Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

To be fair, I think Listo has control over who he kills and probably has the choice to holster, so honestly I'm not worried about everyone getting a vote in before we hammer.
All the same, void has missed my vote twice, so to repeat:
Vote: Alysrazor

I’m at work ATM so won’t be fully on until this evening.
Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 6 (Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653, SolidSnake #1674, Rikishi #1689, JackSparrow #1867, SubZero #1894)
Alysrazor - 3 (Arceus #1829, XavierWoods #1868, Bacon #1902)
Medivh - 1 (GrumpyCat #1713)
Bacon - 1 (Moana #1779)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, MasterChief, Medivh, PrincessPeach, Sauron, Twintania

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 6
Ok sorry Im finally here. RL has been kicking me in the nuts the last week but Ill try and be more active.

Sora flipping who he did makes me want to sheep him a little. He died witha vote on Medivh but at the time I believe 3 players wanted to veto that, do those 3 players still believe Medivh should be completely off the table?
I'm at a loss as to where to go, other than tug at the Princess thread and see where that takes us. Not a lot to work with, I know, though by your own admission you were entrusted with knowledge. I assume you would have been told the identity of the killer if actions had not been obscured, right? If I'm reading the write up correctly.
Does anyone trust SolidSnake at this point btw?
Ok sorry Im finally here. RL has been kicking me in the nuts the last week but Ill try and be more active.

Sora flipping who he did makes me want to sheep him a little. He died witha vote on Medivh but at the time I believe 3 players wanted to veto that, do those 3 players still believe Medivh should be completely off the table?
Not that I have a lot of room to talk, but Insaner was also pushing me hard and was the one who brought up Croissant, and then opted for Hades over a possible scum!Peach. So I'm not ready to just blindly sheep him on a player that is almost always NAI.

I think Med is worth vetting, sure, but overall don't feel a strong reason to vote there and would rather someone just try to investigate them.

As for Snake, I think the bus drive on N1 shows they tried to put him in the firing line of Listo since Applejack was a valid no-vote kill. I was a bit worried that he had fallen off this phase and was just floating on a Peach vote, but I felt better after he spoke up. It's possible it was some kind of cover, but it's really risky cover.
I very much distrust Xavier right now too. Everything he posted on this page is just wolfy

I don't feel great about King Woods any longer, but mostly it was based on his two late switch votes to yeet townies. I can see your point that his posts feel kind of, well, forced/unnatural, but I can also read them as honest confusion.

As for snake, I lean town for him.
What do you think of Peach, MasterChief? How about Alys?
Peach I can understand the performative arguments about, I also dont really see how they can say Croissant had a much better role than them. How would they know that, why is a bodyguard so important? Im 100% down for voting peach.

Alys has also left little to poor impression, but I need to double check because someone made a decents read list previously and I cant remember if it was ALys or someone else.
I don't feel great about King Woods any longer, but mostly it was based on his two late switch votes to yeet townies. I can see your point that his posts feel kind of, well, forced/unnatural, but I can also read them as honest confusion.

As for snake, I lean town for him.
Honestly, if Peach flips scum, I'm ok with XavierWoods for a while. I also kinda think his reaction to Sauron last night is more likely to come from frustrated town.
Thanks for this. I will try to skim through the game. How do you read croissant slot? I should probably look them up too.
croissant fell in a weird spot where they were got hit with some reasonable things early, and dug themselves in and didn't have a lot of counter. newer player had a tough time pulling out of the hole. the votes i felt were reasonable (i was in it and wanted the info), but i could be biased there. the people pulling late without much reason are still interesting to me there. but not conclusive without more info
Vote: PrincessPeach

Everyone but MasterChief has checked in. This is the only flip I'm really interested in today, and it seems like Peach has pretty much given up. So we can wait for MasterChief if you want, but I'm ready to get this over with.

Let's try to look into Alys/Twin/Jack/Hulk/MasterChief overnight. Maybe Sauron or Medivh just to be sure.
this is a solid suss list. i'm not saying let's roast, but still a bit curious on arc and a few.
i'm not convinced we understand listo correctly. his end day write-ups with two names make me think something different might be happening than what I assumed when i first saw the role.
this is a solid suss list. i'm not saying let's roast, but still a bit curious on arc and a few.
I'm good with vetting Arc, too. I just don't want people targeting the usual suspects again unless it makes sense for their role and these are the people I think could use clarification since they're all mostly in the general poe
Also, someone said that Medivh's voting record is NAI for them. I wholly disagree and think more often than not if they're voting scum, it's probably a better look. As long as they're not just straight bussing all game.

