Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

BN was clearly scum but I guess he was townsiding a bit. MTR is a better rez than Val. I think his choices sans Mazer aren't that great. I'm town and I'm leaning diva is town just based on ^ but I could see how one thinks she's just scummy.
why is that didnt val just flip town aswell and we are just assuming that mtr is town because scum killed him?
Isn't she supposed to be like the best player here? I would like to hear her insights into the game. It was also just a should he. idk, like it feels like the pro-town thing to do would be to share any info. idk
if your saying your gunna scum read me for not sharing then feel free oh wait you already are big surprise i was invited to chat to see if i was scum
Isn't she supposed to be like the best player here? I would like to hear her insights into the game. It was also just a should he. idk, like it feels like the pro-town thing to do would be to share any info. idk
I don't know if this is a fair point, like yes sharing info, but also sometimes it benefits everyone to keep shut on stuff, claws has already said a lot on this makes sense that he can't say more in a writeup game
I mean, I did question whether your reaction to the 3p winning was a town reaction but I didn't really make the argument that you were scum b/c you weren't sharing the details of your convo. Someone could make that argument though. I was more pondering out loud if you SHOULD do it as it might provide some insights, idk
What am I twisting? I think you accused me of that earlier and maybe I was doing that unintentionally. You think that the one with the vote manipulation is scummy, and not necessarily psycho for having the dv? Is there anything else that I'm getting wrong here?
as far as i was reading psycho said he didnt have double vote and yet had 2 votes? so i was thinking he was a vote thief
honestly id say consider yourself lucky you didnt get vk quiz like WHAT is Vks favourite video game those games suck
Dude that fucking Harry Potter tournament you sent me to I had to answer what colour VKs car is and what did he get his daughter for her birthday
there's only like 4 inactives here.

diva but MTR is claiming that he thinks she might be more active as scum, so I'm not super interested in that.

listo, I agree he should do things. I said as much a few posts ago.

ditto Morrison

tidley is ???
Seven, not four. BN posted a list of names earlier on in the thread.

Isn't she supposed to be like the best player here? I would like to hear her insights into the game. It was also just a should he. idk, like it feels like the pro-town thing to do would be to share any info. idk
She's a consistently good player, yes - though has an unfortunate habit of being killed off early/hit with restrictions precisely because of that.
I don't think crackle ever lost his vote? I think he said that he did and the vote in the first vc was fake. Maybe I don't know anymore. I guess its maybe not impossible that he's a vote thief and then acts like he doesn't know.

if GC had an extra vote d1 and today is psycho then it just seems like thiers a role that gives out double votes or something. idk anymore. I just kinda hate role madness.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kareemah and Llettuce claiming they are so lost and don't know what's going on. It all seems kinda fake to me. I also dislike Kareemah calling my posting filler.

claws seems a little angry that the 3p won and I think that makes more sense from a scum POV than a town one.

Don't really like GC's recent posting but I'm not sure if he's scum or just sort of bitter.

I would like to start seeing something from listo.

matt is scummy. Mazer is scummy. Morrison is maybe a little scummy?

but if I had a gun to my head then I'd say that

What did I do? Or just residual anger from last game?
My guess is BN picked low posters and then rock for the memes/troll feud. Mazer is an interesting one instead of like Morrison or one of the low-posting House members, but I could just see that being for the sport and because it's a spicy slot to resolve.
That's my guess. He was hopeful that I wasn't around.

Discord is easy to do on the shitter though.

HE shouldn't have picked a fight with the 6th grade homeroom paper rock scissors champ. We didn't fuck around.
I think you got busy IRL, and did not comment enough to make us think you're your usual town solvy self
That's fair.

And that's it. Started a new place on Monday. Lots of in person meetings and intros. Its' calming down. Got my multi monitor set-up back now.

Also, I rarely give much of a shit d1 in role madness. Fair critique for day 2.

I wanna know if Psych is playing 4d chess.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kareemah and Llettuce claiming they are so lost and don't know what's going on. It all seems kinda fake to me. I also dislike Kareemah calling my posting filler.

claws seems a little angry that the 3p won and I think that makes more sense from a scum POV than a town one.

Don't really like GC's recent posting but I'm not sure if he's scum or just sort of bitter.

I would like to start seeing something from listo.

matt is scummy. Mazer is scummy. Morrison is maybe a little scummy?

but if I had a gun to my head then I'd say that

Give me some actual flips and vote records and I might be able to do more.
I want a report from you on everyone that voted Blind
I assume this is in jest right?
I see the point here, but my guess is that he wins if he was eliminated during the day phase, so as long as he was not killed by scum at night, and did not survive to the end, he'd meet his wincon. I wonder if VK just had to make a call. I could see BN certainly arguing for it - else why would he grant that wish?
Vk usually doesn't do wishes as gamechangers. All 1 time I've seen it anyway....that's what's fucking with me.

Some things are too straightforward right now.
I'd love to hear Nightengale's reads on everyone

I believe MTR is town, and if even I can figure out one of his roles, it should be clear to everyone that he is town, and Future is town as well. Don't like that Claws is still pushing the MTR as scum theory.
your not missing much with the foxxi chat tbh we were just leaning ppl town and shit for d1 and that it was weird that bn was being friendly with matt due and that they could be scum buddys but obviously that didnt pan out and the more she wants to lynch xan the less likely she should
and another interesting tidbit is that future voted for mtr which we found wild as fuck. FUCKING SO OOOO WILD like WHAT and possibly scum read the shit outta it but again that was d1 and mtr got murdered
Could you please explain to the rest of us who those others are?

