Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Is this possibly clearing? I just can’t help thinking that scum wants us to think it’s Medidh. \_0_/

PoE is in Medidh, Master and outside chance of Sephiroth but I ‘d only vote there if game doesn’t end.

I think both Hulk and Bacon are likely town based on Jack voting them.

And the only slots jk’d when Mathieu didn’t act were Hulk - who I think we can remove because of Jack and Master who practically did cartwheels to try to save Jack.

Vote: MasterChief

I’m not opposed to Medivh though but Master even tried to push Jack’s vote being stolen on Hades and then tried to drag out the day.

Whichever one of them we vote out, if game doesn’t end, I’d vote the other. If it still doesn’t end, it has to then be Sephiroth but I don’t think so but I don’t think it can be anyone else.
I'm discounting anyone who voted scum or called scum early or had scum accuse them. When you are scum and everyone is pointing at you, throwing shade at your partners can give cover later.
Marack knew there were less and less of them each day. He formulated a plan he felt would help the most and set out on his path. Marack came across Sephiroth and shot a spitball at him, just as Sephiroth was taking aim, causing him to lose focus and aim awry.

Is Sephiroth cleared from this?

I think I’m right then, I think Mathieu is most likely to be Masterchief.

So new PoE Masterchief, Medivh but GC wanted to vote them and I think scum might be wifomming us, so I think this is probably the correct vote.
Day 7 Vote Count:

Medivh - 2 (XavierWoods #2685, Medivh #2687)
Bacon - 1 (MasterChief #2655)
Sleep - 1 (HulkHogan #2676)
MasterChief - 1 (Sauron #2697)

Not Voting: Bacon, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Moana #2698

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 20th or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 3
I'm discounting anyone who voted scum or called scum early or had scum accuse them. When you are scum and everyone is pointing at you, throwing shade at your partners can give cover later.
Jack was totally fine voting out me, Bacon and Hulk. That didn’t look like distancing with either Bacon or Hulk. I think it’s Masyer but if I’m wrong Medivh. I guess Sephiroth could still be Mathieu but he put Jack at L -1, while Master was trying extremely hard to save Jack + jk

And Sephiroth did put Jack at L-1.

So, I don’t think it can be anyone outside of those 3 and Medivh asked to be copped.

I also very much doubt that if scum, Master expected any actions on them last night.
Day 7 Vote Count:

Medivh - 2 (XavierWoods #2685, Medivh #2687)
Bacon - 1 (MasterChief #2655)
Sleep - 1 (HulkHogan #2676)
MasterChief - 1 (Sauron #2697)

Not Voting: Bacon, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Moana #2698

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 20th or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 3
@VoidKitten, Moana’s voting Masterchief.
Seems people are continuing to fall for Master Chiefs wickedness. Starting to concern me a little bit. Moreso, with Subzero. You where the chosen one! You're buddying up with Master chief is starting to irk me. Masterchief has more so less, sat on me this game (or wanted to) simply because my first appearance was shortly before the day 1 timer reduction event happened. Suggesting that I placed a vote on @SubZero and then creating the time event to save you. If he still thinks i'm scum, he must think you are too. Otherwise seems his reasoning is a little flawed. Now im not saying this is the reason why scum wanted the time reduction happened, but MasterChief failed to mention that i floated that idea and people liked the idea and then the event came out. :X

Now this, Masterchief hadn't been around that much this day phase gets called out and suggests my name again? Why? With subzero liking the idea of this comment. It's just yuck. I had Sub as my top town and night actions of n2 suggest he might be too, but im not so sure. Perhaps subzero needs a mirror to find the
I'm discounting anyone who voted scum or called scum early or had scum accuse them. When you are scum and everyone is pointing at you, throwing shade at your partners can give cover later.
This post.
That is true, as said still not ruling it out. Aside from Bacon and Med, still have Sauron in the back of my mind along with MC (but Moana seems to have a hunch who that is).
You should have known that one from the minute they talked about flags. I was spectacularly wrong on some of my others. But that was pretty there. lol
A scum Bacon who led a lynch on scum JackSparrow? My, you have active imaginations. I’ve been busy at night, but I’m not Matthieu.
Hold up there buddy. Dont you be taking credit for my charge on Jack. Especially if you're then going to think I could be scum.
What were you waiting for? And why did you vote Arcerous? You don’t get townpoints just because they flipped scum. Arcerous’ wagon wasn’t happening yesterday.
In case I died? Also to see who reacted to it, scum woulda instantly jumped over if Arceus was town
Marack knew there were less and less of them each day. He formulated a plan he felt would help the most and set out on his path. Marack came across Sephiroth and shot a spitball at him, just as Sephiroth was taking aim, causing him to lose focus and aim awry.

