The efforts of Mab’s forces had begun to have an effect. With the cancellation of numerous Christmas movies, Boomers, Gen X, and Older Millenials were all getting very testy. Egg nog sales were down, which had a big hit on the dairy and poultry industries. How much longer could this last before violence escalated?
Mab knew she needed to make a quick a decisive action. She looked at her chessboard, and thought about which pawns didn’t belong on it.
Weakened Listo was still doing his best to fight evil. Nothing would cheer up a cat like claws as much as Christmas Sweater. At the very least, people on the discord chat would be happy, because of the inevitable cat pics.
Jackie Daytona was hanging out at the bar, when he noticed val looking all handsome. Realizing that Christmas cheer could be spread in many ways, he decided to buy him a drink.
100 Fun Morrison was trying to make sure that he was truly the person he was trying to be. He was going to make sure that everything was peachy with LDG.
And because 100FMorri was truly the industrious sort, he wanted to make sure that everything was good with Val as well
Clause had visited all the networks to see if there was any language in their contracts he could use to sue the forces of evil. He did find some interesting language, and went to see insaner to see if he saw it the same way.
Not Suspicious Future looked around while wearing a fake moustache. He was also in a trench coat, and had a shabby brief case. He made sure that nobody was following him. It was all completely normal behavior that didn’t raise any red flags.
Marcone kept on the move. His ongoing negotiations kept Writers Guild and caterers at each other’s throats, ensuring production was continuing to have issues.
Danhausen hid under the ring, and did his weird hand motions. For some reason, the AEW marks ate it up. But they were still bitter, and not very christmasy.
While his teammates pulled their various ploys, the Mtr, the Winter Knight took a more direct route.
He first sought out a traitor. Morrison had tried to turn from evil. But his fun was about to end.
Insaner has been eliminated. He was 100 Fun Morrison – Town Role Changer
But the Winter Knight was not finished. Jackie Daytona had grown too brazen, and MTR had tracked him down. He tried to escape with his superspeed, and by turning into a bat. But MTR was able to subdue him by pushing garlic down his throat.
As is often the case with normal, human bartenders.
Mitch has been eliminated. He was Jackie Daytona-Town Hider Variant
As more and more Christmas specials were cancelled, the forces of good needed to rally. Christmas was approaching. Could they find a way to reunite families, and spread Christmas Cheer?
Active players:
1 Apocaclaws
2 Matthieu
3 Val the Moofia Boss
4 Psycho666Soldier
6 Satsu
7 LemonDemonGirl
8 VoidKitten
9 Listo95
10 Blind Ninja
11 lettuce
12 Nightingale
13 Dreyski
All Wrapped up in a bow:
3puppies-Lt. Uhura- Town Neighborizer
Future - Tildey - Town JOAT
Morrison-Alberta Haynes - TOWN ON Tracker
Diva Smurf - Maze-Town 1x Vig
Insaner-100 Fun Morrison- Town Role Changer
Mitch-Jackie Daytona-Town Hider Variant
With 13 active players, hammer is 7,
Begin Day 4