Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Listo had been listening intently and looking over everything. He decided that he didn't appreciate everyone coming after the Hulkster and slammed his fist down, unequivocally stating that HulkHogan is off the table today. Listo then sat back and continued to listen.

HulkHogan cannot be voted on today and all votes upon him have been reset.

Day 6 Vote Count:

JackSparrow - 5 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527, HulkHogan #2547, Sauron #2559, Sephiroth #2596)
Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537)
Bacon - 1 (JackSparrow #2564)
Arceus - 1 (MasterChief #2601)

Not Voting: Arceus, SolidSnake, XavierWoods #2603

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5
Listo had been listening intently and looking over everything. He decided that he didn't appreciate everyone coming after the Hulkster and slammed his fist down, unequivocally stating that HulkHogan is off the table today. Listo then sat back and continued to listen.

HulkHogan cannot be voted on today and all votes upon him have been reset.

Day 6 Vote Count:

JackSparrow - 5 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527, HulkHogan #2547, Sauron #2559, Sephiroth #2596)
Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537)
Bacon - 1 (JackSparrow #2564)
Arceus - 1 (MasterChief #2601)

Not Voting: Arceus, SolidSnake, XavierWoods #2603

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5
An interesting option for Listo... with Hulk sitting at 1 vote.

SS doesnt have a vote today. Was taken from him.
Arceus has been around but hasnt voted.

If we are ok ending early, i can hammer.
Disagree actually. Their read list is very poor and extremely inconsistent, they could easily be seen as shielding Seph. They were around when the event hit causing EOD1. They wanted GC to be the person to receive 3 votes (which GC stole with almost the last vote of the day.) I also dont think Arceus has been targeted by a single scum action?
Nor town action, the same as you and I. Nevertheless, it's a read I formed early, so could be worth revisiting.
johnny depp fangirl challenge GIF
Final Day 6 Vote Count:

JackSparrow - 6 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527, HulkHogan #2547, Sauron #2559, Sephiroth #2596, Arceus #2589)

Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537)
Bacon - 1 (JackSparrow #2564)
Arceus - 1 (MasterChief #2601)

Not Voting: SolidSnake, XavierWoods #2604

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5


JackSparrow fought valiantly for his position as Captain. He would not let these landlubbers take what was rightfully his. He used his pointed tongue to sway the town, but ultimately the group was not convinced. JackSparrow was led to the plank, over the conveniently located pool of lava that appeared. JackSparrow was then dropkicked into the lava and ceased to be the best pirate ever.

JackSparrow, playing as DivaSmurf, the Supremacy JOAT, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Claws


The ghost of Morrison grinned as it was a sweet sweet sound to hear the word, brother. A light fired from the afterlife hitting Medivh square in the chest, raising him into the air, and then depositing him roughly on the ground. Medivh stood shakily, clearly weakened.


It is now Night 6. Night 6 will end on June 18th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid.
Day 7 Start
Marack knew there were less and less of them each day. He formulated a plan he felt would help the most and set out on his path. Marack came across Sephiroth and shot a spitball at him, just as Sephiroth was taking aim, causing him to lose focus and aim awry.

Dreyski grabbed his camera again and decided Arceus would be his muse today. He aimed his camera at Arceus’ communication array and waited for messages to arrive.

Tildey had another mark. She was no longer interested in wrestlers and decided to go after video games instead. She found MasterChief and convinced him to come with her so she could see what was under the helmet. However, like others, MasterChief was tossed into a cage for the night as Tildey started a new crochet project.

Badger decided that he needed to get out and about tonight. He went out and found HulkHogan and kept an eye on his camp to see who came to visit.

Robozerim wanted to do a trick with his dice again so he headed on over to Moana’s camp to show her the tricks again, erecting a shield. Just as the shield finished forming, a missile crashed directly into the shield, tossing Robozerim and Moana aside. Both of them were okay however and they stood up shakily.

Lora let out a stream of curses that would have made a sailor blush, as he ran quickly away from the scene of the crime.


Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. HulkHogan
4. MasterChief
5. Medivh
6. Moana
7. Sauron
8. Sephiroth
9. SolidSnake
10. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
11. Twintania, playing as Firebert, the Supremacy Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: MTR
12. Rikishi, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
13. GrumpyCat, playing as Morrison, the Supremacy Super JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: Satsu
14. JackSparrow, playing as DivaSmurf, the Supremacy JOAT, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Claws

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end on June 20th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 10 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Assuming I have no errors anywhere...

