Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

BN, Cape and Listo are all at 2 votes each currently
Listo only because Psycho is double voting, which he claims is not him
And I'm not really convinced I should be voting either of the other two cause I did my exploring and, barring whatever is up with the night actions on Cape, I don't think they look that terrible? Is it just me who thinks maybe scum just isn't catching much heat right now?
I still dunno how i feel about the psycho double vote tbh vote manipluation like that is usually always scum a town double voter would just outright say it was them
although I do like the idea of flipping BN I have suggested that we should start offing inactives. Its also possible that this game has very little movement not necessarily b/c scum feel like they are in a safe position, but b/c alot of this game is inactive
This is giving scummy vibes but I can see how that can totally be a possibility. Was there attention on anyone else before we throw caution to the wind?
I still dunno how i feel about the psycho double vote tbh vote manipluation like that is usually always scum a town double voter would just outright say it was them
Psycho did say straight out that it's not him so tbf it doesn't point either way, especially if someone gave him a double vote.
Im still wary of him for reasons I gave earlier, though, the pocket paranoia and then sort of soft omgusing me.
the question is what happens when he gets all 4, is Exodia a game ending entity? I know in the show that if you summoned Exodia you automatically win the game

I'm also curious about the "bloodline of each type" line. Does that mean Exodia can get 4 random people and win or does he have to get 4 particular people?
My concern is we often reach a point where even with an inactivity kill in play, there's often enough players inactive to render such obsolete...or that particular role ends up being taken out at night.

If we're unsure where to go, taking out someone who isn't contributing is a solid plan.

Morrison was the first name on BN's list of inactive players, if I recall correctly. So I'll start there.

Vote: Morrison
My concern is we often reach a point where even with an inactivity kill in play, there's often enough players inactive to render such obsolete...or that particular role ends up being taken out at night.

If we're unsure where to go, taking out someone who isn't contributing is a solid plan.

Morrison was the first name on BN's list of inactive players, if I recall correctly. So I'll start there.

Vote: Morrison
Doesnt matter, Night will come shortly. When VK becomes available. Ive taken my win and moving on.
Actually I just reread the OP and yeah color is alignment lol
I was asking because I've played semi-bastard games where some scum had green names and some town were purple, despite the majority of scum being red and the majority of town being green 😅 it was purposely meant to mislead.
You will see that sometimes with the Rajah-style games too if there's a traitor role. The traitor will be color-coded to town until/unless they're revealed so you're not entirely off base there with the question.
Traditionally the extra vote would be obscured in some way. I have a suspicion that someone(if not Silver Queen) is able to attach an extra vote to different players on each day. Maybe Silver Queen does it by stealing someone else's vote. Though I don't know why the hell most scum teams would give me an extra vote. That's like handing me a loaded shotgun.
I agree with you here. While vote thief isn't an out of the norm scum action, it doesn't make sense for that stolen vote to show up so obviously in the counts for the thief (immediately outing them).
It's a good thing I don't take notes in these games since I'd have to adjust them quite a bit with these twists and revelations.

I was operating under the assumption that Nightingale was the wish granter...
I'm off the airplane so I'll give my two cents while I can.
I didn't like FutureHold's entrance today, I don't remember if Diva posted, I don't like that the only thing Kareemah has said was that there's a lot to read... TWICE... and Tildey was the one who posted once, right?

I have a question about these players — does MTR know their playstyles well enough to be able to easily pick out whether they are scum or not this early? Cause considering he was killed by scum, I would be open to grilling anyone whose scum meta he knows very well, and see if they hold up to my questions.
This is a good question. MTR is a solid player, but when we have people with multiple times the playing experience, that was an interesting strategy. MTR is not a rookie, but newer in the group. And there's enough depth here, that there was a better chance you could have taken a multi-year player.
Why GC on the vote count specifically?
GC was the one that said the silver queen was a vote thief. but as far as I can tell crackles vote wasn't stolen and I wouldn't consider scum targeting you and getting an extra vote a "disadvantage".

Now vote thief may work differently here so maybe I just have no clue what's going on here?

Someone else said that GC also had an extra vote yesterday so between those 2 things, it made me think that GC might know more about it?

I'm also worried about Claws sitting back there and saying that double voters are usually scum. Could claws by the one behind giving out double votes? or maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.
CWE doesn't base day 2 votes on info. It is a vote pulled 100% from my gut (liver).

