Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Haven't got a palantir to hand but would like to hear them speak up:

Vote: Sauron
Not sure its worth putting a vote on a slot that still has 0 posts and likely a mark that listo can handle. If they come into the thread and we want to work on resolving that slot, it would be more understandable.
Anyone else standing out to you on the scum side, aside from these 2 which have not much equity on either side.
Masterchief is quickly shooting up the list. I didn't wanna OMGUS them, but their persistence on me gives cause for concern. I'm curious to know why Caito shot Subzero though.
FWIW: Xavier i had you mid right now. I've calmed a little bit with my read on you, for now.
TBH, thats neither here nor there at the moment. I know I havent done much to be read as town, so if I was in a town core lean or heavy scum lean, Id be poking at you to see your reasoning.
If someone fails at a post restriction - what happens? Do they die, or do they get muted for the rest of the day?

The restriction on Sora came from Marack, who was town. But Sora was apparently both watched and tracked, and the results got sent to others.

So it is safe to assume that Sora is town, because we should have heard deets if she was not.
Tentative list before I read most of the day.

Trust: Subzero, SolidSnake
Trust-ish: PrincessPeach, Sora
Distrust-ish: Hades, Medivh, Moana, JackSparrow

Subzero and SolidSnake trust has been explained already.
Sora I have a general feeling of town, though perhaps frustrating town vs town instigator with Subzero
PrincessPeach I kind of like the big swing trying to save somebody, though it's not a sure thing of course.
Not a lot of solid reasons behind the distrust, just general impressions, hence the worst being the distrust-ish category.
Neutral or a big shrug of not remembering, more or less, for all else.
Did she fail with the Haiku restriction (I think tired only has 1 syllable), or did someone give her an antidote?

I seem to remember Xavier Woods commenting on finding one of the haiku posts amusing

If someone fails at a post restriction - what happens? Do they die, or do they get muted for the rest of the day?

The restriction on Sora came from Marack, who was town. But Sora was apparently both watched and tracked, and the results got sent to others.

So it is safe to assume that Sora is town, because we should have heard deets if she was not.
Seems like the restriction was failed. Looking at the threadmark for the event and fix, is likely muted the remainder of the day (something about sleep)

If they were to die, im sure that would have been in the event and a flip would have been seen.

I found the line "Fuck you, o Fuck you" used in 2 of the haikus amusing. I believe when I pointed out how I found it entertaining, Sora initially thought it was me claiming to have done the action, but later realized that was not the case.
Almost caught up. I move Grumpycat from neutral to trust-ish. I like his activity, his bringing up of counterpoints and arguments. Could be scum trying to muddy waters of what people think, could be town trying to get people to think. I'll give benefit of the doubt for now.
Moving Twintania to distrust-ish. I got a kind of light, superficial vibe, like he's trying to dance just out of reach or something with sort of pseudo contribution and agreements that feel perhaps opportunistic maybe? Perhaps I'm reading something here that isn't, but it's enough to put him lower in my eyes.
If someone fails at a post restriction - what happens? Do they die, or do they get muted for the rest of the day?

The restriction on Sora came from Marack, who was town. But Sora was apparently both watched and tracked, and the results got sent to others.

So it is safe to assume that Sora is town, because we should have heard deets if she was not.
From what I read, I think there was some message of needing to rest tonight or something, wasn't there? I took that as a case of Sora losing their action for this night. Unless I misread/misrembered.
In-Game Event

smiled as he saw the effects of his pleasing liquid. But, the words were not pleasant enough. Marack typed some commands in on his laptop and activated the nanobots in his contraption. They electrocuted Sora from within. He fell to the ground weakened, but stood up and continued on. "Damn. I will need to rest tonight. That fucking hurt," he muttered. As Sora walked on, he felt the initial effects of the concoction start to fade.
Here it is.
"Damn. I will need to rest tonight. That fucking hurt,"
Needing to rest tonight definitely sounds like he's effectively role blocked for this next night phase.
From what I read, I think there was some message of needing to rest tonight or something, wasn't there? I took that as a case of Sora losing their action for this night. Unless I misread/misrembered.