Is Sephiroth cleared from this?

I think I’m right then, I think Mathieu is most likely to be Masterchief.

So new PoE Masterchief, Medivh but GC wanted to vote them and I think scum might be wifomming us, so I think this is probably the correct vote.
People should be asking themselves if it's very probably that I would have a shot redirected randomly to Moana. Seems very improbable.
Medivh and Twin definitely looking pretty bad now.

Why do you have Bacon on there ahead of players like Jack or Medivh that voted to help save a scum over a towny?

I was a bit sus of JacSparrow, this makes me feel more sus.

Someone else said they knew who Medivh was, and that someone else was a scum.

Like you're all so fucking late to the party you missed me calling out this shit fucking days ago. Read the fucking game and not just spreadsheets




I just read your iso. I finished with 5+ and 4.4- results slightly townie. Which is why my vote isn't on you as of now.

I'm leaning no vote unless people want to vote Medvih. Let the TPs, TP.
Master even tried to push Jack’s vote being stolen on Hades and then tried to drag out the day.
This take is so bad that a lie detector just went off in China.

I went back to check vote counts and see if people explained why they voted where they did. I clicked on the post Jack voted Hades with and it took me to a post where he voted someone else, I came to the conclusion his vote had been stolen then. You can click the links yourself to confirm this. I later had it confirmed to me that the write-up was incorrect, Jack had voted Hades it was just a much later post than was linked.

Also the EOD basically confirmed Arceus scum and which is why he is dead. As soon as I applied pressure he voted Jack to end the day.

Like if you're a wolf thats pushing a shitty narrative or you're a villager that needs to get your head in the fucking game
This take is so bad that a lie detector just went off in China.

I went back to check vote counts and see if people explained why they voted where they did. I clicked on the post Jack voted Hades with and it took me to a post where he voted someone else, I came to the conclusion his vote had been stolen then. You can click the links yourself to confirm this. I later had it confirmed to me that the write-up was incorrect, Jack had voted Hades it was just a much later post than was linked.

Also the EOD basically confirmed Arceus scum and which is why he is dead. As soon as I applied pressure he voted Jack to end the day.

Like if you're a wolf thats pushing a shitty narrative or you're a villager that needs to get your head in the fucking game
If I’m wrong on you, I will apologize. So if it’s not you, what’s your theory for Mathieu not acting last night? And why do you think Morrison ghost targeted Medivh?
If I’m wrong on you, I will apologize. So if it’s not you, what’s your theory for Mathieu not acting last night? And why do you think Morrison ghost targeted Medivh?
Without wanting to sound harsh, if Medivh is who I think it is they have a history of forgetting to submit night actions. Other than that I dont really know what else to say.
I just read your iso. I finished with 5+ and 4.4- results slightly townie. Which is why my vote isn't on you as of now.

I'm leaning no vote unless people want to vote Medvih. Let the TPs, TP.
I would vote there over no vote. What’s your theory on why Morrison ghost targeted him at EoD? It either ends the game or scum set up a mislim.
What about the second question? What’s your theory on Morrison ghost targeting them?
I actually cant tell. Like it really could be to try throw us off the scent, because once again why would they target Medivh with it? Its the same as the removing SolidSnakes ability to vote, it really isnt impacting the game at all in a way that helps scum
Is that against the rules? I’ve only seen that happen one time in my experience and it happened only because the player in question was the last scum.
Well they weren't technically the last scum this time if true. Arceus hadn't been STOLEN from me (Listo :squint: :cheers:).
Well, I’m assuming that since quite a few people know who Medivh is, they ought to know about this rule but why not a direct mod action on the slot in that case?
Because town stomped scum and the mod wants us to finish it right instead of ending it with a whimper?
To fuck with scum. I can imagine them complaining about bad RNG in scum chat so the mod used a dead scum for the warning action. Just a theory.
Wow, games are very different on this site from what I’m used to unless the game is advertised as bastard.
GrumpyCat, playing as Morrison, the Supremacy Super JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: Satsu

Morrison could have had dead actions. In a recent game I was in dead players could perform NAs, so definitely possible and I think makes way more sense than mod punishment but you’re familiar with this site, I’m not but I just think it would be kind of icky if what you’re suggesting is the case.
I'm just going back through some things to see if anything pops out.

