Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Well that was a crazy number of posts to catch up on for a game that has not even been live for 12 hours.

It bothers me how closely Sora is trying to control the votes. Yeah, it could just be trying to get us all to work together. But it also could be mafia trying to get a headstart on improving their odds.
Hello Croissant. I appreciate your engagement and your thoughts.

A couple of things I feel I should clarify:

1) I wasn't as much trying to control the votes as trying to come up with a system that would allow us to exercise the will of the people more efficiently. The people being voted up would still be up to the individuals themselves.

2) I have already given up on that endeavor after realising it would be impossible to actually enforce.
Hello Croissant. I appreciate your engagement and your thoughts.

A couple of things I feel I should clarify:

1) I wasn't as much trying to control the votes as trying to come up with a system that would allow us to exercise the will of the people more efficiently. The people being voted up would still be up to the individuals themselves.

2) I have already given up on that endeavor after realising it would be impossible to actually enforce.

I did wholeheartedly appreciate that your posts weren't just spam to hit your minimum post count. :cheers:
3. It is recommended to vote at least once per phase and post at least five posts per day phase.

6. Investigative roles will not receive their own results. Instead, along with action submission, they will choose another player to receive their results instead. You cannot choose the same player twice in a row to receive results. If you are subject to this, your rolecard will state it. Cop investigations will report Supremacy or Other. If the action fails, No Result will be delivered to the user of the ability.

A couple things jump out here - first, the 5 post recommendation is unsettling. We should expect Void to include a role that could choose to punish lurkers. Stay active, all.

Investigative roles not getting their own results. I am guessing/hoping that the writeup may show "Character X sent the results to player Y, because X thought Y analytical enough to understand, and trustworthy enough to share?"


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Applejack
3. Arceus
4. ArtTheClown
5. Bacon
6. Croissant
7. Gibbs
8. GrumpyCat
9. Hades
10. HulkHogan
11. JackSparrow
12. Kumquat
13. MasterChief
14. Medivh
15. Moana
16. Pikachu
17. PrincessPeach
18. Rikishi
19. Sephiroth
20. SolidSnake
21. Sora
22. SubZero
23. Twintania
24. XavierWoods

Characters named so far (3 scum, 4 town, 1 3p)




Not may characters identified yet, but we've come to expect that from Voidkitten. I am thinking with 24 players, there will likely be close to 30 named characters, and it will be up to us Riff Raff to sort it all out.

The player with the highest amount of votes cast for them today (Day 1) as well as the player with the lowest amount of votes cast for them will be subject to a 75/25 dice roll to determine their fate. If they are successful, they will receive immunity from being targeted until Day 3. If they fail the roll, the player will be killed. The player with the most votes has a 75% chance to live. The player with the least has a 75% chance to die

Interesting that the top vote getter has a 25% chance to die, but this does not say that the low vote getter has a 25% chance at immunity. Logically, if we want to keep playing, we want to avoid the highest and lowest vote count, as all others (with at least 5 posts) presumably will move on to night one.
Investigative roles not getting their own results. I am guessing/hoping that the writeup may show "Character X sent the results to player Y, because X thought Y analytical enough to understand, and trustworthy enough to share?"
I'm more expecting "character Y received a message" containing the results of character X's investigation. But I guess we shall see.
Medivh and Croisssant for not getting the joke
Croissant for being part of a continental breakfast

Vote: croissant
I'm more expecting "character Y received a message" containing the results of character X's investigation. But I guess we shall see.
It's either this or the investigators are shown targeting someone, but not who received their results. That makes the most sense to me.
Get that logic out of here uwu
Furry GIF
It's either this or the investigators are shown targeting someone, but not who received their results. That makes the most sense to me.

The investigators will know who got their results, though, because they will direct them, and they can't send them to the same person twice. So anyone who has an investigation role, should find a way to out their directed target if anyone doesn't share.

Of course, this will add the wrinkle that maybe whoever gets the information isn't particularly honest, and they share false information.

But by and large, they should be sending info to analytical and vocal players helping to solve.

Like the Hall of Famer previouslly known as the Sultan, or the Headshrinker who encouraged kids to stay in school. Make a Difference.
Ive got my eye on Rikishi for his LAMIST play. Saro probably falls under the same umbrella.

