Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Game Start - Day 1


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Welcome everyone!

This is the game for our anonymous battle royale. This will be a typical Rajah style game with no claims allowed and write ups at the end of each phase. There is one change in mechanics that is listed below.



1. All players will be given a created account by me along with credentials for this game. No one will be using their actual account for this game and will instead use these accounts to post instead. Accounts will be given with your rolecard. The names of the original player will be revealed with the flip.
2. Day/Night Phases: Day phases will last 48 hours and Night phases 24 hours. Official deadline will always be at 8:00pm ET, but the actual start/end will depend on action submission.
3. It is recommended to vote at least once per phase and post at least five posts per day phase.
4. If the day ends without a majority being reached, modified majority will come into play. If a player has a majority of the votes that have been cast, that player will be eliminated. If a player does not have a majority of votes cast, no elimination will happen.
5. No role-claiming or breadcrumbing/hinting whatsoever. You all know I will not hesitate to modkill so let's see if I can get through a game without doing that.
6. Investigative roles will not receive their own results. Instead, along with action submission, they will choose another player to receive their results instead. You cannot choose the same player twice in a row to receive results. If you are subject to this, your rolecard will state it. Cop investigations will report Supremacy or Other. If the action fails, No Result will be delivered to the user of the ability.
7. No discussing the game outside of the thread or in specified discord channels. Please do not use OGI or angleshooting (such as comparing how rolecards are written or if a player is inactive or not, or if they are in discord and not thread). If you want to use this information to develop your own reads, fine. But please do not bring up things in the thread like this.
8. Self-targeting is not allowed unless otherwise specified
9. Votes/Unvotes must be done through the BBCode. You do not have to unvote. I will accept whatever the most recent vote is.


Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale (Night 1)
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey (Day 2)

3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod (Night 2)
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce (Night 2)
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf (Day 3)
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner (Night 3)
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ??? (Night 3)
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss (Day 4)
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho (Night 4)
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo (Night 4)


Day/Night Writeups:

Game Intro:

Enough was enough. Mazer swung his sword down at VoidKitten who only had time to dodge out of the way, but not quickly enough. Mazer’s blade slashed through VoidKitten’s thigh. VoidKitten fell to the group and looked up at Mazer. “We have had enough of your reign, VK. This place has gone to shit.” Mazer swung the hilt of the sword down and knocked VK out.

Mazer cackled as he declared himself Supreme Ruler of FoS, Mother of Mafia, The Statesman, Sixth First Best Mafia Player. “No longer will we need to use technology to play Mafia. We can return to the days of writing notes with quills and using an abacus.” He skipped through the land, extolling his capture of VK and gathering loyal subjects for what would come next.

Unbeknownst to Mazer, VoidKitten stirred early. He was weakened and restrained, but was able to use the last of his energy to send out a telepathic message. He just only hoped the savior would come.

Listo, was working at the local orphanage when he stiffened suddenly as words filled his head. “Listo, help me. Mazer has taken over FoS and is planning on taking it back to the dark days of Mafia. You have to stop him. He is holding me at…” The message cut out suddenly as Listo was wracked by pain and Mazer’s voice filled his head. “Do not get any cute ideas, Listo. You may have saved those three huskies, but you will not take my power.” Listo collapsed but quickly recovered. “That is a great idea! I should go get 3puppies!

Listo quickly left, gathering a ragtag group of people, and making plans to march upon Mazer. But Mazer knew this was coming and had a secret weapon on his side. He needed Chaos Incarnate to impose his will so he brought forth Lora to ensure the deeds were done. During preparations, Firebert showed multiple enhancements to the defense of Castle Rezam and the entire Supremacy laughed knowing no one would defeat them.

Listo and 3puppies gathered a group of ragtag heroes, including stalwarts such as mth and Caito, to continue the fight to keep technology and not go back to the ways of old. They were a motley crew, so they donned the name Riff-Raff as to mark their humble beginnings.

Elsewhere, a hooded figure walked the land. She looked at her pocket watch and sighed. She stood on a cliff, overlooking everyone making preparations. But she had her own plans and her own designs. Foxxi jumped off the cliff, did sixteen flips in the air, and then glided down to the ground below. She knew what she had to do and it would be done.