If this is the case, then perhaps the haiku restriction was only supposed to be temporary, and the real efffect was the roleblock. Both of these don't require there to have been someone sending him an antidote.
Back to the distrust-ish pile.

Hades, Medivh, Moana, Twintania, Jacksparrow

Those are my first choices currently for lynching. The neutrals and can't even remembers category is also plausible. Hades I believe is the primary train so far. I need to get the "don't smite me, mod gods" vote out of the way, for the mod gods are even stronger than this god speaking to you now, and shall place it on an alternative from my list.

Vote: Twintania

In honor of our poet, Sora....

To sleep I must go
What sweet dreams await me there
Probably nightmares
Did she fail with the Haiku restriction (I think tired only has 1 syllable), or did someone give her an antidote?
I took it as a failure. The writeup indicated that he was further being punished, and then Sora's response indicated to me that something kind of shittier had happened to them as a result. But even if the latter isn't true, the writeup implied it was a failure or a move that was intended as further punishment for Sora. Not a cure.
Masterchief is quickly shooting up the list. I didn't wanna OMGUS them, but their persistence on me gives cause for concern. I'm curious to know why Caito shot Subzero though.

I read it as Caito was trying to give something to SubZero - perhaps an extra vote or something. But 3puppies had put a reflective paintjob so it failed.

I was more curious about why PabloDiablo was motivating PrincessPeach?
Masterchief is quickly shooting up the list. I didn't wanna OMGUS them, but their persistence on me gives cause for concern. I'm curious to know why Caito shot Subzero though.
This sounds like such an over-reaction. I wanted to see if there was any momentum behind a train on you yesterday, it got over-ridden quickly by the Croissant/Peach trains. Now Im not saying its 100% deflecting from you but it easily could be seen that way. With Peach getting TR'd now I wanna see if others are willing to look at you. And yes if you flip red it'd look bad for SubZero imo, which in itself could be a good reason to flip you.
This sounds like such an over-reaction. I wanted to see if there was any momentum behind a train on you yesterday, it got over-ridden quickly by the Croissant/Peach trains. Now Im not saying its 100% deflecting from you but it easily could be seen that way. With Peach getting TR'd now I wanna see if others are willing to look at you. And yes if you flip red it'd look bad for SubZero imo, which in itself could be a good reason to flip you.
Yeah well you could say it's an overaction but, from my end its nipping something in the butt before it attempts to grow to out of control. Many peoples have Subzero as one of their top town and he's seems to agree with you apparently, so i can't just ignore what's being said right otherwise i will get counter trained? I am attempting to steer this day away from a possible mislynch on me.
Peach is being super unhelpful but our leading posters think she's town, I could see a case for jester but don't know if vk uses them
Does it matter? We aren't voting jester either way, right? They are not a threat. Even if there are no malicious consequenses after jester yeet it is still a waste of time.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 5 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
PrincessPeach - 1 (Rikishi #1365)
Sauron - 1 (Bacon #1496)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)
Alysrazor - 1 (Medivh #1531)

Not Voting: Hades, MasterChief, Sauron, Sephiroth, Twintania

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 8
I see not much has happened while I slept. I'll be off to work soon, but will definitely be back before end of day to consolidate my vote if needed.
I took it as a failure. The writeup indicated that he was further being punished, and then Sora's response indicated to me that something kind of shittier had happened to them as a result. But even if the latter isn't true, the writeup implied it was a failure or a move that was intended as further punishment for Sora. Not a cure.
agreed. which begs a question
peach has had more than enough time, and I think their logic has holes in it. some of us got burned on this tactic like 2 games ago.

Vote: princess peach
peach has had more than enough time, and I think their logic has holes in it. some of us got burned on this tactic like 2 games ago.

Vote: princess peach
I'm good with this because I'd like to hear Peach's takes on anything other than Sora or self defense, and if that's all they got, well..
Oops. I forgot to vote yesterday. I am going with the Hades train for now unless as we enter later today and the end of day we decide to go another route.

