MTR cleared me the last day phase.Cwe, Future, me, Matt, Mazer, Val, Xan.
Can you find that for me? I’m at work and can’t see it. Based on who his characters were he didn’t seem to target you at all.MTR cleared me the last day phase.
He responded to Cape saying Future is not red.Can you find that for me? I’m at work and can’t see it. Based on who his characters were he didn’t seem to target you at all.
I think this may have been cape's last list before he was discovered.Crackleslap still feels really towny, Xanjori does to, but the ladder means Xanjori is wolfing. (I don't believe this read)
Psycho has felt very towny recently
and finally WWA is trending a bit down for me, could see them being deepwolf, the way they handled me gave me the heeby jeebies, stuff after that felt ~fine but a bit coasty ig
What is your rationale for me. I'm interested in a few on your list. And a couple more.For some reason my gut reckons Listo/Val/Mazer could all be hits
So reading again, his list was actually after mtr came out but while he was still trying.I think this may have been cape's last list before he was discovered.
Looking through it seems like there might be some reasonable strategy assumptions, because he was really pushing the "I was targeted" narrative. And now we have two data points.
Interesting full lost. We know claws was still trying, and Interesting because he has claws higher.So overall this is where I am at
MTR (revived)
Blind Ninja
This looks an interesting possible "derp" attempt. +1 to xan for calling it out shortly thereafterSo there was night chat open? Oops, I just saw it was night 2 then just... didn't post because it was night 2 and didn't look back
Claws and Matt together. Chose to pursue matt moreI think both Claws and Matthieu look better by looking at page 10
I still am skeptical though of Matthieu because of the whole immunity thing until now though so I am not opposed to that idea
Interesting. Maybe it was?Lemme ask you this then
Why would mafia defend me if I was mafia then? I was being widely townread day 1, they would be more concerned about other members sying unless they were ALL townread.
I think its mostly POE, maybe Im recalling incorrectly but didnt someone have something clearing for CWE? Also no, I dont feel good about Kareemah but others are already applying a bit of pressure thereWhat is your rationale for me. I'm interested in a few on your list. And a couple more.
Do you feel good about kareemah and cwe?
I wouldn't 100% call it clearing, but CWE's treatment of me and Cape last phase seems less likely to be partnered with Cape.I think its mostly POE, maybe Im recalling incorrectly but didnt someone have something clearing for CWE? Also no, I dont feel good about Kareemah but others are already applying a bit of pressure there
For your sake, I hope Cape is town...
This was the interaction I was thinking of. Comes off like scum trying to discredit a correct push while also trying to appease CWE by townreading him.and your push on me is flat out strange to me and I almost want to call it towny for how lazy it is
Hmm yeah no I agree that is a good look for CWE, so would prefer to keep him out the POE for nowThis was the interaction I was thinking of. Comes off like scum trying to discredit a correct push while also trying to appease CWE by townreading him.
I guess it could have just been some softball distancing since CWE never got momentum on the Cape push, but I think Cape's response ultimately comes off like someone trying to find the right way to respond to the sus.
I almost feel like you're buttering me up. Also Im like, do we actually have to kill you to win the game? Because I feel thats being slightly overlooked, although the write-up showing you not eating a soul is a positive sign.This is probably a towny wish. Even though I don't like how he reacted to me saying Claws was scum, I think scum definitely don't want me to be officially added to town numbers with a protective ability. Especially from Xan who is great at making interesting wishes.
Don’t careI'm not willing to write her off, I've played a scum game with an inactive chat and lost and confused is the easiest part to play. I feel like a lot of her posts have been filler and at least for me we are at a stage where pieces should be coming together. Especially since she's been getting a lot of shit, to say ah yes the sk cleared me on vibes whose next reeks.