Day 1 End:

Castle Rezam glew brilliantly and exploded a forcewave outwards, covering the land in premature darkness. Firebert smiled. “Impressive countermeasures. Automated defenses that activate without us having to do anything? And without us knowing? This is fantastic. I can’t wait for it to do it again.” He looked at the console. “Wait what? IT ONLY WORKS ONE TIME? Bah.” Firebert stomped away. The console went to sleep, ready to awaken if it deems further defenses are necessary…

Castle Rezam automatically ended Day 1 at the 24 hour mark.


Final Day 1 Vote Count:

GrumpyCat - 3 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200, GrumpyCat #437)

HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
Alysrazor - 2 (Medivh #83, SubZero #422)
SubZero - 2 (Sora #105, ArtTheClown #331)
Sora - 2 (MasterChief #137, PrincessPeach #297)
Croissant - 2 (Bacon #210, Alysrazor #430)
Applejack - 2 (Applejack #212, Kumquat #413)
Moana - 2 (Moana #261, Hades #417)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
XavierWoods - 1 (Rikishi #191)
SolidSnake - 1 (SolidSnake #389)

Not Voting: Gibbs, Sephiroth, XavierWoods, Arceus #403

The player at the top of the vote list is: GrumpyCat

The player at the bottom of the vote list is: SolidSnake


Two beams of light shot out from the sky and pinpointed GrumpyCat and SolidSnake.

A voice rung out. “Let us see what happens to both of you”

The beam of light grew brighter on GrumpyCat as it engulfed their entire body. No noise was heard as the beam caused everyone to look away. As it dissipated a sheen seemed to cover GrumpyCat.

GrumpyCat has been granted immunity from votes and being directly targeted by night actions until the start of Day 3.

The beam now grew brighter on SolidSnake. The beam seemed to glow just as brilliantly as it did earlier. As the beam dissipated, everyone gasped collectively as there stood SolidSnake, breaking apart piece by piece as if he had been immolated alive.

SolidSnake, playing as ???, the ???, has been eliminated.


Listo looked around as the day quickly turned into night. He shook his head and decided he would not be marking people today who couldn’t follow the plan. But tomorrow, that would be another story.


It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 4th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be considered valid.

Full game chat is allowed for NIGHT ONE ONLY.

Day 2 Start:
Listo did not appreciate what happened at the end of the first day. While he was not going to enforce the plan tonight, he didn’t like that someone was killed just for having the least popularity. Listo believes we were all special in our own ways and he closed his eyes, muttering some words in an ancient language.

SolidSnake started to reform from the crumbling ashes and before long he was as good as new.

SolidSnake has been resurrected and returned to the game.

was pacing around Castle Rezam, restless as he wanted to cause some carnage. He walked over to the console and input his activation codes for one of his own special weapons he had been developing over the years, hunting newbies and the House.

Once the command was input, a freeze ray, this time like Johnny Snow, fired out connecting with everyone who was not a member of the Supremacy, freezing them in their spot. Morrison’s eyes glinted as he slinked away into the castle.

Foxxi dodged three freeze ray blasts until she was hit squarely in the chest. She froze in place, but she would not be deterred. Foxxi broke free of the ice and set about knowing she would find who she was looking for.

DivaSmurf was looking through his handy utility belt. He grabbed an item and quickly set out from his room. DivaSmurf ran across SubZero and attached a device to him. DivaSmurf quickly ran back to his room and remotely accessed the device to check out SubZero.

Sabi looked over her tarot cards and sighed. She grabbed one casually, looked it over and nodded, thinking this would be a good chance for tomorrow.

Lora set out, following a faint scent of fruit, knowing whom he wanted to kill. He was surprised to see his target had not been frozen and was out and about. Lora quickly followed behind them and waited until they stopped. Kumquat was looking at someone, but before they could say anything, their throat was slit. As the blood ran from Kumquat’s throat, the clocktower bonged repeatedly, as if paying its final respects.

Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Applejack
3. Arceus
4. ArtTheClown
5. Bacon
6. Croissant
7. Gibbs
8. GrumpyCat
9. Hades
10. HulkHogan
11. JackSparrow
12. MasterChief
13. Medivh
14. Moana
15. Pikachu
16. PrincessPeach
17. Rikishi
18. Sephiroth
19. SolidSnake
20. Sora
21. SubZero
22. Twintania
23. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale


It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on June 6th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Day 2 End:

Final Day 2 Vote Count:

Croissant - 12 (Sephiroth #954, Rikishi #963, Pikachu #997, SolidSnake #1005, Bacon #1014, MasterChief #1052, Alysrazor #1060, Subzero #1178, Arceus #1240, JackSparrow #1245, ArtTheClown #1254, XavierWoods #1260)

PrincessPeach - 5 (Twintania #822, Medivh #887, Croissant #1084, PrincessPeach #1104, GrumpyCat #1204)
Applejack - 2 (HulkHogan #611, Moana #934)
ArtTheClown - 1 (Hades #900)
JackSparrow - 1 (Sora #1193)

Not Voting: Applejack, Gibbs

Current Modified Majority: 11 votes


Croissant was having none of this. She argued back and forth defending her position, but everyone else was accusing her of being overcooked. And while a flaky Croissant is the best kind, a burnt one is not. Unable to convince them, Croissant was led to the fire pit and unceremoniously yeeted into it. Mmmm. Crispy.

Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey


Listo shook his head as there were people who still could not follow the plan. He keyed in some commands on his device and marked two players this day. Listo nodded solemnly knowing his marks would not be removed by conventional means.


It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end on June 7th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be considered valid.

Day 3 Start:

Sabi sighed as she put the tarot card she selected originally back into the deck. She looked through the deck again and thought for a moment, selecting another card with glee.

MTR was working on a cannon that could be used for transporting people across long distances. He saw Sephiroth and motioned him to come over and try it. MTR loaded Sephiroth into the cannon and fired, but there was too much power. Sephiroth sailed much further away than anticipated. MTR shrugged and made a comment about seeing him tomorrow.

Pablo Diablo was a hype man. He knew how to argue any point and convince anyone of anything. He knew how to bring out even more strength. He found PrincessPeach and hyped them up, ensuring that they would be much more effective tonight.

Robozerim had magical dice that could do anything he willed them to. He told Rikishi this and Rikishi laughed. To prove a point, he rolled the dice and they started to smolder and exploded outwards creating a protective shield around Rikishi. Robozerim nodded cheekily and walked away.

Matthieu was creeping around the battlefield when he saw Applejack and SolidSnake approaching in mine carts. Matthieu quickly threw a switch causing both minecarts to swap tracks as they continued on.

Marack was on the hunt. He had really wanted to hunt down lurkers, but he had more important business to attend to. He watched Sora from afar and shot a dart at Sora injecting him with a poison that would make his words much more pleasing.

Listo shook his head again, silently weeping over the choice he had to make. He didn’t want anyone to die. He wanted everyone to get along. How could everything have gone so wrong? He sighed and pressed a button on his wrist communicator.

Gibbs was sitting in his room when he heard a beeping. Before he had time to look, an explosion ripped through the area, incinerating everything except a deck of tarot cards.

Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod

was excited to be here and was happy to help Listo achieve anything. 3puppies went around and found SubZero and quickly grabbed a paintbrush and painted him in reflective paint. He smiled as he saw how nicely it reflected the sun.

Caito happened to see SubZero and went to give him a special surprise. He pulled out a hookshoot and took aim at SubZero’s backpack, but as he was firing the shot the sun reflected off of SubZero and hit Caito in the eye causing him to shoot himself in the leg with the hookshot. Caito wailed and limped away.

Badger was on break and tired. He was yawning and ironing his kilt, while watching NXT UK, when movement caught his attention. He saw it was Sora and Badger decided to pause the telly and follow closely behind him.

Dreyski was snapping pictures and taking video of everything, trying to help formulate plans to storm Castle Rezam. He saw Sora and aimed his camera at Sora’s communication array to catch any messages he might get.

Lora was on the prowl again, using an extra stealthy style of movement. He found his target drinking some coffee and he quickly snuck up behind them and slit their throat. As his target bled out he cackled manically. “Pikachu is a terrible starter. Bulbasaur is better.” Lora quickly disappeared as Pikachu bled out.

Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce


Sauron has subbed in for Applejack. Please do not discuss this substitution.


