote: 13

Taking a different route then straight voting the number next to my name. Going with my Fav number. 3 or 23 would have been other options.
Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 2 (3puppies #75, Matthieu #186)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
Lettuce - 1 (Rock #51)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Matthieu - 1 (WindwardAway #146)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, MTR, Nightingale, Tildey

Current Modified Majority: 5

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

For Day 1 only, you can also place an additional vote for any number from 1-23. Once this vote is placed it will be locked in and cannot be changed.

Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 2 (CWE #140, Claws #189)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #389, Blind Ninja #201)
5 - 1 (Lettuce #27)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)

Not Voting: Cape90, Crackleslap, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Mazer, Morrison, MTR, Nightingale, PsychoSoldier, Tildey, Val, WindwardAway
Don't really like PsychoSoldier's take that I "held on" to my stance too long. It was really the majority discussion and then I defended my take a bit. It's like asking someone a question and then saying that's all they are talking about when they answer said question.

Vote: blind ninja

to me cape
I am torn between the number next to my name or the number I like because not sure which way Void is thinking with this raffle. Going to sit on it a little bit longer before making my choice
I think llettuce's vote is just NAI cause presumably none of us know what voting numbers does. Rocks voting llettuce for that is sort of overjustified imo, maybe a bit scummy.
now that I think about it, this might actually be true, it could benefit whoever gets the most votes.

or it could be a double elim who knows el oh el
Hey y’all
I’m going to be voting for my favorite number
Vote: 5
And also
Vote: Sleep
I just don’t think we need to kill someone today
somebody had to be the first to do it, and now that you've turned it into a fucking THING, it's no surprise nobody else is clamoring to put their votes down.

any discussion that would have happened would have been speculation anyway, as there was no indication void would be dropping further details on the second vote. and if any scum has any idea of what the vote is for, they could just as easily influence the vote during any discussion as they could before it.

if you're choosing to interpret it as leaning anti-town, it can be backed up, but the act itself was truly NAI.
this opener also gives me the same feeling listo's gave
I am afraid you overrate how much scum cooperate and discuss things around here. Usually.
I would say this is the case usually with scum teams in general. Like they will coordinate things but not to the level WWA is suggesting from my experience.
I think they are as towny as my wording is sus. Which means maybe.
...okay? I am conflicted with this.
I actually kind of find the notion to come out and vote a number kinda towny
This is the feeling I had too about rock.
I'm pretty meh on rock so far. The drive to move the game forward is generally a good look, but it feels like his focus is a bit pedantic.
That and also this but I felt less meh on it. Also I think the focus thing being pedantic looked towny to me, but not exactly in like the I agree type of way, you know?
maybe like a 1 occupy (or whatever action makes one not able to post for the day) and then come back a powerful wizard.
I think you might be on to something. It does say a trip to visit so the player probably commutes out of the game for the rest of the day phase. I don't think coming back a powerful wizard unless he pulls of another tri wizard cup thing like he did in the Harry Potter game that saw a town person come way OPed. lol

If this was a Jarrod game I would say just a bpv for a prize but since this is a void game the prize could be a variety of things.
Vote: Windwardaway

I don't like you not liking my sleep vote. See the previous game for the same old song and dance of 'nooooo u cant vote sleep noooooo'.
I get that sleep isn't usually anti-town, but there has to be a reason behind it. I think your early sleep vote is NAI because it's so early but now you are acting like it was for a reason when my head just went "oh this is for the memes isn't it?"
Im actually thinking it has nothing to do with ppl and the number is just your raffle number
Man I am not the only one with an idea like this I noticed as soon as WWA talked.
eh....? Yes but also no. I think the vigor of my statement is being blown a little bit out of proportion. I was never suggesting that we death tunnel her but my stance is and always will be that she should have waited until we discussed it and I don't think that is/should be a controversial take. What if she ended up giving a raffle ticket to some unknown alignment? I think that her being informed majority b/c she was being a little careless (and scum wouldn't be) is valid. I don't think I should have to subscribe to groupthink. She hasn't even started posting again as when she does I and you can rejudge here.
What then do you think of other random votes, like the one CWE did on 7?
I think they are all kinda dumb. Yeah we don't know what it does and maybe its kinda useless but the mod is putting a mechanic in the game so I'm not sure we should treat it lightly
I think they are all kinda dumb. Yeah we don't know what it does and maybe its kinda useless but the mod is putting a mechanic in the game so I'm not sure we should treat it lightly
Yeah but we also have 0 way to actually work out what it is. Imo people voting their own number would have been best but that trends already bucked. At the very worst if we get a wolf flip outta one we can speed yeet the other.
Yeah but we also have 0 way to actually work out what it is. Imo people voting their own number would have been best but that trends already bucked. At the very worst if we get a wolf flip outta one we can speed yeet the other.
why the rush jimbo
Okay. I should be around before the end of the raffle vote but just in case going to throw it out there.