How much have you managed to read? Like reading the alive player list is there any names that stick out to you?Idk how I’m supposed to say I’m town without breadcrumbing or saying why I did last night
OK tell us some thoughts! Don't just oh I don't care what you're sayingDon’t care![]()
Me being blocked or jailed night 1 is the best look for me (to me at least) not being scum.Hmm yeah no I agree that is a good look for CWE, so would prefer to keep him out the POE for now
I’m suspecting uOK tell us some thoughts! Don't just oh I don't care what you're saying
Im still worried Pyscho has conned us and will win tonight. Part of me thinks we kill in one of the other 3 though and Psycho targets another there.Top 4 today for me are: Psycho (outed evil), Mazer (2 maybe 3 red flags triggered), Listo (my heart pick), and Val (top sus person).
I don't know what to do.
Psych's saying he couldn't win after being outed still doesn't make any sense to me, because why would it make a difference?Im still worried Pyscho has conned us and will win tonight. Part of me thinks we kill in one of the other 3 though and Psycho targets another there.
Who is going to win most consecutive mazer misreads?Top 4 today for me are: Psycho (outed evil), Mazer (2 maybe 3 red flags triggered), Listo (my heart pick), and Val (top sus person).
I don't know what to do.
You not read the write-up? :DBecause that would explain why psycho was able to survive and get his move through, short of outside interference working.
I did. Did you read that AND what I said?You not read the write-up? :D
Which part?I mean yes but the write-up would appear to instantly nuke your theory
Yeah, Im pretty sure this is why Psycho is aliveWhich part?
The part where I said outside interference?
We should have done this before people died, but I think we should have everyone claim the shots they took.James smiled as the results finally all came in. He did another bow and thanked everyone for supporting Team Rocket. He looked around and snapped his fingers, letting the results be know. “Now once this is done, one public wish has a chance to be granted still and Jessie will be your woman then.”
A shot rings out at Claws
A shot rings out at Psycho
A shot rings out at Listo
A shot rings out at Cape
A shot rings out at Tildey
A shot rings out at Crackleslap.
PsychoSoldier was minding his own business when a shot rang out and the bullet flew through the air, striking him in the chest. He stumbled over and fell to his knees, as the blood pooled around him. However, strange time magics took over and Psycho was now watching the scene in reverse, as his blood pooled back into him. Before he knew it, it was moments before the shot. Psycho quickly ducked, avoiding the bullet a second time. He sighed and wiped his brow, knowing that couldn’t happen again or there’d be more consequences.
Tildey was tending to her garden, even while the event was going on. She knew that there was no excuse for a poor display factor and there should be flowers even if there was a battle raging all around her. As she finished tending her last flower, a bullet connected with her, providing her own blood as glorious fertilizer. As Tildey bled out, others met the same fate.
Tildey, playing as ???, the ??? has been killed.
Before anyone could react, the ground around Tildey started to glow, changing Tildey into something more…green and naturey. As the glow faded, Tildey stretched and stood up. She looked different…almost as if she were made of wood.
Tildey has returned. She is allowed to post in thread for the remainder of the game, but has no actions, does not count for parity, and cannot vote. For all intents and purposes she is dead.
WindwardAway had her target in her sights and fired. Unfortunately, the gun malfunctioned and exploded. The gun had been loaded with unstable explosive rounds for maximum pain, but they also created maximum explosions if there were issues. WindwardAway was caught up in the explosion and ceased to exist. As Windward died, so did a couple others.
WindwardAway, playing as Red Eyes Black Dragon/Charizard, the Bus Driving Bodyguard, has been killed.
Living Players:
1. 3puppies
2. Cape90
3. Claws
4. Crackleslap
5. CWE
6. FutureHold
7. GrumpyCat
8. Kareemah
9. Listo95
10. Llettuce
11. Matthieu
12. Mazer
13. MTR
14. Nightingale
15. PsychoSoldier
16. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
17. Xanjori
Day 3 Vote Count:
Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
Cape90 - 6 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708)
Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)
Not Voting: Mazer, Nightingale, GrumpyCat #1680, MTR #1713
Current Modified Majority: 8
It is still Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 18th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
We probably do.I almost feel like you're buttering me up. Also Im like, do we actually have to kill you to win the game? Because I feel thats being slightly overlooked, although the write-up showing you not eating a soul is a positive sign.
