Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

I think it's some or all of these ones
I have a theory that scum has figured out who I am and won’t kill me because they’re counting on misliming me instead. Look at tye write ups with AJ never being mentioned as actually doing anything and the night of the first day I subbed in. Not rocket science.

Town should also be able to figure it out.

If I have to quote all the writeups in a row, until everyone figures it out, I will. Apparently I will have to since no one else is bothering.

I did yesterday and I did try to hint but read the write ups and see who’s missing on the nights AJ was posting and the first night I subbed in.

I’m not allowed, I asked VK yesterday.

No, not their POSTS, the WRITE UPS. AJ wasn’t mentioned in them as ACTiVELY doing anything and neither was I the night after I made a single post at EoD. I didn’t submit an anything because I hadn’t read anything yet. Read the writeups, someone is absent from the write ups because AJ eirher never submitted anything or they were rb’d.

I’m not following, sorry but anyone who does what I am suggesting has to be able to figure it out. There is one active tole who didn’t do anything active when AJ had my slot or the night after the day I subbed in.

I think Sauron is claiming to be CWE. Someone tell me they are lying. And if you are afraid to, TARGET THEM.

Am I allowed to say No to that? Then NO.
Looks like a silence. We've been talking about it.
Yep. We're same page. He said it was a silence and voted. That was an attempt at a meaninglessness action to clear.

Feel like we're making this more complicated than it is. Don't clear people from scum on things that don't actually hurt. Just clear roles
No, not their POSTS, the WRITE UPS. AJ wasn’t mentioned in them as ACTiVELY doing anything and neither was I the night after I made a single post at EoD. I didn’t submit an anything because I hadn’t read anything yet. Read the writeups, someone is absent from the write ups because AJ eirher never submitted anything or they were rb’d.
Hopefullt my formatting holds up - the characters (not posters) acting each night:

N1 (mass block) N3 N5
Listo Morrison Robozerim
Morrison Robozerim CWE
Diva 3puppies Lora
Sabi Dreyski Dreyski
Lora Robozerim (targeted Sauron) Morrison
Pablo Diablo (targeted Sauron) Diva
CWE Tildey
Listo Matthieu

N2 N4
Sabi Pablo Diablo
Pablo Diablo
Robozerim Lora
Matthieu Tildey
Marack DivaSmurf
Listo Badger
3puppies Listo
(Sauron subbed in)
Some food for thought for people with investigative roles. If you've shared information with someone and they havent come forward with it, might be a way to out scum. Obviously make sure you looked at the NA writeups to see if you were blocked, redirected, jailed or any of those actions were against the person you sent said information to.
N1 (mass block)

Pablo Diablo

(Sauron subbed in)

Robozerim (targeted Sauron)
Pablo Diablo (targeted Sauron)

Pablo Diablo


For me the obvious takeaway is that ArtTheClown was most likely 3puppies.

And I think Sauron is claiming Tildey (if he joined prior to N2, Marack and Dreyski are possibilites)
my bad, forgot to colour in DivaSmurf N1.
@Sauron This is a lot of trouble I'm going to becuase you're a bit bent out of shape other people are townier than you in my eyes.

@Moana @HulkHogan Do you think a scum would dedicate this amount of work to solving a puzzle? Reconsider that vote.
my bad, forgot to colour in DivaSmurf N1.
@Sauron This is a lot of trouble I'm going to becuase you're a bit bent out of shape other people are townier than you in my eyes.

@Moana @HulkHogan Do you think a scum would dedicate this amount of work to solving a puzzle? Reconsider that vote.
If put in a tight spot, scum can and often will put in a lot of work/effort to get off the blocks. I know Ive done it in the past.
Well what more can I do to convince you?

(And I really typed up all that on notepad first, which is why the fomatting got botched first time round. Scum me would have said 'fuck it', if Id bothered writing anything at all.

What do you think of my conclusions r.e. Art and Sauron?
I meant to take it out actually as re-read about Mathieu acting like when Art was stumped so just wanted to just quote you in the end but it multiquoted.