Vote: 16
I think they are all kinda dumb. Yeah we don't know what it does and maybe its kinda useless but the mod is putting a mechanic in the game so I'm not sure we should treat it lightly
Usually it is like you get to play some game with VK, solve some riddles and stuff and if you are right you get extra abilities. I won a prize last game and if I get those riddles wrong I will feel like an idiot. So i am not going to partake in it this time.
ill haunt you i swear to feth
Hmmm. Dr Claws are you claiming communion with the supernatural?

I know I've spent too much time in the opium dens, but spiritualism is not something we would expect to occur in a natural course of events.
How is it throwing it away when: A) we don't know what it does and B) we don't know what the numbers represent?

Yes, logical assumption is it's for a player but is it like 5th to sign up? 5th on the player list?
Not an illogical assumption. But we can only narrow down possibilities. Posting times, seniority, and random are possibilities as well.

We must first rule out the impossible, my good man.
Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 3 (3puppies #75, Matthieu #186, DivaSmurf #209)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Matthieu - 1 (WindwardAway #146)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, MTR, Nightingale, Tildey

Current Modified Majority: 6

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

For Day 1 only, you can also place an additional vote for any number from 1-23. Once this vote is placed it will be locked in and cannot be changed.

Day 1 Special Vote Count:

5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
7 - 2 (CWE #140, Claws #189)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
16 - 1 (MTR #227)

Not Voting: Cape90, Crackleslap, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, PsychoSoldier, Tildey, WindwardAway
I don't know that I would anticipate the dastardly Dr voidiarty to add a lynch vote under the cover of night. Seems out of character with previous villainy

Vote: 7
Isn't MTR a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan? am I really the only one that thought to google it?
I am a fan even though it has been quite a while since I have seen any episodes of the show so I am a bit rusty and did go look this up as well. So yes a dark ritual from this book was used to create the millennium items. The items themselves were used for good and evil so yeah again back to not knowing a whole lot on what is going to happen to the person that wins the raffle.
Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 3 (3puppies #75, Matthieu #186, DivaSmurf #209)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Matthieu - 1 (WindwardAway #146)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, MTR, Nightingale, Tildey

Current Modified Majority: 6

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

For Day 1 only, you can also place an additional vote for any number from 1-23. Once this vote is placed it will be locked in and cannot be changed.

Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
16 - 1 (MTR #227)

Not Voting: Cape90, Crackleslap, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Morrison, Nightingale, PsychoSoldier, Tildey, WindwardAway
I think we can just ignore all the pokemon stuff guys

just kidding, making sure I am ready to play this game.

Vote: Sleep

Vote: 16

idk the number was calling to me
you mean the same stupid feelings? i don't typically banter, I'm gonna come in, read the thread, and reply to stuff i have thoughts on. ffs.
fair enough. It's just something I don't see often, usually opening posts are more boring :p

Guessing it's a culture thing (though I have played with LIsto before)
Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 4 (3puppies #75, Matthieu #186, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Matthieu - 1 (WindwardAway #146)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, MTR, Nightingale, Tildey

Current Modified Majority: 6

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

For Day 1 only, you can also place an additional vote for any number from 1-23. Once this vote is placed it will be locked in and cannot be changed.

Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
16 - 2 (MTR #227, Future #252)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
9 - 1 (Morrison #251)
8 - 1 (Listo #253)
3 - 1 (Cape #255)

Not Voting: Crackleslap, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Nightingale, PsychoSoldier, Tildey, WindwardAway
I am going to go ahead and jump in with a sleep vote just to get it in unless someone changes my mind later as the rest of this phase goes on.

Vote: sleep
Day 1 Event
Final Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
16 - 2 (MTR #227, Future #252)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
9 - 1 (Morrison #251)
8 - 1 (Listo #253)
3 - 1 (Cape #255)


The computerized voice started to speak again. “Twenty-four hours have come and gone and it was time to tally the raffle. Each vote on a number gave the corresponding player, to that number, an additional chance to win the trip. The player/number combinations are based on the numbers on the player list. The more votes on your number, the greater chance you have to win. With votes locked, the winner has been decided.” The computerized voice went silent.

