They maybe didn’t want to be subtle and not out themselves (although they shouldn’t be afraid with the roles we have themselves).Except no1 has actually came forward and said they have results if they did i wouldnt be a train so your assuming im scum ? Id think better of our players
Art wasn’t the only one that didn’t act when the Hulkster was jailed dudes. If you read the actions that night and look at my posts particularly this phase, hopefully you cats can figure it out.
Sorry, don’t know how to do spoilers yet.Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.
Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.
Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”
SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho
Marack knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.
Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.
Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.
DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”
Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.
Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.
Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.
Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…
Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.
Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”
The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...
Living Players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods
Dead Players:
1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Sorry, don’t know how to do spoilers yet.Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.
Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.
Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”
SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho
Marack knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.
Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.
Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.
DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”
Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.
Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.
Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.
Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…
Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.
Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”
The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...
Living Players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods
Dead Players:
1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Sorry, don’t know how to do spoilers on here yet.Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.
Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.
Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”
SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho
Marack knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.
Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.
Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.
DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”
Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.
Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.
Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.
Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…
Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.
Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”
The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...
Living Players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods
Dead Players:
1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Do you also think Jack was copped?Hulk's referring to the most recent writeup.
If you think Jack was copped, why did you switch your vote?They maybe didn’t want to be subtle and not out themselves (although they shouldn’t be afraid with the roles we have themselves).
As it’s not clear though, Hulk will give you the benefit of the doubt and follow Moana who the Hulkster trusts.
Vote: Bacon
Anyone other good characters you see not there when Hulk was jailed? Also my repeated questioning of the actions performed on you that other night, questioning for a reason (not questioning you being scum, for other reasons).
Will leave it to you cats now.
Voting Bacon now.Vote: bacon
Is this a strong hint or a feeling?Voting Bacon now.
I think Jack was definitely copped, but uncertain if the info has been dropped as the posts aren’t clear.
You mean on the flavour? CWE trying to figure JackSparrow out reads like copping.Is this a strong hint or a feeling?
Ive been working the same and i still find the timeLoving the amount of salt being thrown around by scum against someone who works 9-5 every day. Bring it on, Bacon is all about the salt.
That'd give us two cops? Badger and CWE.You mean on the flavour? CWE trying to figure JackSparrow out reads like copping.
Badger’s a tracker not a cop.That'd give us two cops? Badger and CWE.
You have no idea.Ive been working the same and i still find the time
This does not sound like tracking.Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.
Do you think N4 was flavour (flavor)? Because to me it didn't read like a trackerBadger’s a tracker not a cop.
Badger was on break and tired. He was yawning and ironing his kilt, while watching NXT UK, when movement caught his attention. He saw it was Soraand Badger decided to pause the telly and follow closely behind him.Do you think N4 was flavour (flavor)? Because to me it didn't read like a tracker![]()
Sure i do worst job of my life past 2 weeks and still another week at least on it.. its refurbYou have no idea.
Can you tell me your POE? And why theyre in the POE.ebwop to Hulk
Not necessary. We had an ON JOAT so forgot there must be an EN equivalentebwop to Hulk
Thanks @VoidKitten!Final Day 3 Vote Count:
Hades - 10 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586, JackSparrow #1410, Alysrazor #1622, XavierWoods #1628, SubZero #1632)
PrincessPeach - 4 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, Bacon #1618, Arceus #1627)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, PrincessPeach #1588)
Not Voting: Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561
It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Current Modified Majority: 9
Hades wasn’t sure what to do. Everyone was looking at him and he quickly turned to run, his hair turning red as he started to get mad. Before he could do much, he tripped over a rock and tumbled. The angry mob quickly grabbed him and walked him over to a lake. Hades struggled, but the group tied cinder blocks to his feet. Hades cursed everyone as they tossed him over the bank and into the deep water. Hades' hair fizzled as he plummeted downwards.
Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
Morrison wanted to have a little fun tonight and as the day ended he followed Moana outside and quickly put them in a headlock and knocked them out. When Moana awoke, she saw she was sitting on a stool across from Morrison. He looked at her and formed an evil grin, his fist extended. “Welcome to my game. You have been a pestilence on me for far too long. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Best 3 of 5. Winner takes all and the loser…well…is taken from this life.”
Listo was not pleased. Still, people didn’t listen. He typed some more into his laptop and marked another two players today. Listo closed the laptop and sighed.
It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end on June 10th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be considered valid.