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Arceus
3. ArtTheClown
4. Bacon
5. GrumpyCat
6. Hades
7. HulkHogan
8. JackSparrow
9. MasterChief
10. Medivh
11. Moana
12. PrincessPeach
13. Rikishi
14. Sauron
15. Sephiroth
16. SolidSnake
17. Sora
18. SubZero
19. Twintania
20. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce


It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on June 9th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Day 3 End:

Final Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 10 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586, JackSparrow #1410, Alysrazor #1622, XavierWoods #1628, SubZero #1632)

PrincessPeach - 4 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, Bacon #1618, Arceus #1627)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, PrincessPeach #1588)

Not Voting: Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 9


Hades wasn’t sure what to do. Everyone was looking at him and he quickly turned to run, his hair turning red as he started to get mad. Before he could do much, he tripped over a rock and tumbled. The angry mob quickly grabbed him and walked him over to a lake. Hades struggled, but the group tied cinder blocks to his feet. Hades cursed everyone as they tossed him over the bank and into the deep water. Hades' hair fizzled as he plummeted downwards.

Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf


Morrison wanted to have a little fun tonight and as the day ended he followed Moana outside and quickly put them in a headlock and knocked them out. When Moana awoke, she saw she was sitting on a stool across from Morrison. He looked at her and formed an evil grin, his fist extended. “Welcome to my game. You have been a pestilence on me for far too long. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Best 3 of 5. Winner takes all and the loser…well…is taken from this life.”


Listo was not pleased. Still, people didn’t listen. He typed some more into his laptop and marked another two players today. Listo closed the laptop and sighed.


It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end on June 10th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be considered valid.

Day 4 Start:

Morrison, fresh off of his embarrassing loss in Rock, Paper, Scissors wanted to make sure that the Supremacy had an edge tonight. He walked over to his trusty console and configured it to work in Dark Mode. As soon as it activated, a dark, purple pulse came out from Castle Rezam and covered the land in pure darkness, ensuring the Supremacy wouldn’t be seen tonight.

Robozerim sneaked into Subzero's bedroom with killing intent, rolling his magical dice until they turned into a bladed grappling hook. He threw the weapon at Subzero and shouted "Get over here!" Upon pulling Subzero to himself, he discovered it was a life sized doll replica of him and cursed as he crept away from the scene of his attempted murder, taking the decoy with him so it couldn't be used again.

3puppies looked shocked at the sudden darkness but knew it wouldn’t interrupt his plan. He set out and was able to locate both SubZero and GrumpyCat and gave them new orders, sending them both in the other’s direction.

3puppies was not done. He felt a sudden urge to continue going on tonight and sought out another person. He snuck up behind Sora silently and wasted no time, shooting them in the back of the head. He looked down at the body bleeding out and made some comment about this death being reduced by a coupon to free. Once Sora mercifully bled out, 3puppies continued on his way.

Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner

decided to try and get some more pictures of people’s communication arrays. She went out to look for GrumpyCat and found him. Dreyski set up the camera pointing at the communicator and waited to see what she would get.

Robozerim grabbed his magical dice and decided to put on another show. He had heard that Sauron did not believe that his dice could create a shield. Robozerim was happy to oblige and rolled the dice, causing them to erect a protective shield around Sauron this night.

Pablo Diablo knew that the Riff-Raff had to get their stuff together. In hoping to further that plan, he found Sauron and gave them a pep talk. Sauron felt so pumped up by the talk he immediately went forth with any plans he may or may not have tonight, before anyone else got the idea to.

CWE grabbed his pack and ran out into the darkness. He wanted to see if anyone came to talk to Sora and quickly set up camp near where Sora hung out to see what would happen that night in the area.

Listo decided to take a different tact tonight. Instead of focusing on those who didn’t follow instructions, he had something more interesting in mind and knew the perfect person. Listo left his cave he was saving some animals in and went to find his target. It didn’t take long before he came upon ArtTheClown and decided he really really hated clowns. Listo grabbed an axe and connected it with the side of ArtTheClown’s neck, severing it completely. He then took the head, planted the neck in the ground and watered it.

“Much better,” said Listo. “ArtTheTree has a much nicer ring to it.” Listo left, but not before leaving an open communicator in front of ArtTheTree.

ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???


ArtTheTree is now a Tree Stump. He cannot vote, be voted upon, perform actions, or count towards parity, however he can post in the thread during the day.


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Arceus
3. Bacon
4. GrumpyCat
5. HulkHogan
6. JackSparrow
7. MasterChief
8. Medivh
9. Moana
10. PrincessPeach
11. Rikishi
12. Sauron
13. Sephiroth
14. SolidSnake
15. SubZero
16. Twintania
17. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???