The winner of the trip to the Millennium Spellbook is MATTHIEU!!! Unfortunately for Matthieu, the Millennium Spellbook is located in the afterlife.

The world started to shift around Matthieu, as his soul was ripped from his body and brought to the afterlife. Matthieu fell to the ground, unmoving.

Matthieu, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.


Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 4 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, WindwardAway #260

Current Modified Majority: 6

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 22 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
So the raffle tickets were based on peoples number in the OP.

I expect to see Matt again in the near future. Will likely come back at the start of D2.
I'm not familiar with my Yu-Gi-Oh lore but maybe he comes back more powerful, maybe the only way to defeat him is to censor him via the 4Kids dub, but I'm not sure if we should dwell on it right now
Day 1 Event End
A brilliant light shone through the land and then faded. Matthieu stood up and brushed himself off and went about his business, as the computerized voice spoke again.

Matthieu has returned and made his decision in the choice of four. He declined shared protection. He declined giving himself or another the Dice of Success. He declined partaking or forcing participation in the Dice of Demise. Instead, he has chosen personal protection.”

Matthieu is ineligible to be voted upon or have actions used on him until the end of Day 3.

The voice spoke one final time. “As always, thank you for your participation in Millennium Tours.” The computerized voice fell silent, never to speak again.

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
possibly. I mean yeah, we don't know what it does but I just don't feel like locking your vote in your first post was the best way to use it. Maybe its "NAI" but it wasn't helpful to town to use it before we discussed how we would use it. I'm partial to 3pups idea that it is some kind of prize, if so, it's possible that we'd need said vote to put someone else over but she voted a slot that hadn't even posted yet.

I agree but I don't think that means anything for him
It's not AI? Last time I played here, he did this as scum. Maybe it's just part of his normal play but I think it's a suboptimal vote regardless.
Final Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
16 - 2 (MTR #227, Future #252)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
9 - 1 (Morrison #251)
8 - 1 (Listo #253)
3 - 1 (Cape #255)


The computerized voice started to speak again. “Twenty-four hours have come and gone and it was time to tally the raffle. Each vote on a number gave the corresponding player, to that number, an additional chance to win the trip. The player/number combinations are based on the numbers on the player list. The more votes on your number, the greater chance you have to win. With votes locked, the winner has been decided.” The computerized voice went silent.

The winner of the trip to the Millennium Spellbook is MATTHIEU!!! Unfortunately for Matthieu, the Millennium Spellbook is located in the afterlife.

The world started to shift around Matthieu, as his soul was ripped from his body and brought to the afterlife. Matthieu fell to the ground, unmoving.

Matthieu, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.


Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 4 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259)
GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, WindwardAway #260

Current Modified Majority: 6

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 22 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no

Wtf is this
A brilliant light shone through the land and then faded. Matthieu stood up and brushed himself off and went about his business, as the computerized voice spoke again.

Matthieu has returned and made his decision in the choice of four. He declined shared protection. He declined giving himself or another the Dice of Success. He declined partaking or forcing participation in the Dice of Demise. Instead, he has chosen personal protection.”

Matthieu is ineligible to be voted upon or have actions used on him until the end of Day 3.

The voice spoke one final time. “As always, thank you for your participation in Millennium Tours.” The computerized voice fell silent, never to speak again.

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Double wtf
Voidkitten will do something in his next game, but it'll end up being exactly the same result. Someone getting protected until D3. Just presented differently.
If Matthieu had chosen the Dice of Demise to use himself or give to someone to use (and he would have had to choose before seeing these options), it would have rolled a 1d10 with the following results. The dice was listed as "offers massive power with a large chance of a negative"

1. Death
2. Death
3. Death
4. Death
5. Permanent Vig Shot Action (Unable to be multitasked)
6. Death
7. Death
8. Protected until end of Day 4
9. Death
10. 1x Day Kill Action
If Matthieu had chosen the Dice of Demise to use himself or give to someone to use (and he would have had to choose before seeing these options), it would have rolled a 1d10 with the following results.

1. Death
2. Death
3. Death
4. Death
5. Permanent Vig Shot Action (Unable to be multitasked)
6. Death
7. Death
8. Protected until end of Day 4
9. Death
10. 1x Day Kill Action
How exciting
Soooooo..... Since he's protected until EoD3 that means death happened and something else revived him I guess
No. He did not choose that option. He chose the self protection option which gave him the protection from votes and actions, instead of the other 3 options given.
Why do you want to eliminate me so badly in the first place? I recall you suggesting something about my vote to sleep being suspicious but...many other players have done just that themselves since and yet you're still only going after me.
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