Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 9: Sega vs Nintendo - The Race for the Next Generation

You were gone for most of the last phase, was there a reason you didn't chime in?
I had a terrible migraine and ended up forgetting about the game entirely.

As for my vote on Badger, I was testing two things - to see if my vote isn't being screwed with (since people are claiming that there's missing votes) and to see what the reaction is.
Alright, I think that's long enough - in order of most trusted to least trusted.


Probably Town:

Maybe Town:

I already gave my thoughts on Future.

I feel great about you and Mazer.

Drey is likely clean but not 100% clearing him.

Badger could have been scum hiding on Claws train for future street cred.

Tildey I feel like could be scum and was curious if she could help Claws stay in that late hour of D2.

Everyone else I'm watching with curiosity at this point.
I get that it's hard to have reads on every single person, but I think it's fair if I ask about some in more specifics.

What if I told you I was confident in the odds I already mentioned?
How good do you think my wolf game is lol
You've fooled me before. The post you made at SoD is the only thing I've liked from you. I hate all of your D2. From starting off saying you actually had a real read on Void and that you expected a bunch of people who largely don't know you well to have somehow known that, then using that as an argument to think claws had a real read, to how you seemed to assume I was town and never had any paranoia about me like I've had about you, to the comment asking if I was happy which just felt so bitter when I re-read over night after claws flip, to then walking back and saying you didn't really feel that strongly you just wanted to create tension but never tried to pull anyone else into the discussion - just argue with me, to then walking away from the whole thing which felt resigned.

None of the arguing you did with me ever felt like you were considering and weighing my thoughts - it didn't feel like you were genuinely trying to analyze or solve anything at all.
Future is the only existing train I co-sign.

But also have given enough time for anyone to argue.

Vote: blind ninja
Should be higher than it typically could be after two nights. You should know that what my code of honor allows and doesn't.
The lack of vote last phase is a bit of a sticking point that’s currently preventing me going any higher. You’ve still got better Badger odds than a few though.
The lack of vote last phase is a bit of a sticking point that’s currently preventing me going any higher. You’ve still got better Badger odds than a few though.
Fair enough. I meant to come back. Got busy and had my internal clock off. But still. My honor (and ego) only allow certain things.
You've fooled me before. The post you made at SoD is the only thing I've liked from you. I hate all of your D2. From starting off saying you actually had a real read on Void and that you expected a bunch of people who largely don't know you well to have somehow known that, then using that as an argument to think claws had a real read, to how you seemed to assume I was town and never had any paranoia about me like I've had about you, to the comment asking if I was happy which just felt so bitter when I re-read over night after claws flip, to then walking back and saying you didn't really feel that strongly you just wanted to create tension but never tried to pull anyone else into the discussion - just argue with me, to then walking away from the whole thing which felt resigned.

None of the arguing you did with me ever felt like you were considering and weighing my thoughts - it didn't feel like you were genuinely trying to analyze or solve anything at all.
Sad times
I get that it's hard to have reads on every single person, but I think it's fair if I ask about some in more specifics.

What if I told you I was confident in the odds I already mentioned?
It's not hard, I just don't have much to say at this point on the others. I have a couple people that look trustworthy and a couple that don't. The rest could be filthy badgers or maybe not.
You were wrong on Claws so I’m taking your read with a grain of salt.

Point out to me how you’ve cleared him, that’s all I ask.
Yeah point it out so scum can be like kill that guy. I've already said enough pal.

Take it to the bank though and if you look really close at what's been said then 1+1=2!
But this is a lot of talk about what should be sexily obvious about me, and not enough talk about which vote is sexier between future and blind ninja
Yeah point it out so scum can be like kill that guy. I've already said enough pal.

Take it to the bank though and if you look really close at what's been said then 1+1=2!
I have genuinely missed it but I shall try and find the post (s) in question. But from my end everything I say you seem to twist with “Well Badger could have done this as scum” and you enjoying me getting “worked up” means it’s hard to take you seriously sometimes.