It's a vote I feels in my bones.

Maybe it feels familiar and cozy to your liver bone because caito isn't playing this game and cape is the closest name to his?
GC was the one that said the silver queen was a vote thief. but as far as I can tell crackles vote wasn't stolen and I wouldn't consider scum targeting you and getting an extra vote a "disadvantage".

Now vote thief may work differently here so maybe I just have no clue what's going on here?

Someone else said that GC also had an extra vote yesterday so between those 2 things, it made me think that GC might know more about it?

I'm also worried about Claws sitting back there and saying that double voters are usually scum. Could claws by the one behind giving out double votes? or maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.
I think I’ve only seen a town double voter once in all my years playing.
I have a hard time understanding how mat, grumpy and ninja can still think im scum
I currently have you on my unlikely list. But I also know void's game designs. He's got fake write-up lines, and mix and match mechanics. In a game like this, I'd be fucking shocked if there's not tomfoolery in targetting.

I only clear from roles, not from teams, unless I can validate damage.
Or team rocket is one guy like a joat
That might be out there, but Rocket tomfoolery is something to consider.

I remember someone once setting up a game where a resurrection caused the person to be rebooted evil. I forget what that game was. I all remember is some sexy, sexy, gamerunner fucked everyone over with that twist.

I bet cwe remembers. He's got a good head for these things.
I think the reason I thought it looked like a wish is because it's Team Rocket and the "It is done" sentence read like a response to a request. But the revive candy part is maybe indicative of it being a separate action.
Possible, but guessing that it was an action. Doesn't remind me of how VK has previously done it. Could be wrong
GC was the one that said the silver queen was a vote thief. but as far as I can tell crackles vote wasn't stolen and I wouldn't consider scum targeting you and getting an extra vote a "disadvantage".

Now vote thief may work differently here so maybe I just have no clue what's going on here?

Someone else said that GC also had an extra vote yesterday so between those 2 things, it made me think that GC might know more about it?

I'm also worried about Claws sitting back there and saying that double voters are usually scum. Could claws by the one behind giving out double votes? or maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.
I never said double voters are scum dont twist my words i said vote manipluation is usually scum psycho denied that the 2 votes were from him so its not a town double voter they would just outright say it was them so its a vote thief is psycho the thief or did som1 give him the vote is what we are debating do we believe psycho didnt steal a vote ?
Day 2 End
Giovanni grinned wildly as the responses to his decree came in. He examined what was submitted until an evil grin crossed his face, knowing precisely which one he was going to make a reality. Giovanni stood up and spoke, his voice echoing across the realm. “I, Giovanni have chosen. The granted wish shall be as follows.”

I wish Blind Ninja were dead.

The winds started to howl as the realm started to shift. Everyone closed their eyes and held on, as their senses were assaulted. The sun shrank quickly over the horizon as the moon came out into full effect. All at once, everyone stood and looked at Blind Ninja. Cries from the crowd were heard. “He’s the one!.” “I heard he is Seto Kaiba.” “I heard he is actually brothers with Seto Kaiba!” The crowd had one focus in mind and that would see to it that Blind Ninja was eliminated. All of their votes were for him.

Final Day 2 Vote Count:

Blind Ninja - 11 (Rock, Xanjori, CWE, 3puppies, Psycho, Crackle, Blind Ninja, Windward, Matthieu, Claws)

Not Voting: Cape90, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, GrumpyCat #869

Current Modified Majority: 6


Blind Ninja just looked on as everyone came at him and he smiled. “Ah yes, my puppets. Do my bidding.” He looked around and saw Jesse and James playing a video game. “Stop fooling around and let’s get out of here. We already have proven the power Team Rocket has.” Blind Ninja gathered up his crew and they fled the realm, ready to sell their services to the highest bidder. However, Blind Ninja was not done here. Since he had achieved Team Rocket’s goal so efficiently and quickly, he had time to leave some final surprises for everyone present.

Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, the Manipulating Super JOAT Jester/Unjester, has been eliminated in a gleeful victory.


A body quickly stood up, long since thought dead. MTR brushed himself off and quickly scampered off, trying to get somewhere safe as the night started.

MTR has been resurrected and has returned to the game.

The body that had been near MTR now instantly decayed and Val was no more.

Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Mystical Elf/Garbador, the Redirecting Ability Backup, has been killed.