Vote: Hades
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 6 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
PrincessPeach - 2 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
Sauron - 1 (Bacon #1496)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)
Alysrazor - 1 (Medivh #1531)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Hades, MasterChief, Sauron

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 9
What tactic? Self voting to look towny?
saying 'lynch this person over me' with no strong reason. i asked questions on their response yesterday, because the reason didn't make sense to me vs. the actual words from last phase. but also i think self votes are like 50/50 between town and scum
Day 3 Event 2
Day 3 Event:

was listening to the day’s events and was getting tired of someone’s voice. He closed his eyes and telekinetically launched a rock at GrumpyCat’s throat. GrumpyCat fell over clutching his throat, trying to speak but could not. He was able to get to his feet, but his voice would take some time to return.
Day 3 Event:

was listening to the day’s events and was getting tired of someone’s voice. He closed his eyes and telekinetically launched a rock at GrumpyCat’s throat. GrumpyCat fell over clutching his throat, trying to speak but could not. He was able to get to his feet, but his voice would take some time to return.
This is pretty bizarre. Grumpy hasn't even been really pushing anyone and the phase is almost over.
I like Acerus' posts and get good vibes from their attitude overall. town lean.

Alys? Who the fuck is Alys? I can get on board of bagging Alys.
Out of all the GrumpyCat's recent post, this one stands out, and makes me wonder if Alys is Matthieu. Is this the stretch?
Out of all the GrumpyCat's recent post, this one stands out, and makes me wonder if Alys is Matthieu. Is this the stretch?
Surely that'd be too blatant? Especially with Alys sitting on one vote right now.

Vote: Medivh

This slot needs to do more, come out and impress.
What do you make of Medivhs vote on Alys then? Is it something you'd have interest in pursuing?
On one hand, I think k Medivh is actually having one of their strongest games where I've had to doubletake my player read a couple times. Like the vote on Alys felt a lot more pointed and less reactionary.

Then I realized it was right after someone talked about Alys' activity so like... it's still a better look that I'm not sure would come from scum!Medivh but not nearly as strong once I remembered the context.
In other news, I'd be okay with a Hades vote today. Other people I'd be willing to look at include Jack, Art, Twin that I can recall from the top of my head.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 6 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
PrincessPeach - 2 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
Sauron - 1 (Bacon #1496)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 8
Out of all the GrumpyCat's recent post, this one stands out, and makes me wonder if Alys is Matthieu. Is this the stretch?
that is one stretch. there are two stretches now. the other is whether it seemed like grumpy cat might be prone to agree with me. everyone likes to jump on the sephiroth train when i vote second.
Honestly? I'm not fully convinced on Peach being town but it sounded like you and Sora did believe them to be town so I was willing to let it at least slide for today.
sora being town doesn't make them prof x. i listen to what they have to say, but the argument about why peach is town is a tact used by scum as least as much as town. determining which it is all about determining why the person would act like they did.

subzero has not been pushing peach, but has been supportive of others pushing.
Honestly? I'm not fully convinced on Peach being town but it sounded like you and Sora did believe them to be town so I was willing to let it at least slide for today.
Unless I'm screaming at you that someone is town, I don't want anyone to vote based on who I like. If you have bad vibes on Peach you should vote there. It doesn't have to be Peach, but even Hulk and Medivh I wouldn't argue against too hard despite thinking they're not the right call.

So ignoring me and Sora, would you consider Peach for a vote? Anyone else you've been holding back on because of our reads?
that is one stretch. there are two stretches now. the other is whether it seemed like grumpy cat might be prone to agree with me. everyone likes to jump on the sephiroth train when i vote second.
Yeah, my first thought was maybe they didn't want Grumpy to change votes

Actually, that's a lie. My first thought is it was some weird scum fakeout. Whether trying to make Grumpy look clean(no need) or make him look bad
Unless I'm screaming at you that someone is town, I don't want anyone to vote based on who I like. If you have bad vibes on Peach you should vote there. It doesn't have to be Peach, but even Hulk and Medivh I wouldn't argue against too hard despite thinking they're not the right call.