I have a vote stolen and a paper thin train on me so it’s no wonder I’m worked up a bit.
I have genuinely missed it but I shall try and find the post (s) in question. But from my end everything I say you seem to twist with “Well Badger could have done this as scum” and you enjoying me getting “worked up” means it’s hard to take you seriously sometimes.

I have a vote stolen and a paper thin train on me so it’s no wonder I’m worked up a bit.
Yeah but getting you worked up and Mazer's innocence are two entirely separate things.
Yeah but getting you worked up and Mazer's innocence are two entirely separate things.
I have genuinely missed it but I shall try and find the post (s) in question. But from my end everything I say you seem to twist with “Well Badger could have done this as scum” and you enjoying me getting “worked up” means it’s hard to take you seriously sometimes.

I have a vote stolen and a paper thin train on me so it’s no wonder I’m worked up a bit.

Only by focusing on the proper trains, which you have both only given light attention to so far, can you ever find peace.

Only by focusing on the proper trains, which you have both only given light attention to so far, can you ever find peace.
I can multitask. I can't vote though unfortunately. Poking Badger though is still available to me.

Seriously though, I'd have voted Future if I could.

Vote: FutureHold

His asking Claws to explain in gifs why to keep him especially sets off those scum alarms now to me. Future knew he was cooked.

The ones not voting should definitely be looked at, they knew they couldn't oppose the Claws train without looking guilty today.

And for those that say I look guilty, well, no I just look stupid after. There is a difference.

I do hope Psycho made Claws use GIFs in scum chat too for fun.

Only by focusing on the proper trains, which you have both only given light attention to so far, can you ever find peace.

As far as Future goes, as funny as the quadruple clothesline goes, I was trying to give him a bit of a chance this time so took the focus off him to begin with to see if he comes up with anything substantial. But yeah I definitely haven’t liked him since he interacted so if I could vote, he would be my top right now. BN second at the moment as he has contributed a bit more overall IMO but other than badgering (way haaaay) certain people for activity, not liking him especially the vote/unvote last phase for the sake of it.
I also have a feeling that somebody’s purple that isn’t actually those two based on something I might have found but at this point not sure how to vocalise it right now as don’t want to say out loud at the moment and want to try to see if I can interpret certain actions. The Will system is definitely challenging!
I don't honestly think any of the people in my poe are purple, except maybe Peter or Matthieu - not having anything from Matthieu around drey/claws makes it hard to say where he would have actually stood there.

But purple would have had no reason not to just shrug and go along with a claws yeet as far as I can tell. Although we've seen no evidence of a purple kill either so I'm currently not thinking it's a hostile color either. And even though we've seen more than one purple name, it doesn't look like there's been more than one purple action each night too. Though I think drey or someone mentioned not seeing their action in the write up, so it could be some just aren't being shown for some reason?

Vote Count
6 - Claws (Nightingale, Peter Griffin, Dreyski, Val, Badger, CWE)
4 - Dreyski (Claws, Jarrod1983, Blind Ninja, Tildey)

Not Voting: FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Insaner, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu, Mazer, MTR
End of play yesterday. Now I'm not naive to think all the people on my train were scum, or claws' train are town. But I'm wondering when scum decided to let claws hang, because two more votes would have tied, or one person jumping from claws to me. That latter fact leaves me happy with the people on claws' train, who, in other cicumstances could have worked with a confederate nonvoter and a flimsy justification to jump trains leaving me in deadchat.
On my train, BN and Jarrod both were quick to admit to Nightingale that their reads on Claws were wrong, as was my initial judgement. Claws obviously is dead red, and that leaves Tildey, who I don't think has popped in this day phase (I'm not sure, worth an ISO)
On the nonvoters, I'm struggling to remember who voted and unvoted as a safety mechanism, but who might have got me yeeted if the results were closer? I get townier feels on Insaner, LDG and Matthieu.