But yeah I’ve questioned Medvih before, the only good thing looking about them was the Diva block but why did they do that?

@Medivh if you’re town, who are your reads?
I don't know?
As for saurons bit im a tad confused why any1 would be "scared" to target them and if they were like a vengful or reflector type i wouldnt be putting that info out here.

i am however glad you have been doing alot better from the first couple days and your very Inquistive.
I think it's some or all of these ones
Should have
my bad, forgot to colour in DivaSmurf N1.
@Sauron This is a lot of trouble I'm going to becuase you're a bit bent out of shape other people are townier than you in my eyes.

@Moana @HulkHogan Do you think a scum would dedicate this amount of work to solving a puzzle? Reconsider that vote.
I just thought you had changed your read on me and it didn’t make sense that you had me as a toxnlean before I mzde those posts that you were kind enough to requote. I am not allowed to confirm my flavour.
As for saurons bit im a tad confused why any1 would be "scared" to target them and if they were like a vengful or reflector type i wouldnt be putting that info out here.

i am however glad you have been doing alot better from the first couple days and your very Inquistive.
What I was saying is that if scum can miselim me, they would obviously prefer that. However now, it might be reversed.
What I was saying is that if scum can miselim me, they would obviously prefer that. However now, it might be reversed.
Day 6 Vote Count:

Bacon - 3 (JackSparrow #2359, Moana #2384, HulkHogan #2402)
JackSparrow - 2 (Medivh #2346, Bacon #2427)
HulkHogan - 1 (XavierWoods #2352)
Sleep - 1 (Sauron #2488)

Not Voting: Arceus, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, MasterChief #2458

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5
@Arceus, @Sephiroth, @SolidSnake, @MasterChief, where are you currently leaning?
For those who do not wish to search for the last one I gave out, but still wish to see it, here it is copy/pasted with the newly dead people removed, otherwise unchanged.

Xavier Woods- Dunno if he's stepping up in the absence of Subzero, or if he's just more noticeable without Subzero's very large number of posts. Either way, I like him today and think he's a bad choice for lynch at the moment.

Sauron- He's trying today, though is getting tripped up a bit by the admittedly confusing triple naming scheme we've got going on (Random user name, Character name based on actual users, real user name). Being a sub is hard at the best of times, so I want to give him benefit of the doubt for now and leave him as neutral.
Sephiroth- Still don't remember much of anything, maybe I'll look into his stuff later, but for now I'll just leave him as neutral.
Bacon- Moving him down from the trust-ish category. While I don't feel particularly suspicious of him, I can't say I feel good about him anymore.
Medivh- Let's be honest, she probably should've been here from the start. Sort of suspicious and not very helpful is really not alignment indicative for her, and as likely an easy mislynch as she is scum. Who knows?

Hulk Hogan- As before, still like the RP and such, but not feeling great about him overall. Almost putting him in neutral because of the role block, but there are still scum who weren't seen acting if I'm not mistaken, so it's not a sure thing.
Jacksparrow- Moving up from the full distrust category he was in previously, but still not somebody I trust. The defensive "oh why me posts" aren't really doing him favours in my mind, but the sharing vote similarities with Alysrazor isn't quite as damning as it seems because all those guys in the competing trains were townies.
Masterchief- Noticed how his posts are frequent, but generally empty. While there are occasional reads on individuals I see, there's not a lot going on with that. I'm edging him towards distrust, but it's not a strong distrust at this point.
Actually I just read this and LMAO'd.

You put Medivh and Seph in Neutral for "Doing nothing" and then put me at bottom of distrust for the same reason? This is a bullshit reads list
Friends. I would stop discussing actions and who did what on nights. I will have to bring out my mod bat.
Cartoon Bonk GIF by DogeBONK
Actually I just read this and LMAO'd.