You previously had me as a townlean, so what happened to that?3 scum. Living players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. HulkHogan
4. JackSparrow
5. MasterChief
6. Medivh
7. Moana
8. Sauron
9. Sephiroth
10. SolidSnake
11. XavierWoods
I need to take another look at the night actions. But I believe scum is in that group of 5 (Hulk and Sauron to a lesser degree), and if I'm wrong, I'll tip the cap to whoever hoodwinked me.
Bur for now,
Vote: JackSparrow
I was checking out the vcs earlier and this is the only wagon with 3/4 flipped scum on it. Every other wagon had one or two and they were on either the lead or cw.Jacks vote was stolen, he tried to vote Hulk
Not sure whats that got to do with what I said. I was going through to see if people explained their votes but Jack voted for Hulk in p#1410I was checking out the vcs earlier and this is the only wagon with 3/4 flipped scum on it. Every other wagon had one or two and they were on either the lead or cw.
Also reminder that Scum have self targeted.Day 3 Event:
Matthieu was listening to the day’s events and was getting tired of someone’s voice. He closed his eyes and telekinetically launched a rock at GrumpyCat’s throat. GrumpyCat fell over clutching his throat, trying to speak but could not. He was able to get to his feet, but his voice would take some time to return.
But I have strongly pointed out evidence pointing to my being town and your read of me changed to townlean to scumlean. Logic dictates the opposite should be the case, so why isn’t it?Just less of a town read than those in blue because of evidence.
Spread pressure to see what info can come of it. Do we need to end the day early when others havent even weighed in on the day?For some reason I thought Jack was at like 4 votes and next best train was 2. I did not realise it was this close. Whats concerning is that my main TRs arent really on a wagon together.
That’s true but then he was brought back to life.Also reminder that Scum have self targeted.
Probably for the best given his voting record this game. On three mislynches (and trying to make it four) and voted to give immunity to grumpycat.Jacks vote was stolen, he tried to vote Hulk
Nobody was brought back to life, aside from the N1 reviveThat’s true but then he was brought back to life.
@VoidKitten, was there an error in the VC?Either that or VK got the VC wrong
Do you think it was a town or a scum action to steal his vote?Probably for the best given his voting record this game. On three mislynches (and trying to make it four) and voted to give immunity to grumpycat.
Wasn’t that GC?Nobody was brought back to life, aside from the N1 revive
Grumpycat still had immunity at that point so silence didn't hinder him.Also reminder that Scum have self targeted.
No it was SolidSnakeWasn’t that GC?
If it was indeed stolen, probably scum.Do you think it was a town or a scum action to steal his vote?
It doesn’t but I think it interesting that it’s the only time that happened.Not sure whats that got to do with what I said. I was going through to see if people explained their votes but Jack voted for Hulk in p#1410
This sounds like flailing.On a vote that wasn't going to change the EOD result
Your words not mineAlso reminder that Scum have self targeted.
Day 3 Event:
Matthieu was listening to the day’s events and was getting tired of someone’s voice. He closed his eyes and telekinetically launched a rock at GrumpyCat’s throat. GrumpyCat fell over clutching his throat, trying to speak but could not. He was able to get to his feet, but his voice would take some time to return.
Grumpy had a 3day immunity from d1 votes. Solidsnake was killed at the end of D1, but revived N1.Wasn’t that GC?
No i just kept voteing normalJackSparrow did you really not notice your vote was stolen?
Anything else to add? You posted once last phase and only once this phase. If you dont want to incur listo's wrath, maybe participate.Vote: JackSparrow
I should probably post
Its unlikely to be a notification. It would be more you paying attention. Hey, I know I voted for X, why am I not on there. Hey VK, was that a mistake?Didnt get any notification or anything??
Well mechanically you have the same number of scum outs (3) as many of the other players, namely: Arceus, myself, JackSparrow, MasterChief, you and Sepiroth (possibly Solidsnake, will need to re-read)I was previously liking bacon but now I don’t know.
Day 3 Event:
Matthieu was listening to the day’s events and was getting tired of someone’s voice. He closed his eyes and telekinetically launched a rock at GrumpyCat’s throat. GrumpyCat fell over clutching his throat, trying to speak but could not. He was able to get to his feet, but his voice would take some time to return.