Which leaves my choices on Tildey, Future, GrumpyCat, Mazer and MTR. More to come.
I will also say I don’t think I was targeted directly with the vote steal but more a bi-product of what happened in the night I think.
You've fooled me before. The post you made at SoD is the only thing I've liked from you. I hate all of your D2. From starting off saying you actually had a real read on Void and that you expected a bunch of people who largely don't know you well to have somehow known that, then using that as an argument to think claws had a real read, to how you seemed to assume I was town and never had any paranoia about me like I've had about you, to the comment asking if I was happy which just felt so bitter when I re-read over night after claws flip, to then walking back and saying you didn't really feel that strongly you just wanted to create tension but never tried to pull anyone else into the discussion - just argue with me, to then walking away from the whole thing which felt resigned.

None of the arguing you did with me ever felt like you were considering and weighing my thoughts - it didn't feel like you were genuinely trying to analyze or solve anything at all.
Alright, let me actually address this point by point.
From starting off saying you actually had a real read on Void and that you expected a bunch of people who largely don't know you well to have somehow known that
Well, the alternative would be that I actually was just meme pushing Void... Which seemed like such an insane idea to me that I couldn't imagine that anyone would actually think that I was doing that and that I needed to clarify that yes, my vote indeed represented a real read. Just call it a cultural difference, I guess?

, to how you seemed to assume I was town and never had any paranoia about me like I've had about you
Let me put it this way. The only game where I actually saw you as mafia was a game on MU some 2-3 years ago which I was checking a couple of times while you were playing. In that game you were completely frozen and sad as mafia. So despite never actually playing with scum you in a game I always sort of written you off as a polarized player. Sometimes I have some paranoia about you very early in the game (as I remind you I also had paranoia about you here on D1) but I always have the townread on you by 2/3 into D1 at the latest. I dare you to refer me to a game where this has not been the case and I was town.

to the comment asking if I was happy which just felt so bitter when I re-read over night after claws flip
You have completely misread the tone of that remark. The way I meant it was more like, hey Foxxi, so it looks like you'll be getting your way here, can we be friends again? As I have been saying, I did not care about our argument nearly as much as you did.

to then walking back and saying you didn't really feel that strongly you just wanted to create tension but never tried to pull anyone else into the discussion
My discussion was an open invitation for anyone to weigh in. I do not typically go around asking everybody "hey mate what do you think about xyz"

to then walking away from the whole thing which felt resigned.
What would be the scum motivation for me to walk away from defending Claws? I may as well have committed to the defense at this point, especially since you were giving me a pass at the time by saying you understood my pov. I don't see any reason why I would be more likely to give up on my defense as mafia than as town.

Which part of my explanation that I dropped my defense due to feeling better about Dreyski being town sounds not believable to you?

None of the arguing you did with me ever felt like you were considering and weighing my thoughts
You must have missed me saying that I thought you raised some reasonable points about how my townread on Claws may have been misguided, then. When you pointed out that Claws never actually proved that he had the same reasons for scumreading Void that I did and that I was effectively vibing with him over the lack of explanation I started doubting my own read. If you go back, you'll see that I stopped responding to you shortly after that. That was because I was weakened in my belief in that moment but wasn't ready to admit it due to wanting to see others weigh in first.

Also wow I didn't know that not considering your thoughts was a scum tell smh

it didn't feel like you were genuinely trying to analyze or solve anything at all.
Well, is everything else I've done that doesn't have anything to do with Void or Claws just white noise to you then?

The post you made at SoD is the only thing I've liked from you. I hate all of your D2.
No shit Foxxi. I've outlined what seems to be pretty much the consensus poe today, earlier than anyone else did.

Tell me this - what do you expect I should have been doing differently today as a villager from what I've done here?
True. I feel like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. But at least he had the opportunity to please his case using words & not gifs.