Lora- Sauron, Arceus, Bacon, Medivh, SolidSnake

Matthieu- Arceus, Bacon, HulkHogan, MasterChief, Medvih

Thoughts town?
There's 2 mafia left, a jail keeper, a watcher/cop, and a doctor left with 10 players left alive. Two TPR's to block kills, plus a couple variations of investigation out there, we effectively can't lose this game unless we do so on purpose.

Prime Lynch targets
Masterchief was jailed, a kill attempt still went out. Clearly not Lora, but the other mafian was missing. He could be that one.
HulkHogan if I recall was also jailed on a night that the second mafian was missing. Similar enough situation, though Moana said her spreadsheet very likely clears him.
Bacon wasn't touched last night, and remains a candidate for either, I think.

Secondary targets:

The Unlikely target

The No Ways

Those are all the players left, barring myself who I obviously don't want to lynch. Even with me added to the lynch targets, with so many powerful townies left, and the mafia seemingly running on empty, we could just start lynching one after another and we'd get it, either through preemptive semi-blind lynch or because the power roles clear enough people to be sure of who to lynch in a couple days.

In that vein, I'm going to just start voting the highest crossover between my prime lynch target category and Moana's spreadsheet based candidates. That would be Bacon.

For the sake of honesty, I would put myself in prime lynch target category if I were to put myself somewhere. Stepping out of myself for a moment, the logical thing to do as far as outside observer me is concerned is to lynch both Bacon and myself on consecutive days, unless one of us is cleared by a TPR.

Vote: Bacon
Numbers added up, names didn't. Just replace the HulkHogan in the secondary target category with Sauron. I'm tired and made a boo boo.
Assuming I have no errors anywhere...

Lora- Sauron, Arceus, Bacon, Medivh, SolidSnake

Matthieu- Arceus, Bacon, HulkHogan, MasterChief, Medvih

Thoughts town?
Good job. Never know when there's a weird mechanic, but I think you've probably got it.

I should iso. There was something that pinged me d1 on arceus, and I'm purely gutting there first. But could be him and bacon.
Okay, their is one way I can see us losing this: if we get more weird random kills like what happened with Grumpycat, and it hits nothing but town.
Day 7 Event
Listo stood and looked around at everyone left. Everyone shut up immediately as he looked around, one by one, taking stock of all in front of him. He stood tall and spoke firmly. “I have had enough. I am going to take my shot.”

He turned around, pointing the gun directly at Arceus and pulling the trigger. Arceus flew backwards, a hole appearing in his forehead. Listo looked around at everyone and nodded solemnly, taking his seat.

Arceus, playing as Lora, the Supremacy Killer has been killed. Actual Poster: Robozerim

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end on June 20th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

You may continue posting.
Nobody visited Hulk last night. Thats for passing on the info. Think its useful right now to share everything we get and can.

Wish I was able to determine anything from what I did, but no dice.
Bringing my convo with Rikishi back up before he was NKed.

My PoE to him was Sauron, Hulk, Masterchief
His PoE to me was Sauron, Sephiroth, Masterchief
There's 2 mafia left, a jail keeper, a watcher/cop, and a doctor left with 10 players left alive. Two TPR's to block kills, plus a couple variations of investigation out there, we effectively can't lose this game unless we do so on purpose.

Prime Lynch targets
Masterchief was jailed, a kill attempt still went out. Clearly not Lora, but the other mafian was missing. He could be that one.
HulkHogan if I recall was also jailed on a night that the second mafian was missing. Similar enough situation, though Moana said her spreadsheet very likely clears him.
Bacon wasn't touched last night, and remains a candidate for either, I think.

Secondary targets:

The Unlikely target

The No Ways

Oh, I see what I did. I'm dumb, I put HulkHogan twice.
Would Arceus intentionally put their last teammate in the prime lynch? Would they intentionally forget to put their last teammate in? Would scum steal a vote from their teammate the day before?

Think we have MC, Seph, Bacon, and to a lesser extent HH to look at.

Unless my super paranoid tinfoil of Moana being final scum... But i doubt that right now.
Here's where Moana is at.