Day 1 was interesting to me, because the scum event came out of nowhere. So you know there had to be a reason. They didn't just do it randomly

Here's the vote count before the event:

Sora - 3 (MasterChief #137, Arceus #152, PrincessPeach #297)
GrumpyCat - 2 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200)
HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
SubZero - 2 (Sora #105, ArtTheClown #331)
SolidSnake - 2 (Kumquat #282, SubZero #376)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
Alysrazor - 1 (Medivh #83)
XavierWoods - 1 (Rikishi #191)
Croissant - 1 (Bacon #210)
Applejack (Sauron) - 1 (Applejack #212)
Moana - 1 (Moana #261)

Here's right after:
SolidSnake - 3 (Kumquat #282, SubZero #376. SolidSnake #389)
Hades - 2 (HulkHogan #8, Arceus #397)
GrumpyCat - 2 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200)
HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
SubZero - 2 (Sora #105, ArtTheClown #331)
Sora - 2 (MasterChief #137, PrincessPeach #297)
Alysrazor - 1 (Medivh #83)
XavierWoods - 1 (Rikishi #191)
Croissant - 1 (Bacon #210)
Applejack (Sauron) - 1 (Applejack #212)
Moana - 1 (Moana #261)

Here's the final:
GrumpyCat - 3 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200, GrumpyCat #437)
HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
Alysrazor - 2 (Medivh #83, SubZero #422)
SubZero - 2 (Sora #105, ArtTheClown #331)
Sora - 2 (MasterChief #137, PrincessPeach #297)
Croissant - 2 (Bacon #210, Alysrazor #430)
Applejack - 2 (Applejack #212, Kumquat #413)
Moana - 2 (Moana #261, Hades #417)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
XavierWoods - 1 (Rikishi #191)
SolidSnake - 1 (SolidSnake #389)

So, it looks like they were a little spread and then thought they should get GrumpyCat the boost past Sora and then Solid Snake. For Bacon, he started, ended on town. Medivh started and ended on scum. Masterchief started and ended on Sora. There wasn't really as much movement from this group after the event, so it's interesting but not super strong. Will try to look at the next one if I can make some time.
That is a weird post. Perhaps wants to get town points with Hulk, but wants to leave open for a mislynch later. Hulk had come up a few times at that point.
This looks like you pulled everyone elses lists and put it in a different form. No real why to any of it.
Bullshit. If my list looks like others, maybe we've reached the same conclusions? You're better than this. Now I've got more time, I'll see if I can expand.
At this point, early on grumpycat was the most active revealed scum
Castle Rezam glew brilliantly and exploded a forcewave outwards, covering the land in premature darkness. Firebert smiled. “Impressive countermeasures. Automated defenses that activate without us having to do anything? And without us knowing? This is fantastic. I can’t wait for it to do it again.” He looked at the console. “Wait what? IT ONLY WORKS ONE TIME? Bah.” Firebert stomped away. The console went to sleep, ready to awaken if it deems further defenses are necessary…

Castle Rezam automatically ended Day 1 at the 24 hour mark.


Final Day 1 Vote Count:

GrumpyCat - 3 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200, GrumpyCat #437)

HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
Alysrazor - 2 (Medivh #83, SubZero #422)
SubZero - 2 (Sora #105, ArtTheClown #331)
Sora - 2 (MasterChief #137, PrincessPeach #297)
Croissant - 2 (Bacon #210, Alysrazor #430)
Applejack - 2 (Applejack #212, Kumquat #413)
Moana - 2 (Moana #261, Hades #417)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
XavierWoods - 1 (Rikishi #191)
SolidSnake - 1 (SolidSnake #389)

Not Voting: Gibbs, Sephiroth, XavierWoods, Arceus #403

The player at the top of the vote list is: GrumpyCat

The player at the bottom of the vote list is: SolidSnake


Two beams of light shot out from the sky and pinpointed GrumpyCat and SolidSnake.

A voice rung out. “Let us see what happens to both of you”

At this point, early on grumpycat was the most active revealed scum

The beam of light grew brighter on GrumpyCat as it engulfed their entire body. No noise was heard as the beam caused everyone to look away. As it dissipated a sheen seemed to cover GrumpyCat.