Vote: Dreyski
That's Tildey's last post. How else could I plead my case on D2 with the writeups the way they are? "I'm town and I'd rather not die" pretty much summed up my case.
Vote Count
3 - Badger (Peter Griffin, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu)
2 - Tildey (Val the Moofia Boss, Insaner)
2 - FutureHold (GrumpyCat, Nightingale)
1 - Blind Ninja (Mazer)

Not Voting: Badger, Blind Ninja, Dreyski, FutureHold, Jarrod1983, MTR, Tildey

About 27.5 hours remain. 8 is majority.
He has been doing things to keep himself alive. Why ask for more?
This was in response to the Future post that set people's alarms off but this seems more damning to me...and I was looking for townie MTR stuff. Ended up thinking about the 'adult pinewood derby' :wtf:
End of play yesterday. Now I'm not naive to think all the people on my train were scum, or claws' train are town. But I'm wondering when scum decided to let claws hang, because two more votes would have tied, or one person jumping from claws to me. That latter fact leaves me happy with the people on claws' train, who, in other cicumstances could have worked with a confederate nonvoter and a flimsy justification to jump trains leaving me in deadchat.
On my train, BN and Jarrod both were quick to admit to Nightingale that their reads on Claws were wrong, as was my initial judgement. Claws obviously is dead red, and that leaves Tildey, who I don't think has popped in this day phase (I'm not sure, worth an ISO)
On the nonvoters, I'm struggling to remember who voted and unvoted as a safety mechanism, but who might have got me yeeted if the results were closer? I get townier feels on Insaner, LDG and Matthieu.

Which leaves my choices on Tildey, Future, GrumpyCat, Mazer and MTR. More to come.'re clearing people because they quickly admitted they were wrong.....following a flip?

It would seem a weird strategy for them to double down further today.
Alright, let me actually address this point by point.

Well, the alternative would be that I actually was just meme pushing Void... Which seemed like such an insane idea to me that I couldn't imagine that anyone would actually think that I was doing that and that I needed to clarify that yes, my vote indeed represented a real read. Just call it a cultural difference, I guess?

Let me put it this way. The only game where I actually saw you as mafia was a game on MU some 2-3 years ago which I was checking a couple of times while you were playing. In that game you were completely frozen and sad as mafia. So despite never actually playing with scum you in a game I always sort of written you off as a polarized player. Sometimes I have some paranoia about you very early in the game (as I remind you I also had paranoia about you here on D1) but I always have the townread on you by 2/3 into D1 at the latest. I dare you to refer me to a game where this has not been the case and I was town.

You have completely misread the tone of that remark. The way I meant it was more like, hey Foxxi, so it looks like you'll be getting your way here, can we be friends again? As I have been saying, I did not care about our argument nearly as much as you did.

My discussion was an open invitation for anyone to weigh in. I do not typically go around asking everybody "hey mate what do you think about xyz"

What would be the scum motivation for me to walk away from defending Claws? I may as well have committed to the defense at this point, especially since you were giving me a pass at the time by saying you understood my pov. I don't see any reason why I would be more likely to give up on my defense as mafia than as town.

Which part of my explanation that I dropped my defense due to feeling better about Dreyski being town sounds not believable to you?

You must have missed me saying that I thought you raised some reasonable points about how my townread on Claws may have been misguided, then. When you pointed out that Claws never actually proved that he had the same reasons for scumreading Void that I did and that I was effectively vibing with him over the lack of explanation I started doubting my own read. If you go back, you'll see that I stopped responding to you shortly after that. That was because I was weakened in my belief in that moment but wasn't ready to admit it due to wanting to see others weigh in first.

Also wow I didn't know that not considering your thoughts was a scum tell smh

Well, is everything else I've done that doesn't have anything to do with Void or Claws just white noise to you then?

No shit Foxxi. I've outlined what seems to be pretty much the consensus poe today, earlier than anyone else did.

Tell me this - what do you expect I should have been doing differently today as a villager from what I've done here?

It's true you haven't seen me as a wolf in a long time, but I find it hard to wrap my head around you having that solid of a read on me at the very beginning of D2 when it was clear even well into the day that most people didn't know what to make of me.