But again, either way, I think more people need to be checking them in the night actions more often. Not just here.
i'm not convinced we understand listo correctly. his end day write-ups with two names make me think something different might be happening than what I assumed when i first saw the role.
What if one day he get to target someone with 5 or fewer posts and the next it's someone who didn't vote?
Okay. Working on catching up. Crashed early Saturday due to knowing a long day was ahead of me on Sunday.

So scum hid actions it seems and their was some weird stuff going on with a couple people acting twice or something.

Scum tried to take out Moana and failed. So guess we can pretty much clear them as town.

Let me go through and see what else I can respond to or question or whatever before doing a vote.
Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 6 (Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653, SolidSnake #1674, Rikishi #1689, JackSparrow #1867, SubZero #1894)
Alysrazor - 3 (Arceus #1829, XavierWoods #1868, Bacon #1902)
Medivh - 1 (GrumpyCat #1713)
Bacon - 1 (Moana #1779)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, MasterChief, Medivh, PrincessPeach, Sauron, Twintania

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 6
Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 6 (Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653, SolidSnake #1674, Rikishi #1689, JackSparrow #1867, SubZero #1894)
Alysrazor - 4 (Arceus #1829, XavierWoods #1868, Bacon #1902, GrumpyCat #1929)
Bacon - 1 (Moana #1779)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, MasterChief, Medivh, PrincessPeach, Sauron, Twintania

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 6
Thats a pretty fair point. I dont wanna let the day end early if others wanna contribute.
I know I'm biased and maybe this is unfair, but we're in the last 8 hours and you're the last one we were waiting for. I think most people have said what they're gonna say.

It's all good, if people wanna wait I'll be patient. But imo this is the most ideal situation to early vote considering the game state and the Listo mechanic, understood or not.
Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 6 (Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653, SolidSnake #1674, Rikishi #1689, JackSparrow #1867, SubZero #1894)
Alysrazor - 5 (Arceus #1829, XavierWoods #1868, Bacon #1902, GrumpyCat #1929, PrincessPeach #1938)
Bacon - 1 (Moana #1779)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Medivh, Sauron, Twintania, MasterChief #1934

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 7
Okay. Trying to see what else I can add here.

We got a stump and yet people think stump was scum. That is interesting. I think Art was town and it all good and lets see if they can continue to help us solve.

Interesting that people think Sauron is possible scum. To me when scum did that bus drive on Applejack they were hoping to take out Solidsnake if Listo hit AppleJack but instead Listo took out their buddy. so Sauron subs in and to me I feel like both them and Solidsnake are town.

I like both trains going today but I have to say I am going with Peach. We have tiptoed around this yeet it seems. So lets do it.

Vote: Peach
Day 4 End
Final Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 9 (Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653, SolidSnake #1674, Rikishi #1689, JackSparrow #1867, SubZero #1894, Twintania #1943, Moana #1944, Medivh #1945)

Alysrazor - 5 (Arceus #1829, XavierWoods #1868, Bacon #1902, GrumpyCat #1929, PrincessPeach #1938)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Sauron, MasterChief #1934

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 8


PrincessPeach stood tall in front of everyone. She proclaimed that she cared only for her subjects and that she would gladly lay down her life if they so chose. She didn’t actually expect them to take her up on this offer, but they did. The crowd grabbed PrincessPeach and force fed her mushrooms until she exploded. PrincessPeach lived for the Mushroom Kingdom, but died to the mushrooms.

PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss


A new day and more marks were added to Listo’s ever growing list as it had each day. Listo cradled his head in his hands, upset by the fact no one would follow his plan. He stood up, shook it off, and headed off into the sunset to ensure the Riff-Raff would prevail.


It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end on June 13th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid.
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Day 5 Start
Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.

Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.

Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”

SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho

knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.

Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.

Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.

DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”

Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.

Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.

Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.

Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…

Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.

Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”

The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...


Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Last edited:
I know I look bad on voting record. And with Subzero and Sora gone, town needs to find another voice to rally behind. I dont think that voice is me. Not surprised with scum going after the more vocal people.
Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. PrincessPeach
10. Rikishi
11. Sauron
12. Sephiroth
13. SolidSnake
14. Twintania
15. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
6. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
7. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
8. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
9. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo
You have Peach in both living and dead
Town lean Arceus
Neutral Bacon
Town lean Grumpy
Neutral Hulk
Scum lean Jack
They exist? Master
Neutral Medivh (if they are who I believe they are)
Town Moana
Neutral Princess
Neutral Rikishi
Who? Sauron
Town lean Seph
Slight town Snake
Town Sub
Scum lean Twin
Scum lean Xavier

Based on what I recall from every player currently.
Does anyone know if Alys is an experienced scumplayer? I think unvoting right near EoD isn’t a great loo. (Msster)
What do you think of their list, seeing as they flipped scum?
It depends on whether they’re experienced or not I think. Newbie scum is most likely to put all of their buddies as nulls and more experienced tend to modify that.

