Vanilla Townie
I think it's some or all of these ones
I have a theory that scum has figured out who I am and won’t kill me because they’re counting on misliming me instead. Look at tye write ups with AJ never being mentioned as actually doing anything and the night of the first day I subbed in. Not rocket science.
Town should also be able to figure it out.
If I have to quote all the writeups in a row, until everyone figures it out, I will. Apparently I will have to since no one else is bothering.
I did yesterday and I did try to hint but read the write ups and see who’s missing on the nights AJ was posting and the first night I subbed in.
I’m not allowed, I asked VK yesterday.
No, not their POSTS, the WRITE UPS. AJ wasn’t mentioned in them as ACTiVELY doing anything and neither was I the night after I made a single post at EoD. I didn’t submit an anything because I hadn’t read anything yet. Read the writeups, someone is absent from the write ups because AJ eirher never submitted anything or they were rb’d.
I’m not following, sorry but anyone who does what I am suggesting has to be able to figure it out. There is one active tole who didn’t do anything active when AJ had my slot or the night after the day I subbed in.
I think Sauron is claiming to be CWE. Someone tell me they are lying. And if you are afraid to, TARGET THEM.
Am I allowed to say No to that? Then NO.