I admit it has crossed my mind that you could have just sat on drey with the argument you'd made, and that is a mark in your favor, but I don't see it as fully clearing.

The issue I have with you dropping your vote on drey because you felt better about him is that.... I'm not sure how to put this without it sounding like "you didn't do what I wanted you to" - but that isn't what I mean.... but like... I had a logical argument: of a limited two choices that have to be picked from, and no one else had a scum read on either, why not go with *some* kind of sus read over *nothing*? You say you'd started to doubt your own read of claws because of what I said, but you still ended up sitting on the sidelines... which while not being in the way of the yeet, still made it possible it could have ended up going the other way if even just a couple of other town had been less apathetic.

"Not considering my thoughts" isn't a scum tell and you know that. There is a difference between engaging someone, hearing what they say and genuinely responding to it, and just dismissing it because it doesn't fit the world you want - the latter is something wolves do and you are aware of that - and there is a difference in how arguing with someone feels between the two.

I won't lie, how you've handled Void and claws is most of what I remember from you even after ISOing you several times.

And again - I liked your SoD post for the most part. And as you can see I'm not currently trying to drag you to the gallows. I'm aware that I could be conf biasing myself into reading you as scum here.... but there's also the fact that I feel better about most other people at the moment.'re clearing people because they quickly admitted they were wrong.....following a flip?

It would seem a weird strategy for them to double down further today.
I suppose red could have changed his character reveal.

Right? Right Mazer?

Badger knew this too. Thats why he was voting Claws-to ensure he goes home and to look innocent doing it after they change the reveal!

germany something GIF

Yeah, that's it. I don't feel so stupid this way.'re clearing people because they quickly admitted they were wrong.....following a flip?

It would seem a weird strategy for them to double down further today.
How often do you see people owning their errors in mafia? I'm not hard clearing either of them, but I consider them lower priority at the moment.
What is it about that damned cat that seems to have voodoo over certain people? Void was the same last game…he’s evil I tells ya!


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How often do you see people owning their errors in mafia? I'm not hard clearing either of them, but I consider them lower priority at the moment.
You should have seen me just slump over in embarrassed defeat after reading Claws reveal. :lol:

I so wanted my Hook references to be true.
BN - A bit uncomfortable about him as he did the minimum effort last phase voting in and out. I know he said he did not like either option but knowing that he likes to solve and quiz people I thought he would have quizzed more than just the usual suspects he does in LDG and so on.
Would you have rather me not vote yesterday and be subject to whatever punishment failure to follow the rules happened to be? That is the only reason I voted and unvoted. I had plenty of discussion when Foxxi and Insaner were on/going back and forth. I disagreed with Foxxi on her premise. And I was wrong.

Like I just said to Foxxi, this game is a bit of a afterthought with WoW back in full swing. But anything I seem to question people, I get called out for doing so. Now I get called out for not doing it more. We have too many people that sit back and dont interact, or do it to a very minimal degree... Do you want my entire game to just ask everyone questions? Or maybe others take up the slack and try to engage the people that "dont like to post too much in the early game" or "they get more involved as the game goes on" crowd.

We had a lot of people just sit back and not do anything on d2... have you questioned all of them as to why they didnt interact?
Would you have rather me not vote yesterday and be subject to whatever punishment failure to follow the rules happened to be? That is the only reason I voted and unvoted. I had plenty of discussion when Foxxi and Insaner were on/going back and forth. I disagreed with Foxxi on her premise. And I was wrong.

Like I just said to Foxxi, this game is a bit of a afterthought with WoW back in full swing. But anything I seem to question people, I get called out for doing so. Now I get called out for not doing it more. We have too many people that sit back and dont interact, or do it to a very minimal degree... Do you want my entire game to just ask everyone questions? Or maybe others take up the slack and try to engage the people that "dont like to post too much in the early game" or "they get more involved as the game goes on" crowd.

We had a lot of people just sit back and not do anything on d2... have you questioned all of them as to why they didnt interact?
I would rather you voted and stuck your neck out on someone rather than just doing the bare minimum to avoid punishment.
I did already press BN on all this yesterday and he did put his vote then later after the back and forth.