GrumpyCat has been granted immunity from votes and being directly targeted by night actions until the start of Day 3.

The beam now grew brighter on SolidSnake. The beam seemed to glow just as brilliantly as it did earlier. As the beam dissipated, everyone gasped collectively as there stood SolidSnake, breaking apart piece by piece as if he had been immolated alive.

SolidSnake, playing as ???, the ???, has been eliminated.

Idk how you guys didn’t vote out both GC and Jack sooner?

Can anyone please tell me how to make a post go away? There’s no delete draft button.
Bullshit. If my list looks like others, maybe we've reached the same conclusions? You're better than this. Now I've got more time, I'll see if I can expand.

Jack was fine voting out me, Bacon and Hulk. I think both are extremely likely to be town based on that.
I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

2. Bacon - Town
3. HulkHogan
4. MasterChief
5. Medivh
6. Moana - Town
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town
2. Bacon - Town - because I know I am, and have been consistently helping town in night actions and avoiding bad lynches.
3. HulkHogan - Town - while technically could still be Matthieu, that Listo action banning Hogan votes gives me pause
4. MasterChief - Will need to check ISO
5. Medivh - NAI - If it's who we think it is, I've never seen them play scum. Law of averages and all that...
6. Moana - Town - multiple kill attempts by Lora, and acted truthfully with the Twintania info.
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth Will need to check ISO
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town. Shared the Hogan info from N6, and Moana thinks they are clean. Will need to recheck why.
I think SolidSnake’s is also clear from both EoD 1 actions + losing vote yesterday but I don’t see why scum!GC has his buddy in the shit spot and almost got eliminated had it not been for Listo.
Matthieu was creeping around the battlefield when he saw Applejack and SolidSnake approaching in mine carts. Matthieu quickly threw a switch causing both minecarts to swap tracks as they continued on.

In case, anyone still thinks there’s a snowball’s chance in hell I’m not 100% town.

I think that Matthieu was probably hoping that Listo would target me and really wanted Snake dead for some reason.
Alright, I'm all caught up again.

I'm not overly fond of the self voting from Medivh but I'm mostly leaning towards a sleep vote for this day phase.
Trying to go through the write-ups and find out the game characters we have left (and including Art and 3pups not being flipped)


Unless I’m missing something we’re two characters short that haven’t been mentioned. I’ve not been spreadsheeting so anyone that is want to double check?

I’m gonna guess 3puppies might have been Art or Rikishi as not seen them since.
Vote: Sleep

The checkmark isn’t working for me. I pressed something I shouldn’t have trying to exit a post I didn’t want to post.

I will probably switch to Medivh later. If anyone can tell me how I can get the checkmark thing to work, please tell me. :/
Vote: Sleep

The checkmark isn’t working for me. I pressed something I shouldn’t have trying to exit a post I didn’t want to post.

I will probably switch to Medivh later. If anyone can tell me how I can get the checkmark thing to work, please tell me. :\
The x next to the check is unvote.
Seph was someone that I felt off about due to Arceus reads list, in which he stated me and Seph hadnt left an impression but I was at the bottom of distrust while Seph was in null.
Matthieu was creeping around the battlefield when he saw Applejack and SolidSnake approaching in mine carts. Matthieu quickly threw a switch causing both minecarts to swap tracks as they continued on.

Matthieu was creeping around the battlefield when he saw Applejack and SolidSnake approaching in mine carts. Matthieu quickly threw a switch causing both minecarts to swap tracks as they continued on.

Never seen a buadiver that can self target?

(I don't believe either of you are scum.)
Day 7 Vote Count:

Sleep - 3 (HulkHogan #2676, Bacon #2758, Sauron #2765)
Medivh - 3 (XavierWoods #2685, Medivh #2687, MasterChief #2747)

Not Voting: Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Moana #2698

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 20th or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 4
I’m just concerned if Matthieu is really the only scum or even neutral character left as can’t account for all the alive/non-flipped characters. At least one of those not mentioned may be vanilla I guess to account for balance.

Hopefully Matthieu is the last one left but being a Void game you never know.

It does make me lean on wanting to stay on sleep for now to see what happens during the night. I can also understand if say we want to solve Medvih now.
I’m just concerned if Matthieu is really the only scum or even neutral character left as can’t account for all the alive/non-flipped characters. At least one of those not mentioned may be vanilla I guess to account for balance.