So ignoring me and Sora, would you consider Peach for a vote? Anyone else you've been holding back on because of our reads?
Nah it was mostly Peach. Would I vote them? They'd prolly be the bottom of the list of people I wanna vote.
At a time they could have easily been the yeet (they were the only real CW to Croissant) they tried to get people off the Croissant wagon and even went as far to self vote. I have a hard time equalling that with a scum play.
I've seen a lot of crazy scum in my day

Not to mention the self vote weirds people out and usually makes people back off. And also makes them look partnered with Croissant so if scum, you're either giving incentive to vote Croissant first or have them killed after Peach flips
I don’t have a lot to say, because I feel like with all the doubt on me already it would be hard to say anything convincing, anything can sound suspicious if you read it a certain way. I can understand some of the reasons and I would love to defend myself if I thought I could in a way without sounding scummy, I don’t want us to mislynch me but if I were to vote someone else it could viewed as either genuinely trying or it could be taken in a pointing fingers way “don’t pick me pick this person” I feel a little backed into a wall. I can share some of my readings on people if that helps at all, but I don’t know what to do here, so I figured id just say that rather than guessing
At a time they could have easily been the yeet (they were the only real CW to Croissant) they tried to get people off the Croissant wagon and even went as far to self vote. I have a hard time equalling that with a scum play.

At the time, votes were scattered all over the place. It's not like its a huge leap to expect scum would have been able protect her, by at least keeping votes scattered and getting no yeet. Especially given how hard Sora had pushed Croissant, only to back off late when there wasn't much time for a real counter.

Let's face it, when we don't have information, especially at the early stages, scum has an easier opportunity to get a misyeet, or at best, a no-yeet. Combine that with the gimmick posting and anonymity of usernames, it's much harder for us to get reads on each other.

As an example, I voted with you on ArttheClown for a good while yesterday. To that point, he was mostly gimmick posting, so of course his character felt scummy. While I haven't cleared him, I feel better about his post today.

I am going to stick with my vote on Peach because the Princess has NOT addressed her deception here, despite repeated requests. She clearly implied she had direct knowledge that Croissants' role was better than her own, yet there was no way for her to know this.

Hades, you haven't done much to solve so far, but I would welcome your reads on others. I still don't believe scum would have left you with a 75% chance of getting yeeted.
I am going to stick with my vote on Peach because the Princess has NOT addressed her deception here, despite repeated requests. She clearly implied she had direct knowledge that Croissants' role was better than her own, yet there was no way for her to know this.

I have already addressed why I stuck my neck out for Croissant yesterday to the best I could without infringing upon the rules.
Hades, I would say give us reads and just maybe answer some of the questions people have had or respond to stuff people have said if you have time.
I don’t have a lot to say, because I feel like with all the doubt on me already it would be hard to say anything convincing, anything can sound suspicious if you read it a certain way. I can understand some of the reasons and I would love to defend myself if I thought I could in a way without sounding scummy, I don’t want us to mislynch me but if I were to vote someone else it could viewed as either genuinely trying or it could be taken in a pointing fingers way “don’t pick me pick this person” I feel a little backed into a wall. I can share some of my readings on people if that helps at all, but I don’t know what to do here, so I figured id just say that rather than guessing
Just share reads please. I don't care about defense. I just wanna know where your head's at and who the people you'd like to vote are.
I have already addressed why I stuck my neck out for Croissant yesterday to the best I could without infringing upon the rules.

You have not addressed the question as to how you knew. I'd have more respect for your position if you even acknowledged that there are theories that have been discussed, and/or you had reasons.

Part of me is considering revealing my role, to trade a town (me) for a threat (you).
Sora and Subzero are the loudest voices and are steering the game.

Rikishi has been annoying for seemingly ignoring my posts but being annoying isn't necessarily incriminating.

Some people have brought up Medivh for his low activity, but if he is who I think he is then that is NAI, at least for now.

I have not been focused on the game this much today and yesterday so I might be missing some thing.

I am interested in Alysrazor and Arceus, but I am not quite sure why. It might be that they are in that sweet spot where they are posting enough to seem "active" but aren't really contributing anything. I might be wrong.

No opinion on everyone else.