It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on June 12th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Day 5 Start:

Morrison wanted to have a special night. He wanted to experience what the other members of the Supremacy could feel. He gathered everyone together and activated another device that would allow fluidity between the Supremacy this evening.

Pablo Diablo happened to see Sephiroth and went into a long diatribe. Sephiroth absorbed every word and offered counter points. Sephiroth was so motivated that he would be super effective tonight.

Morrison left Castle Rezam. He was not waiting for anyone else and would see that his target was annihilated. He caught SubZero in the washbasin and quickly threw a toaster into the water. SubZero faked being electrocuted and when Morrison approached and quickly went to attack. Morrison just looked at SubZero and quickly slit his throat. As SubZero bled out, Morrison looked at him and said, “Pathetic. But at least it was a….FATALITY.”

SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Psycho

knew he was needed and decided to make use of a new toy. He was heading to find a weak point in Castle Rezam, when he ran across Alysrazor. Marack quickly ran up on him and suckerpunched him, with his new titanium knuckles. Alysrazor fell to the ground, unconscious, and wouldn’t be moving for quite some time.

Lora set off into the night again looking for his target. He located Moana and snuck up behind her, but as he crept he tripped over a rock and fell face first on the ground. Moana jumped, hearing the noise behind her, and ran off into the distance. Lora spit dirt out of his mouth and swore, slowly heading back to Castle Rezam.

Tildey snuck through the area after dark and ran across HulkHogan. She talked to him and told him how impressed she was with his muscles and lured him to her camp. She grabbed HulkHogan and threw him in a makeshift cage and locked the door. “I’ll let you out in the morning and yeah, yeah, you’ll be safe here.” Tildey then left and sat down to read a nice book.

DivaSmurf was given a mission and he would see it through. He went and found Medivh, watching where he was going. DivaSmurf snuck up behind Medivh and cut a hole in Medivh’s bag, laughing as things started to fall out. Medivh saw things falling and quickly tried to pick them up, completely distracted from what he was doing.”

Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.

Firebert smiled as he grabbed the tarot card he chose yesterday and put it to the side, the card now glowing white. He looked through the tarot deck again and chose another card, nodding that this would be it.

Dreyski had his trusty camera again and set up camp outside of Subzero’s aiming his camera at the communication array waiting to see if any messages would arrive.

Listo had no words. There would be no long flowing soliloquy. There would be no mourning. People didn’t follow the rules so they must pay, as everyone knows that rules make the world go round. Mazer wanted to do away with rules and wanted to return to the days of old and that could not happen. He would not let it happen. Not after what happened…

Listo sighed and pressed the button and elsewhere a bomb went off, blowing Alysrazor sky high into little pieces.

Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


Castle Rezam sensed the death of the Supremacy master and started to malfunction all on its own. Steam poured out from the mainframe and parts of the castle started to break off. A voice echoed throughout the land. “Error detected. No master. No allegiance. No purpose.”

The castle then grew quiet, but a light started to slowly spread across the land emanating from the castle...


Living Players:

1. Arceus
2. Bacon
3. GrumpyCat
4. HulkHogan
5. JackSparrow
6. MasterChief
7. Medivh
8. Moana
9. Rikishi
10. Sauron
11. Sephiroth
12. SolidSnake
13. Twintania
14. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???
8. PrincessPeach, playing as kdestiny, the Riff-Raff Targeted Backup, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Val the Moofia Boss
9. SubZero, playing as Pablo Diablo, the Riff-Raff Amplifying Motivator, has been killed. Actual Poster: Psycho
10. Alysrazor, playing as Mazer, the Supremacy Godfather Bus Driver, has been killed. Actual Poster: Listo


It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end on June 15th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.


The player with the highest amount of votes cast for them today (Day 1) as well as the player with the lowest amount of votes cast for them will be subject to a 75/25 dice roll to determine their fate. If they are successful, they will receive immunity from being targeted until Day 3. If they fail the roll, the player will be killed. The player with the most votes has a 75% chance to live. The player with the least has a 75% chance to die.