You put Medivh and Seph in Neutral for "Doing nothing" and then put me at bottom of distrust for the same reason? This is a bullshit reads list
I put Medivh in neutral because I know who the player is, and being unhelpful and generally suspicious is how they always are, regardless of their actual alignment. I also gotta be honest, the recent posts make me want to lynch them anyway for being purposely unhelpful, risk of easy mislynch or not.
I had put Sephiroth in neutral because I wasn't remembering anything and had been too lazy to look through his post history.
I put you at a lesser trust because I remembered seeing a lot of posts, but they had been almost entirely insubstantial at the time I had actually written it.
My first instinct is still Jack. Human nature, perhaps, to not want to change your mind when you've declared that you don't trust somebody. Nobody's come forth saying they got results of him being guilty, nobody has said they found results of him being innocent. Maybe Rikishi received the result, or maybe the person just doesn't want to put a target on their back by coming out. /shrug

Pointing out out the whole Hulk Hogan being jailed on a night when a scum player seemed absent and then their presence the next night when he wasn't blocked is definitely a curious thing, a mark against Hogan if you will. Not a sure thing, as I'm pretty sure we've not had all scum act every night, but definitely a mark against.

Bacon has been shown as a suspect by Moana's spread sheeting. He was a neutral/unknown read for me, which is not a good sign this late in the game. I can't say I'm opposed to lynching him.

Medivh is Medivh. Maybe lynch.

Sephiroth is...uh...okay, let's try looking at his posts. Okay. Clearly not a wordy person, and not a lot of contributions as a result. Notice a decent bit of cautioning against people making assumptions, basing these cautions on past experiences. Things like busing, and how scum can target themselves and such, so you shouldn't auto clear people for being a scum target unless it's for something that really hurts. I wouldn't go so far as to say I trust him, but he's one of the better neutral reads for now.

Masterchief getting all defensive and occasionally indecisive. Such things aren't really alignment indicative. I still can't say I trust him.
Also, Masterchief is part of the Moana spreadsheet suspects. So is Jacksparrow, and before anybody decides to try throwing it in my face, yes, I'm on the spreadsheet suspect list too.

Now it is awfully late and I need sleep. Good night.
Bacon has been shown as a suspect by Moana's spread sheeting. He was a neutral/unknown read for me, which is not a good sign this late in the game. I can't say I'm opposed to lynching him.
*Sigh* I can’t be held responsible for not being targeted at night.
Okay think we’re getting to the point we need to consolidate. Seems to come down to Bacon or Jack. Is there any one we feel more strongly about than the other?
Day 6 Vote Count:

Bacon - 2 (JackSparrow #2359, HulkHogan #2402)
JackSparrow - 2 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527)
HulkHogan - 1 (XavierWoods #2352)
Sleep - 1 (Sauron #2488)
Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537

Not Voting: Arceus, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, MasterChief #2458

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 4
@Medivh, whatever you are, your play is truly baffling. I just think that I have to vote for Hulk because of the Mathieu thing. Sorry.

Vote: HulkHogan.

While it’s possible that Mathieu holstered on the same night that Hulk was jailed, I think I need to vote here for that reason.
@Medivh, whatever you are, your play is truly baffling. I just think that I have to vote for Hulk because of the Mathieu thing. Sorry.

Vote: HulkHogan.

While it’s possible that Mathieu holstered on the same night that Hulk was jailed, I think I need to vote here for that reason.
I can get behind this the reasoning seems prety sound and is a good catch

Vote: hulk
Friends. I would stop discussing actions and who did what on nights. I will have to bring out my mod bat.
Discussing who did what on a day one
No clue, though that writeup is rather ominous. Going to test to see if I still have a vote.

Vote: JackSparrow
Snake did vote and it’s not showing up but we do know that they were visite
Day 6 Vote Count:

Bacon - 2 (JackSparrow #2359, HulkHogan #2402)
JackSparrow - 2 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527)
HulkHogan - 1 (XavierWoods #2352)
Sleep - 1 (Sauron #2488)
Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537

Not Voting: Arceus, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, MasterChief #2458

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority:
No clue, though that writeup is rather ominous. Going to test to see if I still have a vote.

Vote: JackSparrow
Snake voted but it’s not showing up and we know Mathieu visit
No clue, though that writeup is rather ominous. Going to test to see if I still have a vote.

