Can you go a bit more into the Claws read? Is there anything particularly about his play that you think smells of previous games?Quick reads on a few:
CWE - (before he says it not because he reads me as such) the most obvious town read here unless he’s deviated heavily on his scum game. Would be 1-2-3 kid beating Razor level upset if he was scum.
Blind - By the book, Mr logical. Confident town read even in spite of our earlier interactions.
Psycho - Less confident than the previous two but leaning slight town. No gimmicky obv town tells like the previous games and dipping in and out in spells.
Homely Mazer - Slightly interesting approach as normally his first port of call is to blatantly ask me and/or Claws if town in the first instance but did the more gimmicky approach instead. Town lean but a bit more slight than usual
Claws - His play here pings me slightly as reminds me of other games like the last one where he’s shaded the likes of me but was a scum approach.
Dreyski - Slight town lean and giving him a bit of a pass due to his PC issues.
3puppies - His spreadsheeting NAI. Seems a bit too paranoid over leading N1 No lynches over a Jarrod/Kefka gimmick that was aaaages ago.
Jarrod - He’s a slow burner normally D1, need to see more D2.
Randolph - Not much but hope he can digest the clippings/hairs in good sauce. Normally questions me or Psycho but none of his usual MO here.
Tildey - Slight town lead. Could see more but asking role questions.
Matthieu - Less familiar with his style than others but from what I know voting Sleep early is NAI.
Lora- Seems a bit more serious and less gimmicky than usual. Most players I’d say that’s fine but I’m used to a town gimmicky Lora.
MTR - His activity level so far is a slight good town lean at the moment
Caito - Not confident at all.
Xan - same.
That's actually a good shout on Randolph, though.