Saying about Master, “they exist” is also kind of bizarre. I’m trying to decide if it means anything or not that they unvoted Ayls but didn’t vote Peach.

@Masterchef why did you unvote right before EoD?
Vote: PrincessPeach

Everyone but MasterChief has checked in. This is the only flip I'm really interested in today, and it seems like Peach has pretty much given up. So we can wait for MasterChief if you want, but I'm ready to get this over with.

Let's try to look into Alys/Twin/Jack/Hulk/MasterChief overnight. Maybe Sauron or Medivh just to be sure.
So was Subzero killed for reads or because they were dominating the game?

If it weren’t for Alys nk, that would probably be clearer but if Peach only needed 6 votes to go through, would twin and Medivuh vote right near the tail end of the wagon? Maybe because Peach was a good wagon for scum to hide but I’m trying to understand why a townie unvotes right near EoD?

Especially since their vote was initially on a scumwagon that was the cw to town?
It depends on whether they’re experienced or not I think. Newbie scum is most likely to put all of their buddies as nulls and more experienced tend to modify that.

Saying about Master, “they exist” is also kind of bizarre. I’m trying to decide if it means anything or not that they unvoted Ayls but didn’t vote Peach.

@Masterchef why did you unvote right before EoD?
Listo is an experienced mafia player. Both town and scum. He's been around a while for the MMO community.

As far as the unvote from Masterchef, I have a theory, so I'll let them respod to that and see how it compares to my thoughts.
So was Subzero killed for reads or because they were dominating the game?

If it weren’t for Alys nk, that would probably be clearer but if Peach only needed 6 votes to go through, would twin and Medivuh vote right near the tail end of the wagon? Maybe because Peach was a good wagon for scum to hide but I’m trying to understand why a townie unvotes right near EoD?

Especially since their vote was initially on a scumwagon that was the cw to town?
I think scum is getting rid of vocal town memebers. Easier for them to run the game if they arent getting poked at by people.

He could have been killed for his reads there at the end.
Morrison - unsure what this action was. Allow fluidity between members? (anyone can do any of the other team members actions?)
Pablo - Motivated Sephiorth
Morrison - Killed SubZero
Marack - RB Alysrazor
Lora - attempted to do something to Moana
Tildey - Jailed Hulk
Diva - RB Medivh
Badger - Copped/Rolecopped Twin
Firebart - Tarot card stuff
Drey - Watched SZ for messages
Listo - Killed Alysrazor

So Morrison acting twice. It could be he was motivated, or faction abilities are just "performed" by Morrison. Im going with the later.

Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”

The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...

Wonder what effect, if any, this will have on the game. Will scum potentially have a night of no actions? Improved actions for town?
Well, that's one of my top suspects down and scum, and another one implied to be investigated in some fashion or another. I shall vote to avoid the non voter wrath because there's legitimate risk of day ending before I even get back from work tomorrow, and then unvote to help avoid the rush.

Vote: Twintania
To start off, I still don't understand whatever the heck the Princess Peach was doing. Lying to fellow townspeople, in a game where we have so little ability to use prior experience to read each other, certainly felt like a scum move to me. Clearly it did to a lot of us, including our most vocal SZ. RIP, as your voice will be missed here.
The Princess was a targeted backup, and Croissant was a bodyguard. I don't know what a targetted backup does, but maybe it does nothing until we lose a doc or a cop?

It appears to me that Twintania was copped.

I will
Vote: Twintania

and then
Vote: Unvote to give more folks time
To start off, I still don't understand whatever the heck the Princess Peach was doing. Lying to fellow townspeople, in a game where we have so little ability to use prior experience to read each other, certainly felt like a scum move to me. Clearly it did to a lot of us, including our most vocal SZ. RIP, as your voice will be missed here.
The Princess was a targeted backup, and Croissant was a bodyguard. I don't know what a targetted backup does, but maybe it does nothing until we lose a doc or a cop?

It appears to me that Twintania was copped.