Vote: JackSparrow
Matthieu looked around and saw SolidSnake leaning up against the wall. He went over to talk to him and Matthieu started confusing SolidSnake and making him doubt his thoughts and choices. SolidSnake wouldn’t be making any major decisions tomorrow, that’s for sure. He had a lot to think about.

Snake did vote but it’s not showing up in the VC, so Mathieu has to be some kind of vote nullifier. “Major decisions”= can’t vote.
Just checked the writeups. Mathieu acted on n2, d3 and n5 and @MasterChief, no evidence in the writeups that Jack has ever been acted on, so how could he have had his vote on Hades stolen?

Unless I missed it but don’t think so?
CWE was walking around during the night, watching whatever the hell that orb was when he saw JackSparrow and went over to him. CWE struck up some friendly conversation over a spare bottle of tequila he always had, hoping to figure JackSparrow out.

I stand corrected, It does Jack was some kind of copped so Hulk is correct. But obviously not a hard cop or we’d be either seeing a hard inno or hard guilty on him.
How is it obvious? What about your posts points away from that?
If I make it any plainer I’ll be modkilled so I can only repeat what I’ve previously said. Those posts where I was questioning two actions performed on you one night. I have reason to believe that at least one of those actions performed on you that was messed with (nothing to do with you). Just think
If I make it any plainer I’ll be modkilled so I can only repeat what I’ve previously said. Those posts where I was questioning two actions performed on you one night. I have reason to believe that at least one of those actions performed on you that was messed with (nothing to do with you). Just think
There was a bus drive with Solid Snake and I think a doc by Robozerim.

Yeah, I think that could make sense.
I don’t think the doc on me makes sense,
As for saurons bit im a tad confused why any1 would be "scared" to target them and if they were like a vengful or reflector type i wouldnt be putting that info out here.

i am however glad you have been doing alot better from the first couple days and your very Inquistive.
You still never commented on my start of EoD posts. Now while I can understand that you might not want to do what Bacon did, you could still have made some kind of response to that.
Day 6 Vote Count:

JackSparrow - 4 (Bacon #2427, Moana #2527, HulkHogan #2547, Sauron #2559)
HulkHogan - 1 (XavierWoods #2352)
Medivh - 1 (Medivh #2537)
Bacon - 1 (JackSparrow #2564)

Not Voting: Arceus, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, MasterChief #2458

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 17th or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 4
As for saurons bit im a tad confused why any1 would be "scared" to target them and if they were like a vengful or reflector type i wouldnt be putting that info out here.

i am however glad you have been doing alot better from the first couple days and your very Inquistive.
If it’s this one,
If I make it any plainer I’ll be modkilled so I can only repeat what I’ve previously said. Those posts where I was questioning two actions performed on you one night. I have reason to believe that at least one of those actions performed on you that was messed with (nothing to do with you). Just think
I was bus driven with SolidSnake by Mathieu and doc’d I think by Robozerim.

There was a post by Twintania about the bus drive and I think they were hoping to get fake towncred if I got eliminated before them. The doc? Idk but I don’t know why I’d be protected when I hadn’t done anything. So I suppose that’s also possible?
That doesn’t have anything to do with my start of EoD posts though. What do they have anything to do with my being inquisitive? My start of EoD posts were about the writeups. I understand that you don’t want to comment on that specifically but saying I’m inquisitive has nothing whatsoever to do with them.
That doesn’t have anything to do with my start of EoD posts though. What do they have anything to do with my being inquisitive? My start of EoD posts were about the writeups. I understand that you don’t want to comment on that specifically but saying I’m inquisitive has nothing whatsoever to do with them.
IDk what post your talking about then and im not gunna waste my entire day looking
IDk what post your talking about then and im not gunna waste my entire day looking
Bacon quoted them all. I requoted at least one. Hulk also managed to comment on them in a way that was relevant but you who have been regularly posting, can’t find them?