I will help push Hulk Hogan as an alternative and see what happens.

Unvote: Sora

Vote: Hulk Hogan
You have not addressed the question as to how you knew.


I disliked how lots of people were switching over to Croissant towards the end. IIRC Croissant popped up to say that he didn't have the time to create a post to defend himself. That read to me as a town player who did not have much investment in the game and was perhaps a little defeatist (it's D1, people want to get a lynch off and someone has to be the unlucky sob, it was late so the chances of other trains starting up are becoming increasingly unlikely, etc), rather than a scum player who would have been much more motivated to fight to help his team who has a limited number of players and could lose powers if he died. I did not believe Croissant was scum, as if he was scum then it would have been very easy for Croissant to type up a quick rebuttal post and then have the scum players "buy" that read in the game thread, and then hard push someone else. The anonymous nature of the game means it would be easy for scum to hard push someone else as an alternative without people being alarmed by seemingly out-of-character behavior of players they know. (At the time I was suspicious of the posters who were posting a lot in that late phase, though now I am not so sure).

I do not know anything about Sora. I was irked by their actions yesterday. Rereading the writeup, it seems that Sora is clear, as otherwise someone would have come out and have said "Sora is scum" because they watched him or received an "other" result on him by now. It is possible that he could be a godfather who didn't do anything last night, but I feel the chances of that are statistically unlikely. So I think Sora has a higher than average chance of being town, but his behavior yesterday still really irks me.
If I get taken down tonight, fellow townspeople, please remember that the Peach has NOT addressed how she knew for sure that Croissant was town and had a better role than she did, as she outright claimed earlier. And then look into all of the people who were defending her.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 6 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586)
HulkHogan - 3 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410, PrincessPeach #1588)
PrincessPeach - 3 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, SubZero #1573)
Medivh - 1 (XavierWoods #1283)
Sauron - 1 (Bacon #1496)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 8
At a time they could have easily been the yeet (they were the only real CW to Croissant) they tried to get people off the Croissant wagon and even went as far to self vote. I have a hard time equalling that with a scum play.
listo did this exact thing to us in vanillatown. and then we laid off. and he's not the first. what do you think about peach's logic for why she did it?
I have already addressed why I stuck my neck out for Croissant yesterday to the best I could without infringing upon the rules.
i had asked why you were willing to sacrifice yourself for a player you thought was being defeatist. if you don't want to infringe on the rules with your answer, i would guess that would mean you have to have some knowledge via role. which i would guess wouldn't equate to a valueless role. but you still wanted yourself dead over croissant? anytime there's a knowledge play, i think it's fair to ask about the logic.
i had asked why you were willing to sacrifice yourself for a player you thought was being defeatist. if you don't want to infringe on the rules with your answer, i would guess that would mean you have to have some knowledge via role. which i would guess wouldn't equate to a valueless role. but you still wanted yourself dead over croissant? anytime there's a knowledge play, i think it's fair to ask about the logic.
With only scum roles acting n1, Peach would have NO information unless on said scum team. Everything about this, including the post Peach just quoted of themselves reeks more of TMI then someone reading a player. Croissant could have also told their teammates to not flock to defense as easily as they could have.

I feel this slot needs to be resolved, so adding pressure as a competing train.

Vote: PrincessPeach

Also based off posting style, no contribution to reads, I have a feeling I know who Medivh is. And feel for the good of town, they need to be removed sooner, rather than later.
Sora and Subzero are the loudest voices and are steering the game.

Rikishi has been annoying for seemingly ignoring my posts but being annoying isn't necessarily incriminating.

Some people have brought up Medivh for his low activity, but if he is who I think he is then that is NAI, at least for now.

I have not been focused on the game this much today and yesterday so I might be missing some thing.

I am interested in Alysrazor and Arceus, but I am not quite sure why. It might be that they are in that sweet spot where they are posting enough to seem "active" but aren't really contributing anything. I might be wrong.

No opinion on everyone else.

I will help push Hulk Hogan as an alternative and see what happens.

Unvote: Sora

Vote: Hulk Hogan
No thoughts on Hades?
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