As everyone went on their way, a familiar voice sounded from a machine left behind. “You thought you would be rid of Team Rocket’s influence so quickly?” Blind Ninja laughed. “Absolutely not. Tonight, in the spirit of Pegasus and Kaiba, we will partake in some Shadow Games. I shall challenge three of you to a Shadow Game. If I win at least two, I will end one of the losers. If I lose two, like I would ever lose two, I’ll grant a secondary additional boon tomorrow before I take my leave of this pathetic place permanently. Think of it as a parting gift for making me millions.”

Blind Ninja paused and then continued. “But, I’ll be kind. You may all speak tonight on whatever you wish.”

The players chosen for the game will be advised via Discord and the game will take place in Discord, with the thread getting periodic updates. The games will take place over the course of night phase.

Night chat is enabled for the entirety of Night 2 ONLY and all game talk is allowed.


It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end on August 16th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to submit an action, please let me know you are holstering so we are not all waiting.
Val flipping as two green players does not surprise me. We will likely see more multiple characters per player, as it allows the mod to mess with spreadsheeters
But the rez still may have been only a 1x power, or limited how it may have to be used only once per phase- which would explain why Val flipped,
Since Val's role and alignment was revealed, I doubt there will be any more resurrection mechanics in play. At least MTR has returned to the game and it's best that any form of jester gets taken out early rather than at a more critical juncture so this actually all works out rather cleanly for the most part.
I assume its similar to the Listo role I had before, where I could choose to res one person and doing so would also cause reveals to happen on deaths
So this is what happens when people dont really think about good wishes

Having all of yellow eliminated probably makes it easier for town to solve now. BN is a very good player and I am happy anyone who is not scum won, so I wouldn't say this wasn't a good wish.
Okay. Nice to be back. Was not expecting day to end like so and night chat but will take advantage.

So I made notes so when I came back I could get right back involved.

Following people are not Kaiba but not completely clearing them to town yet but leaning that way: Rock, Future, Xan, Grumpy Cat, Crackle, Cape

Not going to get back involved in the actions from night one. I don’t think I have anything to add that was not already said about them.

Curious to know if Exodia just has to kill people or find specific people to kill. Maybe has to take out one town, one kabia and then two others. Not quite grasping that. I see that some people think Exodia is the inactivity killer but Val met criteria and I think there is a chance there is still an in activity killer out there. We had lots of people not meet the criteria

I have a feeling that Foxxi might be 3p or a special role of some sort. The fact that voting Foxxi does a self vote plays into that. As mentioned Void has given Foxxi some custom made stuff before.

Psycho having a double vote seems to be town to me because if it was scum typically it is not known that their vote counts as more than one.

Diva giving off town vibes because they tend to be more active as scum but I could be wrong.

I love 3pups for putting together a character list. NAI because he does this any time he plays.

Windward seems solid town to me at this point.

Still reading things again so will probably have more thoughts as I go.
Val flipping as two green players does not surprise me. We will likely see more multiple characters per player, as it allows the mod to mess with spreadsheeters
Void did this with his Avatar game to give us the ON/EN action type thing for each player. And yeah totally fucks with spreadsheeters because like double the characters
Any thoughts on this?

The Mythic Tree Dragon would not falter from this battle. He flew through the air and located MTR and breathed a magical fire on him, enhancing his abilities tonight to be even more effective.
Any thoughts on this?

The Mythic Tree Dragon would not falter from this battle. He flew through the air and located MTR and breathed a magical fire on him, enhancing his abilities tonight to be even more effective.
Pretty sure someone already pointed this out that my actions were motivated by this action
I do wonder why kaibo corp chose to take me out. I don't feel like I was much a threat this early. Typically scum leave me alone until later in the game because I tend to end up being a misyeet target.
I don't know why I can't post like a normal person. And of course can't delete or edit anything. *sigh*

@llettuce I was just trying to say, I feel you.
You're good, I got it! You should have seen me trying to register for this game. Void did it for me because I could not copy and paste for the life of me.
I do wonder why kaibo corp chose to take me out. I don't feel like I was much a threat this early. Typically scum leave me alone until later in the game because I tend to end up being a misyeet target.
A couple games ago they did it by a dice roll, would not be surprised if it happened again
You're better at this shit than me so glad I'm not alone
I'm normally better than this. But when I try to reply to something the order of posts seem to get all jumbled. Which is extra frustrating when I'm already overwhelmed and struggling to get caught up on what feels like 5 thousand posts.
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