Your eye can't miss the STINKFACE coming right at you. You're just the skid marks that Pat Patterson displayed when he and the Brisco stooges tried to copy Rikishi and Too Cool.
Also I seriously respect the level of role-play people are commiting to with their characters, unfortunately Ive never touched a halo game so I dunno what my guy does
Also I seriously respect the level of role-play people are commiting to with their characters, unfortunately Ive never touched a halo game so I dunno what my guy does

I have no idea who most of these players are, either. Players taking on the persona of characters, who will be pretending to be posters. I wasn't sure how this would work but it appears that some of us cannot shake our play styles.

And I don't like that piece of crap Hulk Hogan guy.
Does this mean you're not going to tell me your preference?
The person I'm currently voting is the person I currently want dead the most.

I don't have a strong preference between the other names. Them being on this list is more due to a lack of readable content from these slots rather than them doing anything that stood out to me as particularly scummy. I'm keeping an open mind and my preferences will shift as we approach the deadline at which point I might wanna start holding my cards a little closer to my chest anyhow.
The person who I want the most votes on and the person who I want dead the most won't necessarily be the same person.
I have an idea how that works but who will have the least votes and is more likely to die is too easy to manipulate for scum. We can only somewhat direct who will have most.
Alternatively make a last second vote on someone with 0 votes and they are dead. In most cases I guess. But oh boy that would be scummy.
Also I seriously respect the level of role-play people are commiting to with their characters, unfortunately Ive never touched a halo game so I dunno what my guy does
you're john halo. the master chief. sierra 117. the gigachad billy badass. you shoot the aliens and save the day all while saying about 10 words total the entire game, if even.
We're assuming that the person with the least votes which is >0 will be likely to die.

I guessed that all of the folks with zero votes will randomly picked from, and one of them will have a 25% chance for immunity. It didn't say 75% chance of death for the low voter.

Because of this unknown, I think VK is daring scum to try a last second vote on a zero vote getter.
I like sora and zero. Either of you want want my vote to try for the most voted spot?
Hell no. I don't want the 25% chance of death.

I also don't hate the idea of giving a suspicious person a pass from being targeted for 3 days if it means a 25% shot at getting them killed.
Hell no. I don't want the 25% chance of death.

I also don't hate the idea of giving a suspicious person a pass from being targeted for 3 days if it means a 25% shot at getting them killed.
I hard disagree with this strategy. Only top vote people you mostly trust or don't necessarily distrust. If you think they're suspicious, they don't deserve a high chance at immunity.
As I stated in the beginning of the day, I'm treating both top and bottom votes as votes to kill.

Others may have a different evaluation of this day, and that's okay.
As I stated in the beginning of the day, I'm treating both top and bottom votes as votes to kill.

Others may have a different evaluation of this day, and that's okay.
I kinda agree, I expect the wolves to try keep themselves out of first or last in votes.
I think that SubZero's posting the last few hours has been fairly alignment-neutral and they haven't really addressed my prior concerns with their slot so I don't feel like dropping my scum read of that slot.
I think that SubZero's posting the last few hours has been fairly alignment-neutral and they haven't really addressed my prior concerns with their slot so I don't feel like dropping my scum read of that slot.
I'm actually gonna start posting worse as the phases go on
Day 1 Vote Count:

GrumpyCat - 2 (JackSparrow #45, Croissant #200)
HulkHogan - 2 (Twintainia #53, Pikachu #166)
Sora - 2 (MasterChief #137, Arceus #152)
XavierWoods - 2 (Rikishi #191, SubZero #285)
Hades - 1 (HulkHogan #8)
Twintania - 1 (PrincessPeach #29)
Alysrazor - 1 (Medivh #83)
SubZero - 1 (Sora #105)
Croissant - 1 (Bacon #210)
Applejack - 1 (Applejack #212)
Moana - 1 (Moana #261)
SolidSnake - 1 (Kumquat #282)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, ArtTheClown, Gibbs, Hades, Sephiroth, SolidSnake, XavierWoods, GrumpyCat #274

Day ends at 8:00pm ET on June 4th. About 32 hours from now. Day will end early if majority is reached. Once majority is reached, votes will locked and the top and bottom players will be subject to the rolls. There will be no ties.
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