Current Phase:

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on June 12th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
Last edited:


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Day 1 Vote Count:

Croissant - 1 (Kumquat #3)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Applejack, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Croissant, Gibbs, GrumpyCat, Hades, HulkHogan, JackSparrow, MasterChief, Medivh, Moana, Pikachu, PrincessPeach, Rikishi, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Sora, SubZero, Twintania, XavierWoods


May 29, 2023
Sorry went through my phone and did not have any pictures of Pikachu, I don't take selfies much


Scum Hunter
May 29, 2023

Vote: Kumquat


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Day 1 Vote Count:

Pikachu - 3 (GrumpyCat #9, Kumquat #11, MasterChief #13)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
Kumquat - 1 (SubZero #15)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Applejack, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Croissant, Gibbs, Hades, JackSparrow, Medivh, Moana, Pikachu, PrincessPeach, Rikishi, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Sora, Twintania, XavierWoods


Scum Hunter
May 29, 2023
The player with the highest amount of votes cast for them today (Day 1) as well as the player with the lowest amount of votes cast for them will be subject to a 75/25 dice roll to determine their fate. If they are successful, they will receive immunity from being targeted until Day 3. If they fail the roll, the player will be killed. The player with the most votes has a 75% chance to live. The player with the least has a 75% chance to die.


May 29, 2023
Pikachu - 3 (GrumpyCat #9, Kumquat #11, MasterChief #13)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
Kumquat - 1 (SubZero #15)
Sora - 1 (Sora #24)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Applejack, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Croissant, Gibbs, Hades, JackSparrow, Medivh, Moana, Pikachu, PrincessPeach, Rikishi, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, Sora, Twintania, XavierWoods


May 29, 2023
Kumquat is my top town read and I encourage wolves to shoot them.

vote Princess Peach

No strong suspicious as of yet, but I find their comment about throwing myself and Sephiroth through the Door of Darkness to be unnecessarily rude.


May 29, 2023
Kumquat is my top town read and I encourage wolves to shoot them.

vote Princess Peach

No strong suspicious as of yet, but I find their comment about throwing myself and Sephiroth through the Door of Darkness to be unnecessarily rude.
It had just occured to me that this vote is going to make us look so partnered in the event that Princess Peach actually ends up being mafia. Oh my gosh. What have I done? Can I take it back now?

Oh, but I can!

vote Sephiroth

Might as well keep it here until they say something towny.


Scum Hunter
May 29, 2023
It had just occured to me that this vote is going to make us look so partnered in the event that Princess Peach actually ends up being mafia. Oh my gosh. What have I done? Can I take it back now?

Oh, but I can!

vote Sephiroth

Might as well keep it here until they say something towny.
You just lost all your town points


Vanilla Townie
May 29, 2023
I am worried that good Hulkster is going to turn out to be the nWo Hogan we all despise. Got my eyes on you.

watching i see you GIF

Vote: HulkHogan


Scum Hunter
May 29, 2023
To be honest, I'll only trust people who will help me get to Shang Tsung


May 29, 2023

vote SubZero

You are either on crack cocaine or mafia


Vanilla Townie
May 29, 2023
Well at least they are not changing their vote just about every time the post like kumquat


May 29, 2023
I'm interested what have you either impression

I mean the former is true but I don't know how you can tell
Aside from ms natural indignation at the INSOLENCE of a person who dared question my honest name...

Your post about me "losing my town points" had struck me as lacking as both the foundation and resolve.


Lost Wolf
May 29, 2023
i tweaked.
It had just occured to me that this vote is going to make us look so partnered in the event that Princess Peach actually ends up being mafia. Oh my gosh. What have I done? Can I take it back now?

Oh, but I can!

vote Sephiroth

Might as well keep it here until they say something towny.
my boy is wihkid smahrt


Lost Wolf
May 29, 2023
the gr does have a sense of humor. i could definitely see him having a go at some inside jokes with assigning people roles.


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Day 1 Vote Count:

Pikachu - 2 (GrumpyCat #9, MasterChief #13)
HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Kumquat #56)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
Twintania - 1 (PrincessPeach #29)
MasterChief - 1 (SubZero #33)
GrumpyCat - 1 (JackSparrow #45)
SubZero - 1 (Sora #74)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Applejack, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Croissant, Gibbs, Hades, Medivh, Moana, Pikachu, Rikishi, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, XavierWoods


May 29, 2023
So why can't the lowest vote better just self vote at the last second.


May 29, 2023
Or we could try to actually be organized and force the vote onto 2 people

Say, 4 people to get the most votes by the end of 24 hours become the only people being eligible to be voted for the remainder of the day?

Can change the number of people or extend that to 36 hours maybe, but I think that could work?
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