Vote: psychoWho can apparently kill anyone they want now and not just inactive people.
Damn you using logic to change my mind.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you wanna get me out of the way now, so be it, I'm not gonna fight it that hard. But keep in mind scum might only need 2-3 more kills to gain parity. Taking me out now will help facilitate that.
Honestly wasn't my intention to have us vote Psycho. If I had wanted that I would've just voted him when I did my post.Vote: listo
I mean, I basically have to go that way anyway. I can't really say much more than this due to contractual obligations, but I fully understand that my choices of possible mafia will play a heavy factor into how soon I die. It is what it is.Psych, are you comfortable tying your fate into not missing a shot, or is that an unrealistic ask?
Well I assume they must have targeted him somehow, because you dont just let an SK run loose. But the red team was hit by some kinda interferenceWhen you talked about not reading was there something else that leads you to believe that they were gunning for Psych.
Pegasus (town) did ???. I'm guessing he's a JOAT.
Ditto (town) tracked someone)
Aegislash (town) tracked Kareemah
Zapdos (town) doc protected MTR
Exodia (SK, Psycho) killed Clawsout
Summoned Skull (town) cursed PsychoSoldier (Exodia the SK)
Gaia the Fierce Knight (town) copped Xanjori
Feral Imp/Haunter (town, Nightingale) visited Grumpycat (Gaia, town) and both died. Looking back at previous morning writeups, I'm not seeing who could have visited either to rig them to explode.
Blue Eyes Toon Dragon (town) gave Crackleslap something.
The Ur-Dragon (scum) might have been hit by Pegasus. He strongarm killed MTR (Aegislash, town cop).
That's it. The picture, if it didn't show up for anyone else, was the list randomizer![]()
Vote: Llettuce
Yeah, after the mass they still got stuff through. In a 2 kill set-up, when you have someone who, even if claws survived, was coming straight for him....I don't know how you don't prioritize that kill. Particularly when it's the biggest thread captain we have (When he wants to be).Well I assume they must have targeted him somehow, because you dont just let an SK run loose. But the red team was hit by some kinda interference
We're on our 4th day and llettuce has had a decent chunk of posts. You don't get anything off her or Kareemah and their relationship, for example?No particular reason for lletuce at this time. I don't start getting a feel for people until latter in a game after having how people acted for several days.
That's a bit of the conundrum. Claws was pretty active in the one scum chat (kingmaker) we did with him.That could explain why Cape came in the thread unaware of his position, but then again, Claws was hella active, so if he peeked in scumchat he would know
We're on our 4th day and llettuce has had a decent chunk of posts. You don't get anything off her or Kareemah and their relationship, for example?
She's also had multiple posts talking about Kareemah independently, and then Kareemah had some posts in response to/about her.Just looked Llettuce's ISO. I only see her replying to Kareemah twice. Doesn't seem notable.
If you're right on that, it means scum sat on a potential false lynch led by a validated you all day.I don't feel as good about chopping Val now
.....Are you trying to talk me into it?But then defaulting to Listo feels bad, and same for Kareemah
It's all shrug at this point, so it's hard to really choose what the best path is.
I also would feel bad if Val got subbed back in just to be chopped out.
It's not like I haven't thought about it, because I have to. I mean, let's be at least a little honest there.And I don't get directly scummy vibes from Mazer's play so far. Like maybe I'm biased because he's just active in comparison and so seems to be solving, but overall you don't feel too manipulative, and feel like you'd maybe be making a bit stronger of a play to push me.
You could be biding your time, having hoped that you would have blocked or killed me, but it's not the first solution my brain jumps to.