And of course so did Moana, the player you’re saying hasn’t been helpful.
I wish Void had used a separate account just for the writeups because it’s a major pain having to have to separate them from the VCs.
If you click on Threadmarks, it will list all of them. If you click Reader Mode, you should then see them all on one screen.
Hopefullt my formatting holds up - the characters (not posters) acting each night:

N1 (mass block) N3 N5
Listo Morrison Robozerim
Morrison Robozerim CWE
Diva 3puppies Lora
Sabi Dreyski Dreyski
Lora Robozerim (targeted Sauron) Morrison
Pablo Diablo (targeted Sauron) Diva
CWE Tildey
Listo Matthieu

N2 N4
Sabi Pablo Diablo
Pablo Diablo
Robozerim Lora
Matthieu Tildey
Marack DivaSmurf
Listo Badger
3puppies Listo
(Sauron subbed in)
I just looked up day 2 start and couldn’t find any action by CWE performed on Tildney
D6, search my posts. It won’t take you very long or better yet, just start reading from the beginning of d6.
Or sez
If you click on Threadmarks, it will list all of them. If you click Reader Mode, you should then see them all on one screen.
View attachment 112
Thanks, I wish I had known about this before.
I’m extremely shocked about GC but Listo is scumhunting God.
Yes he is town mvp
No, not their POSTS, the WRITE UPS. AJ wasn’t mentioned in them as ACTiVELY doing anything and neither was I the night after I made a single post at EoD. I didn’t submit an anything because I hadn’t read anything yet. Read the writeups, someone is absent from the write ups because AJ eirher never submitted anything or they were rb’d.
Id have to look back for this
Are people clearing Medivh because red acted against them, or because they believe they know which character Medivh is? Cos its an important distinction.
Red acted against them, on the same night every other red (apart from Matthieu) acted. So they're as clear as HulkHogan, but with maybe more credit in the bank because scum acted against them. I still can't decide if the flavor indicates a block or not.
Vote: Medivh
I'm done. Fuck this game.
People arent voting you... there is literally no pressure on you. People are trying to get you engaged in the game instead of sitting back and making the minimal contributions to be "active." You have to have some opinions on the people of the game. Or are you not paying ANY attention to it and just trying to survive by doing the 5 posts and a vote minimum?
My first instinct is still Jack. Human nature, perhaps, to not want to change your mind when you've declared that you don't trust somebody. Nobody's come forth saying they got results of him being guilty, nobody has said they found results of him being innocent. Maybe Rikishi received the result, or maybe the person just doesn't want to put a target on their back by coming out. /shrug

Pointing out out the whole Hulk Hogan being jailed on a night when a scum player seemed absent and then their presence the next night when he wasn't blocked is definitely a curious thing, a mark against Hogan if you will. Not a sure thing, as I'm pretty sure we've not had all scum act every night, but definitely a mark against.

Bacon has been shown as a suspect by Moana's spread sheeting. He was a neutral/unknown read for me, which is not a good sign this late in the game. I can't say I'm opposed to lynching him.

Medivh is Medivh. Maybe lynch.

Sephiroth is...uh...okay, let's try looking at his posts. Okay. Clearly not a wordy person, and not a lot of contributions as a result. Notice a decent bit of cautioning against people making assumptions, basing these cautions on past experiences. Things like busing, and how scum can target themselves and such, so you shouldn't auto clear people for being a scum target unless it's for something that really hurts. I wouldn't go so far as to say I trust him, but he's one of the better neutral reads for now.

Masterchief getting all defensive and occasionally indecisive. Such things aren't really alignment indicative. I still can't say I trust him.
Don't forget I pushed incorrectly.
So after some sleep, my PC decided to have an issue this morning, so just getting back.

Seems we have essentially cleared Hogan of being red?
Only because he was blocked/jailed on a night when all but one scum acted, who then reappeared the next night. So could possibly be Matthieu, but cleared of Lora and DivaSmurf.
Arc's one of the people who could be any of the remaining characters. But their posts have been mostly seen as townie.
Disagree actually. Their read list is very poor and extremely inconsistent, they could easily be seen as shielding Seph. They were around when the event hit causing EOD1. They wanted GC to be the person to receive 3 votes (which GC stole with almost the last vote of the day.) I also dont think Arceus has been targeted by a single scum action?
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