Between his and Tildey's vote, I feel like Tildey's was more scummy.

Unless that whole character reveal change is being considered. 👀
I did already press BN on all this yesterday and he did put his vote then later after the back and forth.

Between his and Tildey's vote, I feel like Tildey's was more scummy.

Unless that whole character reveal change is being considered. 👀
I understood where you were coming from. And after thinking about it, made sense to place the vote where I did.
Tildey had exactly one post that I am kinda meta reading as town. It feels like a bit of a dirty read, but my brain refuses to ignore it.
Tildey had exactly one post that I am kinda meta reading as town. It feels like a bit of a dirty read, but my brain refuses to ignore it.
I suppose I'm not really in a position to disagree with your reads.

Just seemed like it was a last grasp at maybe savings Claws. It was close. No one would have thought twice but you if Claws was saved. Plus, if he went out later then I might still be alive for scum to frame and blame for saving him earlier. It was worth a shot and I'd be surprised if they didn't test that water.
Glad for that. I hate submitting via PM.
May as well just say it though if I'm going to allude to it..... it's this one. Her first post of the game.... I'm not sure I see a scum Tildey responding to something that didn't even impact her.
May as well just say it though if I'm going to allude to it..... it's this one. Her first post of the game.... I'm not sure I see a scum Tildey responding to something that didn't even impact her.
Good point. I feel like it could have been innocent chit chat to be seen but it could be as you say.
Good point. I feel like it could have been innocent chit chat to be seen but it could be as you say.
It's possible... but my knee jerk reaction is to think she's town for it. She comes in skims the conversation and the *very first* thing she chooses to say / interact with is to be grateful actions didn't have to be sent in by PM. My gut says if she were scum she would have focused on something else and not felt the need to comment on that since it wouldn't matter to her personally.
How often do you see people owning their errors in mafia? I'm not hard clearing either of them, but I consider them lower priority at the moment.
On a flip? A lot.

Except for that one guy.

Honestly, most of vk and my conversations are just a recollection of everything we should have read better.

Especially since there were justifications this is a different soft clear to me
I did already press BN on all this yesterday and he did put his vote then later after the back and forth.

Between his and Tildey's vote, I feel like Tildey's was more scummy.

Unless that whole character reveal change is being considered. 👀
since we're close to 24 hours, maybe you and the folks would like to hear some.e hot gossip on blind Ninja.

Word on the street was he acted last night. In a manipulating way.

Cbs News GIF by Wolf Entertainment
So please tell me, what I did and how I manipulated things
I'm not aware of where people would typically get an exact action confirmed. It's usually things like who and place.

In the absence of a defined target, I would expect a player to get a more general finding.

Are you saying the info is wrong then?
I'm not aware of where people would typically get an exact action confirmed. It's usually things like who and place.

In the absence of a defined target, I would expect a player to get a more general finding.

Are you saying the info is wrong then?
Yes, you info is wrong.
Yes, you info is wrong.
Knowing that someone acted last night already narrows down the probability to being a greater chance of thar individual being something other than green.

And then a specific type of action that's not a straightforward role would also rule out most traditional town roles like cop, doc, etc.

And I'd have to see someone else as a strong possibility of someone else to feel like the more probable thing is I'm falling for a Ninja frame job.

Just looking at the probabilities
And again - I liked your SoD post for the most part. And as you can see I'm not currently trying to drag you to the gallows. I'm aware that I could be conf biasing myself into reading you as scum here.... but there's also the fact that I feel better about most other people at the moment.
You have put me in your bottom pile along with Future and BN who you are trying to kill to today. My assumption is that same tier means similar feelings.

Just wanted to state it for the posterity that I'm totally in favor of Future and BN getting the heat they are getting now. People can consider my vote to effectively be on all 4 of the people in my immediate Poe pile and that regardless of which one of them goes today I would very likely want others from it gone on future days anyway.