Hopefully Matthieu is the last one left but being a Void game you never know.

It does make me lean on wanting to stay on sleep for now to see what happens during the night. I can also understand if say we want to solve Medvih now.

We’ve had 7 scum show up in the writeups and 6 of them are dead but I’ve never played a Void game but 7 scum is already a high number. If the game doesn’t end with Mathieu dying, than this game is whack.
We’ve had 7 scum show up in the writeups and 6 of them are dead but I’ve never played a Void game but 7 scum is already a high number. If the game doesn’t end with Mathieu dying, than this game is whack.
Always expect the unexpected when guys like him are in charge lol.
Well, I’m assuming that since quite a few people know who Medivh is, they ought to know about this rule but why not a direct mod action on the slot in that case?
If it were a rule, we would have seen something before last night. This wasnt the 1st time someone voted themselves this game.
Yeah it’s definitely not prohibited. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a game (as far as I can recall anyway) where self-voting was prohibited or any other weird consequences for doing so.
Yeah it’s definitely not prohibited. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a game (as far as I can recall anyway) where self-voting was prohibited or any other weird consequences for doing so.
there was a somewhat recent game that had hidden rules, and one was no self voting. But the punishment, iirc, was a mute for some time. 1st offenses might have been hours, later for remainder of the phase
For those that have been sheeting, who has the most town roles available to them, while still having the possibility of being matt? Or better yet, who are the 3 most likely to be that scum slot?
Yeah it’s definitely not prohibited. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a game (as far as I can recall anyway) where self-voting was prohibited or any other weird consequences for doing so.
Someone got modkilled for self voting one game.
For those that have been sheeting, who has the most town roles available to them, while still having the possibility of being matt? Or better yet, who are the 3 most likely to be that scum slot?

There’s 5 that can be Matheiu but Jack’s willing to vote 2 of them out, points away from it being them. That’s Hulk and Bacon. Then there’s Sephiroth, Masterchief and of course Medivh.

I think we’ve got nothing to lose at this point trying to resolve that slot. Medivh, that is.

Vote: Medivh
For those that have been sheeting, who has the most town roles available to them, while still having the possibility of being matt? Or better yet, who are the 3 most likely to be that scum slot?

Bacon- 9 town roles
Hogan- 5 town roles
Masterchief- 5 town roles
Medivh-8 town roles
2. Bacon - Town - because I know I am, and have been consistently helping town in night actions and avoiding bad lynches.
3. HulkHogan - Town - while technically could still be Matthieu, that Listo action banning Hogan votes gives me pause
4. MasterChief - Will need to check ISO
5. Medivh - NAI - If it's who we think it is, I've never seen them play scum. Law of averages and all that...
6. Moana - Town - multiple kill attempts by Lora, and acted truthfully with the Twintania info.
7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
8. Sephiroth Will need to check ISO
9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
10. XavierWoods - Town. Shared the Hogan info from N6, and Moana thinks they are clean. Will need to recheck why.

2. Easy to avoid bad lynches if scum. Its been done before. So saying you avoided bad lynches doesnt make you town. It makes you sus for having TMI.
10. I was jailed the night all living scum acted.

Did you get back to the ISO of Seph and MC?
There’s 5 that can be Matheiu but Jack’s willing to vote 2 of them out, points away from it being them. That’s Hulk and Bacon. Then there’s Sephiroth, Masterchief and of course Medivh.

I think we’ve got nothing to lose at this point trying to resolve that slot. Medivh, that is.

Vote: Medivh
Jack is dead... why bring them up
there was a somewhat recent game that had hidden rules, and one was no self voting. But the punishment, iirc, was a mute for some time. 1st offenses might have been hours, later for remainder of the phase
I think I know the game you’re talking about now with hidden rules. If it’s the one I’m thinking of I didn’t keep up throughout the whole thing due to…reasons so probably missed that.
So might it be wiser to push a sleep or finish medivh?
That's what I was wondering and wanting opinions on. The only way town loses that I see is if we get too cock. Best way to get cocky is wrongly lynching people. Until they "quit", nothing had set off a scum bell for me.

That's why I asked them if it was just frustrated town, or frustrated scum. Thier response since makes me feel frustrated scum with the just end it vibe. Might just see the writing on the wall?

I'm perfectly fine not killing today (thank you Listo (bastard :cheers: )) and letting to cop start checking our unknowns until we find the last one.
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