We have 9 players remaining. Only 4 can be scum (maybe 5 if something fishy happened). Moana is fine going to sleep and letting the town power roles town power.

And if we do this, I need town to do a favor for me...

Unless my super paranoid tinfoil of Moana being final scum... But i doubt that right now.

Funny you say that...since I have the same for you.
IMO, Medivh seems to have given up. If they dont post and vote, listo can take care of.
That's why I asked them. A simple question.

Listo already took my lynch target today. Medvih was his shot so I want to steal it from him...oending if it was true as the scum side of the question.

If they are town, a simple town response will make my vote a lot easier.
That's why I asked them. A simple question.

Listo already took my lynch target today. Medvih was his shot so I want to steal it from him...oending if it was true as the scum side of the question.

If they are town, a simple town response will make my vote a lot easier.
The downside is their play is completely NAI.

Would be nice is the stump came in with anything, or the others of lower activity stepped up and gave their opinions.
I just want an answer from @Medivh

They were tired of YOU PEOPLE. I haven't bothered them all game.

If they are town, I'll move right along. If they are scum and are REALLY done with it...we can accommodate that as well.
I just want an answer from @Medivh

They were tired of YOU PEOPLE. I haven't bothered them all game.

If they are town, I'll move right along. If they are scum and are REALLY done with it...we can accommodate that as well.
Ive asked them questions to try to get them engaged.

We still havent heard from about half the people today, so would rather people get the chance to get their posts on and not be a listo target.
I'm not sure this is predictive for medivh. Bacon has been near the top for a while. Arc's last post about Bacon may have just been resigned scum throwing one last thing out there.
So unless I've messed up: Bacon or Medvih?

Which one do you want to toss first? And why?
If Medvih is who the Hulkster thinks it is, then yeah it’s difficult to tell with them dude. Just wish they’d give reads but not a surprise if it’s that person. Maybe Listomania will run wild on them. Hulkster was going to suggest MC alongside Bacon and Medvih but if you have MC marked as someone then….
A scum Bacon who led a lynch on scum JackSparrow? My, you have active imaginations. I’ve been busy at night, but I’m not Matthieu.
The only other thought is Sauron but they seem to have trouble using some of the site’s functions (if they did then there team-mates would’ve probably helped them) and the way they were posting doesn’t seem like being coached but I guess we shouldn’t rule it out totally.
I mean I get it, I haven’t been visited at all, so instead of looking at the one scum role, how many town roles are available?
I mean I get it, I haven’t been visited at all, so instead of looking at the one scum role, how many town roles are available?
OK, so what are you doing to help town? What are your thoughts on those alive? Who would you lynch and why?

All your responses seam weak. Its not me man. Do something to prove it.
It is not unheard of for scum to ship one of their own.

Since you say you arent scum, where's your head at and why?
I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

2. Bacon - Town
3. HulkHogan
4. MasterChief
5. Medivh
6. Moana - Town
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town
The only other thought is Sauron but they seem to have trouble using some of the site’s functions (if they did then there team-mates would’ve probably helped them) and the way they were posting doesn’t seem like being coached but I guess we shouldn’t rule it out totally.
The site isnt that hard to deal with. Navigation is pretty damn simple. Multi-quote was the only thing that took me more then a glance to figure out. So the site is hard, is a weak excuse, like bacons attempts so far today.
I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

2. Bacon - Town
3. HulkHogan
4. MasterChief
5. Medivh
6. Moana - Town
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town
This looks like you pulled everyone elses lists and put it in a different form. No real why to any of it.
I can’t get past Matthieu not acting when Hogan and MasterChief were jailed. But if my hunch on Hogan is correct, MasterChief is the strongest candidate for a lynch. But I’d to revisit this this evening.
OK, so what are you doing to help town? What are your thoughts on those alive? Who would you lynch and why?

All your responses seam weak. Its not me man. Do something to prove it.
I’ve been doing something at night, and seem to be quite accurate with my targets. Outside of kill attempts, think on why I trusted Subzero, Moana and you to be town.
Unless you would rather have me modkilled. Just don’t be surprised when the game continues.
The site isnt that hard to deal with. Navigation is pretty damn simple. Multi-quote was the only thing that took me more then a glance to figure out. So the site is hard, is a weak excuse, like bacons attempts so far today.
That is true, as said still not ruling it out. Aside from Bacon and Med, still have Sauron in the back of my mind along with MC (but Moana seems to have a hunch who that is).
Is Bacon the only one reading my posts from yesterday? *head explodes*. lol.