Your words
Mechanically this is incorrect.Well mechanically you have the same number of scum outs (3) as many of the other players, namely: Arceus, myself, JackSparrow, MasterChief, you and Sepiroth (possibly Solidsnake, will need to re-read)
Hogan and Mediveh (read-dependent) have one possible role now that Matthieu is not ArtTheClown, Moana is basically clean, and I just realised I left Xavier off my spreadsheet![]()
So then you have to go onto reads, voting patterns, which I did last night/beginning of today. Check my ISO, it won't take longWell mechanically you have the same number of scum outs (3) as many of the other players, namely: Arceus, myself, JackSparrow, MasterChief, you and Sepiroth (possibly Solidsnake, will need to re-read)
Hogan and Mediveh (read-dependent) have one possible role now that Matthieu is not ArtTheClown, Moana is basically clean, and I just realised I left Xavier off my spreadsheet![]()
Who is this referring to? If me, I posted that quote from VK to show that what Bacon was saying was incorrect based off of that.You keep posting quotes, but not saying anything about them. What are you trying to say?
What about the possibility of Art being stumped scum?3 scum. Living players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. HulkHogan
4. JackSparrow
5. MasterChief
6. Medivh
7. Moana
8. Sauron
9. Sephiroth
10. SolidSnake
11. XavierWoods
I need to take another look at the night actions. But I believe scum is in that group of 5 (Hulk and Sauron to a lesser degree), and if I'm wrong, I'll tip the cap to whoever hoodwinked me.
Bur for now,
Vote: JackSparrow
Hulk has said what he needed to say earlier so suggest you read that. For the umpteenth time not Matthieu dudes.Still don’t like Jack but some of the players voting them are pinging me. Bacon’s read progression on me makes no sense and Medivh isn’t doing anything. Hulk is the Mathieu thing but it’s possible they didn’t act. \_0_/
Well I've double checked, and none of our screen names appear in the writeups that I can see. SolidSnake can't be matthieu though, so he only has two scum outsMechanically this is incorrect.
The flavour names appear on actions done and the screen names of alive players are the actions being done to them.Well I've double checked, and none of our screen names appear in the writeups that I can see. SolidSnake can't be matthieu though, so he only has two scum outs
Hmm, it’s possible.What about the possibility of Art being stumped scum?
Hulk has said what he needed to say earlier so suggest you read that. For the umpteenth time not Matthieu dudes.
Here’s another question. Why would scum Diva go after Mevidh who wasn’t a threat and not doing much? Scum trying to look clear if Mevidh is Matthieu
Why do you have Medvidh in blue if you think they could be Matthieu?What about the possibility of Art being stumped scum?
Hulk has said what he needed to say earlier so suggest you read that. For the umpteenth time not Matthieu dudes.
Here’s another question. Why would scum Diva go after Mevidh who wasn’t a threat and not doing much? Scum trying to look clear if Mevidh is Matthieu
I was quoting Bacon who put him in blueWhy do you have Medvidh in blue if you think they could be Matthieu?
Sorry then.I was quoting Bacon who put him in blue
Not ignoring this ill look back in a bit im in the middle of somthing importantThe flavour names appear on actions done and the screen names of alive players are the actions being done to them.
@JackSparrow , @Bacon , what is your opinion on my posts near the start of EoD because I don’t think either of you have commented on that at all.
Cos that isnt 1410 or whatever it is in the VC
What evidence points to Medivh!town?3 scum. Living players:
1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. HulkHogan
4. JackSparrow
5. MasterChief
6. Medivh
7. Moana
8. Sauron
9. Sephiroth
10. SolidSnake
11. XavierWoods
I need to take another look at the night actions. But I believe scum is in that group of 5 (Hulk and Sauron to a lesser degree), and if I'm wrong, I'll tip the cap to whoever hoodwinked me.
Bur for now,
Vote: JackSparrow
What Im saying is, If you just quote things, and post nothing else, it not helpful. Comment what you want people to see from the quote.Who is this referring to? If me, I posted that quote from VK to show that what Bacon was saying was incorrect based off of that.
Highly unlikely, since all Scum have acted since Art was made a treeWhat about the possibility of Art being stumped scum?
Clarified with the next post after that as meant to take that quote out after seeing Matthieu acted again.Highly unlikely, since all Scum have acted since Art was made a tree
Im pretty confident I know who Medivh is. Solely based on activity level and posting style.Someone else said they knew who Medivh was, and that someone else was a scum.
That wasn’t intentional for the most part. I really don’t know why that keeps happening.What Im saying is, If you just quote things, and post nothing else, it not helpful. Comment what you want people to see from the quote.
Saw that, was replying as i was reading posts.Clarified with the next post after that as meant to take that quote out after seeing Matthieu acted again.