I will
Vote: Twintania

and then
Vote: Unvote to give more folks time
Backup would likely be able to use abilities from a dead townie. Not sure if they would need to pick the night before to be able to use it, or if they had a list of dead town abilities each added to each night (provided a townie died)

I can, however, see how Peach would think anyone had a more useful role on d2. With no town dead, Peach would essentially be a VT
Okay. Trying to see what else I can add here.

We got a stump and yet people think stump was scum. That is interesting. I think Art was town and it all good and lets see if they can continue to help us solve.

Interesting that people think Sauron is possible scum. To me when scum did that bus drive on Applejack they were hoping to take out Solidsnake if Listo hit AppleJack but instead Listo took out their buddy. so Sauron subs in and to me I feel like both them and Solidsnake are town.

I like both trains going today but I have to say I am going with Peach. We have tiptoed around this yeet it seems. So lets do it.

Vote: Peach
Since I know I’m town, I’m inclined to think it’s less likely scum makes a post like this defending a townie but when Xaveier voted them, I thought that they thought Moana knew something but then they wouldn’t be sussing on me if that was the case.

I do agree with Xavier that we shouldn’t rush this vote.
It could be a mislynch, but you still havent given your opinion. You produced someone elses list and asked if they were experienced scum. You activity today hasnt shown me that you are town.
Yeah, I asked that to try to get possible clues from their readslists. So how is that not townie?
And fyi, you should be looking at who was online near EoD yesterday because I think scum was probably watching closely because of Alys.
@Sauron Now that youve had another night to read the thread, any opinions?

@Medivh Who are your top 3 town/scum and why?

@Rikishi @HulkHogan If 1 of the 3 WWE folks are scum, who do you think it is and why?

I know I am town, and absolutely don't know about both you and Hulk. I lean you as more neutral than town because of your voting record, but your posts feel a bit more townie of late.

Why is it that you feel a wrestler has to be scum? Hogan hasn't been super vocal and while I like what he posted, there isn't enough of it to make me feel like I can come off of neutral at best.

I am also back to thinking that our stump ArttheClown was scum. The simple fact is that he hasn't posted anything remotely useful to town, and a town stump would have -no fear whatsoever of doing so. The lack of reveal adds to the uncertainty and therefore benefits scum.
To start off, I still don't understand whatever the heck the Princess Peach was doing. Lying to fellow townspeople, in a game where we have so little ability to use prior experience to read each other, certainly felt like a scum move to me. Clearly it did to a lot of us, including our most vocal SZ. RIP, as your voice will be missed here.
The Princess was a targeted backup, and Croissant was a bodyguard. I don't know what a targetted backup does, but maybe it does nothing until we lose a doc or a cop?

It appears to me that Twintania was copped.

I will
Vote: Twintania

and then
Vote: Unvote to give more folks time
Oh were they? Can you quote the post for me?
I know I am town, and absolutely don't know about both you and Hulk. I lean you as more neutral than town because of your voting record, but your posts feel a bit more townie of late.

Why is it that you feel a wrestler has to be scum? Hogan hasn't been super vocal and while I like what he posted, there isn't enough of it to make me feel like I can come off of neutral at best.

I am also back to thinking that our stump ArttheClown was scum. The simple fact is that he hasn't posted anything remotely useful to town, and a town stump would have -no fear whatsoever of doing so. The lack of reveal adds to the uncertainty an
This read to me like Twin was copped.
Does the colour of the text mean anything? Some players are red and others’ green?
Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.

Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.

Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”

SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho

knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.

Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.

Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.

DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”

Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.

Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.

Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.

Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…

Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.

Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”

The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...


Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Why is Art the only stump here? Why not Croissant, Hades or Peach?
I know I am town, and absolutely don't know about both you and Hulk. I lean you as more neutral than town because of your voting record, but your posts feel a bit more townie of late.

Why is it that you feel a wrestler has to be scum? Hogan hasn't been super vocal and while I like what he posted, there isn't enough of it to make me feel like I can come off of neutral at best.

I am also back to thinking that our stump ArttheClown was scum. The simple fact is that he hasn't posted anything remotely useful to town, and a town stump would have -no fear whatsoever of doing so. The lack of reveal adds to the uncertainty and therefore benefits scum.
Its not that one of us has to be scum, was more a question to get thoughts going. Putting out feelings to see reactions and what people are thinking.

Also fearful of a scum stump. Then again, could really be dependent on who is behind the character. Some people really dislike a VT role, others thrive in it. Right now it looks like someone that doesnt do well in a VT role and wants some power to make NAs
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