BTW I caught that Mazer was hinting at some sort of track/watch result when he listed 7 good characters and 6 bad ones and said that BN was more likely to be bad than not but decided not to comment on that then and let it play out.

I'm also acknowledging that Jarrod is claiming an innocent result on Mazer and I don't have reason to doubt it really. In fact I'm not actually scum reading anyone in my outer Poe pile which just makes me want to cross my fingers that I got all the reds in my primary Poe otherwise I will probably be at a loss for where to look.
It's true you haven't seen me as a wolf in a long time, but I find it hard to wrap my head around you having that solid of a read on me at the very beginning of D2 when it was clear even well into the day that most people didn't know what to make of me.

I reiterate again that I have town read you pretty early in every game I played with you where I was town. It didn't make me a wolf then and it doesn't make me a wolf now.

The issue I have with you dropping your vote on drey because you felt better about him is that.... I'm not sure how to put this without it sounding like "you didn't do what I wanted you to" - but that isn't what I mean.... but like... I had a logical argument: of a limited two choices that have to be picked from, and no one else had a scum read on either, why not go with *some* kind of sus read over *nothing*? You say you'd started to doubt your own read of claws because of what I said, but you still ended up sitting on the sidelines... which while not being in the way of the yeet, still made it possible it could have ended up going the other way if even just a couple of other town had been less apathetic.

I have several things I want to say in response to that.

1) I unvoted not long before going to bed for the night and I wasn't going to change my vote after that.

2) I was the main person who was resisting the Claws yeet. By dropping my support, I made it so that there was no longer anyone pushing for a case for other villagers to get behind, essentially condemning Claws.

3) When I unvoted I believe it made the trains 6-2. I figured that with this spread and you campaigning for Claws as hard as you did he was very likely going to get yeeted anyway.

4) I thought that if I had made the votes 7-2 then it would seal the deal right then and there. I wanted there to be some lingering hope for potentially changing the result of the yeet in case Claws was mafia so that any would be partners would decide to go for it and show their hand. I knew that it would also create the risk of the yeet actually going the wrong way but I thought this that risk was very small and it was worth it.

This is consistent with the rest of my play this game as I have been deliberately playing for info almost the entire time.

5) "People should have done what I wanted because I wanted it" is not a logical argument.

"Not considering my thoughts" isn't a scum tell and you know that. There is a difference between engaging someone, hearing what they say and genuinely responding to it, and just dismissing it because it doesn't fit the world you want - the latter is something wolves do and you are aware of that - and there is a difference in how arguing with someone feels between the two.

I'm not exactly sure what this rant is all about because I have described an instance of me considering your thoughts in my previous reply.
I’m sorry to be MIA. I’ve been sick. Somebody (MTR) gave me whatever they had over the weekend. I haven’t been able to read anything yet and am still struggling. I just woke up for more meds because my last dose has worn off and realized I needed to pop in to say something.
Unvote: Tildey

Vote: Nightingale

I feel that Insaner and Foxxie aren't i
on the same team. There is probably scum between the two of them and lynching one will confirm the other.
Interesting take but can’t see her being red the way she was pushing Claws. The only way I can possibly see them being on the same team is if they’re both purple and I have my doubts on that one.

Personally if I could vote, I’m going where the info is and Mazer is pretty confident.
You have put me in your bottom pile along with Future and BN who you are trying to kill to today. My assumption is that same tier means similar feelings.

Just wanted to state it for the posterity that I'm totally in favor of Future and BN getting the heat they are getting now. People can consider my vote to effectively be on all 4 of the people in my immediate Poe pile and that regardless of which one of them goes today I would very likely want others from it gone on future days anyway.

BTW I caught that Mazer was hinting at some sort of track/watch result when he listed 7 good characters and 6 bad ones and said that BN was more likely to be bad than not but decided not to comment on that then and let it play out.