I’m extremely glad Arcerus wasn’t jailed.

That event at EoD 6 is extremely interesting. Scum wifomming Medivh.

Is Medivh scum who scum was trying to look clear or a townie who they wanted to look suss?
I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

2. Bacon - Town
3. HulkHogan
4. MasterChief
5. Medivh
6. Moana - Town
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town
If anyone does, Listo should target them.
What do you think about EoD 6 event?
NAI. Anything done by or to that slot really hasnt helped town.

The ghost of Morrison grinned as it was a sweet sweet sound to hear the word, brother. A light fired from the afterlife hitting Medivh square in the chest, raising him into the air, and then depositing him roughly on the ground. Medivh stood shakily, clearly weakened.
Seems like it could be a lack of vote similar to SS. Could be making them vanilla. Either way, without effort coming from the slot, it doesnt assist us.
What do people make of Mathieu not performing any na last night?
Could have limited charges of abilities. Might have to take a day between abilities being used. Could have holstered to make it harder for people to catch them in the act. Could have given up and not put in actions.
Vote: Medivh

Placeholder vote. Been up all night and want to get a few hours sleep. Im sure itll turn into more then I intend. So protecting myself in case day ends early.
I can’t get past Matthieu not acting when Hogan and MasterChief were jailed. But if my hunch on Hogan is correct, MasterChief is the strongest candidate for a lynch. But I’d to revisit this this evening.
I’m going to hazard a wild guess that he was jk’d because him trying to save Jack yesterday.

Too bad CWE didn’t track someone other than the Listo shot.

Does SolidSnake get NAs? If not, I think we need to be extremely careful who we vote out today.
NAI. Anything done by or to that slot really hasnt helped town.

Seems like it could be a lack of vote similar to SS. Could be making them vanilla. Either way, without effort coming from the slot, it doesnt assist us.
The obvious difference being that SolidSnake has been really townie and we know that their vote was blocked.

Idk why Bacon is being voted? I think it’s most likely between Master and Medivh. I’d say outside chance of Hulk but I’m going to trust in Listo.

Scum has to be desperate now. Medivh is hardly a threat to scum, so Morrison picked them for a reason.

I don’t think it’s similar to Snake though. I think that wasn’t wifom, scum wanted to likely remove a town vote.
I just remembered a post by flipped scum saying they knew who Medivh was but since this is an anonymous game, how could they know that unless he’s a buddy?
They’ve been trying to mislynch me all game. Just look at Arceus “accidentally”putting me twice and Listo blasted him.

Listo gets me and has been on the mark all game.

Done the Hulk gimmick not just for shits and giggles…there was a method to the Hulk madness…”brothers”
They’ve been trying to mislynch me all game. Just look at Arceus “accidentally”putting me twice and Listo blasted him.

Listo gets me and has been on the mark all game.

Done the Hulk gimmick not just for shits and giggles…there was a method to the Hulk madness…”brothers”
Actually, Jack was totally okay with voting me, you and Bacon yesterday. I don’t think with Jack being so heavily sussed he would try to vote out a buddy.
Vote: bacon[/VOTE

I think it would make a better CFD vote than an early day vote but if you want to save Peach then join. or give better alternative.

Vote: Medivh

Unhelpful. Random. Wont solve this game.
Is this possibly clearing? I just can’t help thinking that scum wants us to think it’s Medidh. \_0_/

PoE is in Medidh, Master and outside chance of Sephiroth but I ‘d only vote there if game doesn’t end.

I think both Hulk and Bacon are likely town based on Jack voting them.

And the only slots jk’d when Mathieu didn’t act were Hulk - who I think we can remove because of Jack and Master who practically did cartwheels to try to save Jack.

Vote: MasterChief

I’m not opposed to Medivh though but Master even tried to push Jack’s vote being stolen on Hades and then tried to drag out the day.

Whichever one of them we vote out, if game doesn’t end, I’d vote the other. If it still doesn’t end, it has to then be Sephiroth but I don’t think so but I don’t think it can be anyone else.
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