I'm also acknowledging that Jarrod is claiming an innocent result on Mazer and I don't have reason to doubt it really. In fact I'm not actually scum reading anyone in my outer Poe pile which just makes me want to cross my fingers that I got all the reds in my primary Poe otherwise I will probably be at a loss for where to look.
Thats a big ass misrepresentation of what im trying to do here today. In what way am I trying to kill Night today?
Vote Count
3 - Badger (Peter Griffin, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu)
2 - Blind Ninja (Mazer, Nightingale)
1 - Tildey (Insaner)
1 - FutureHold (GrumpyCat)
1 - Nightingale (Val the Moofia Boss)

Not Voting: Badger, Blind Ninja, Dreyski, FutureHold, Jarrod1983, MTR, Tildey

Just under 13 hours remain. 8 is hammer.
Seriously though. We have like 12 hours left in this phase and neither of the two most suspect people have gone above 2 votes.... am I going to have to beg for us to yeet someone sus again? >.>
Indeed and the only one on my train that I think might be town is LDG. Peter’s being Peter and Matthieu’s “testing reactions” then disappeared.
Interesting take but can’t see her being red the way she was pushing Claws. The only way I can possibly see them being on the same team is if they’re both purple and I have my doubts on that one.

Personally if I could vote, I’m going where the info is and Mazer is pretty confident.
Also, Val was saying he thinks Insaner and I *aren't* teamed - but that one of us is a wolf. He's just being Val(tm) and not paying enough attention to consider if he thinks that which of us is less likely XD
Also, Val was saying he thinks Insaner and I *aren't* teamed - but that one of us is a wolf. He's just being Val(tm) and not paying enough attention to consider if he thinks that which of us is less likely XD
I think I need glasses lol
It's not impossible, but I think there'd be a heck of a lot simpler ways of saying it. Especially since that sequence starts out pointing at me and I dunno how I would be relevant to saying he thought badger was purple. That reads to me as I said badger is weird (which I did when badger voted claws) and that I can kiss his ass he loves badger and wanted them to be a team or something.
Btw what are the odds that claws was trying to hint that badger is pink aka purple from some scum night action?
You’re stretching there. How would Claws have been able to detect that anyway, he’s on the red team.

I think he’s trying to say that Foxxi and I are in cahoots or something. Either way he’s clearly taking the piss.
It's not impossible, but I think there'd be a heck of a lot simpler ways of saying it. Especially since that sequence starts out pointing at me and I dunno how I would be relevant to saying he thought badger was purple. That reads to me as I said badger is weird (which I did when badger voted claws) and that I can kiss his ass he loves badger and wanted them to be a team or something.
I think GC is trying to say the pink Valentine means purple but yeah. Your interpretation is probably more on the mark.
You’re stretching there. How would Claws have been able to detect that anyway, he’s on the red team.

I think he’s trying to say that Foxxi and I are in cahoots or something. Either way he’s clearly taking the piss.
Claws was busy killing Void, so we know it wouldn't have been him - but I think Grumpy's point is we don't know what other info gaining roles/abilities scum may have. They could have some kind of rolecop or something and if they do - one of the other scum actions could have learned something claws was trying to pass on.

Again, I don't think that's what that series of gifs is saying, because there would be much better ways of trying to convey that -- but I assume that's what grumpy was considering.
I just want to know why a dead scum is being focused on and the INFO dropped by a very likely credible town source is largely being ignored by people so far (not aimed at you Foxxi).
I dont remember at what time he made that post but he could still believe he could be saved so he would need to do it in some convoluted way as otherwise it would clarly look as tmi and made him look worse.
Sorry for not circling back with reads yesterday. I did more reading and nothing sticking out to me like a sore thumb or anything as far as reads go. I know I know I suck but I am terrible at reads.
I dont remember at what time he made that post but he could still believe he could be saved so he would need to do it in some convoluted way as otherwise it would clarly look as tmi and made him look worse.
How would claiming to have info on a player make him look worse? I doubt most people would assume before his flip that seeming to have investigation info would = scum rolecop. It'd only be an issue down the line if it was proven false.
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