Because if you don't, Matt, you're likely just asking to be tomorrow's yeet.

Also, thanks, Claws, for sharing what you and Foxxi discussed. D1 is too early to really learn anything. I didn't feel great about Future voting for MTR either at the time.
Because if you don't, Matt, you're likely just asking to be tomorrow's yeet.

Also, thanks, Claws, for sharing what you and Foxxi discussed. D1 is too early to really learn anything. I didn't feel great about Future voting for MTR either at the time.
that was kinda the point there wasnt alot to share that was interesting enough she said she invited me to read me early
also she never actually told me if she town read me or not so who knows its also nieghbors so could be scum but i kinda doubt it she was pretty towny
... That is a ton of work... Also he flipped 3p. To me anyone would be willing to vote him...
That's an excuse. Scum will push him just like town and I think he was actually trying to solve while antagonizing and working towards wincon.

in the least you could ISO Void to look at previous votecounts. It would have some of your info.
That's an excuse. Scum will push him just like town and I think he was actually trying to solve while antagonizing and working towards wincon.

in the least you could ISO Void to look at previous votecounts. It would have some of your info.
Do you want the D1 votes on him also?
Val is a frequent misyeet in these games and when he isn't a misyeet he has a habit of being killed early across multiple games. Which happened both during the previous game and during this game. I explained my reasoning quite clearly and there's little benefit for scum to wish for a town aligned player to be brought back to life since if such a wish is granted, it makes securing victory for a scum team all the more difficult.

You're tunneling and it's rather annoying. Especially when there's multiple players who are very quiet and haven't contributed anything of note.

Which, in turn, contributes to the inactivity problem. Someone dares to speak up in the game? Oh, no! Quick let's find petty reasons with no basis in reality to go after them and make the game even quieter!
I know I come from a different forum with a different play style but i would vastly prefer to vote players who have posted a sufficient amount that makes me suspicious of them, due to the larger sample size, than to vote an inactive with close to zero sample size. That being said, if you want the inactives dead by other means, go ham. I just don't want to waste a day apathy killing the slankers once I have a scumread that is reasonably backed.

what happened to that guy i thought he was doing a real strong d1 and now ehh
Idk,thats why I wondered if cape had gotten hit with a post restriction. I think it's unlike him to disappear for an entire day, especially when he's under fire for whatever happened with the night action that targeted him. I guess I'll wait and see if he posts tomorrow.

there's only like 4 inactives here.

diva but MTR is claiming that he thinks she might be more active as scum, so I'm not super interested in that.

listo, I agree he should do things. I said as much a few posts ago.

ditto Morrison

tidley is ???
There are more inactives than that, at least if you count people who seem to have suddenly gone radio silent like Cape.

Isn't she supposed to be like the best player here? I would like to hear her insights into the game. It was also just a should he. idk, like it feels like the pro-town thing to do would be to share any info. idk
I was actually curious to see what read claws had on night but once I saw (later than this quote) that claws said she neighborized him to ask if he was scum, and then that they bounced stuff back and forth, I assume they're at least at a comfortable level to share ideas. If claws is telling the truth, which I believe he is, then night is either town or 3p cause I could see 3p asking that question too. But it's a bit pointless for scum to ask that question unless they're aiming to pocket the player they neighborized, and I'm not really sure if that's a dynamic that night and claws would have. Maybe someone else knows better. In terms of 3p I think it's only exodia left and probably jessie/james since I think BN was giovanni/meowth.

why is that didnt val just flip town aswell and we are just assuming that mtr is town because scum killed him?
Town or 3p but at least he had notes tbh
I don't think 3ps usually keep notes unless they're hunting for someone or something specific. I doubt the remainder of team rocket has that as a wincon but exodia sure does.
But yeah. Occams razor, MTR is just town and someone who knows him well whom he's good at finding as scum likely killed him. Otherwise he would've stayed alive and been a mislynch candidate imo.

but then why did he have the xtra vote? if a vote was stolen and he magically had 2??
Psycho said he figured something out, that you had something on D1 that he has on D2 that seems to trigger the double vote. So you were the double voter on D1 which means it isn't stationary, it changes and is not alignment indicative at all because it's from someone else's role or a game mechanic. I haven't figured out what it is yet but I think Psycho is probably right regardless of his alignment. Meaning unless he's faking surprise at the double vote, he's not teamed with the vote doubler.

and another interesting tidbit is that future voted for mtr which we found wild as fuck. FUCKING SO OOOO WILD like WHAT and possibly scum read the shit outta it but again that was d1 and mtr got murdered
I'd love to hear Nightengale's reads on everyone

I believe MTR is town, and if even I can figure out one of his roles, it should be clear to everyone that he is town, and Future is town as well. Don't like that Claws is still pushing the MTR as scum theory.
I think it's kinda counterproductive for scum to push MTR as a yeet because it's pretty unlikely to catch on. Val on the other hand mightve caught on as a wagon option, if he'd been resurrected instead.
So what do Claws D1 and Psycho D2 have in common?
It's not their voting patterns, I checked to see who voted them and where they placed their votes on the respective day
I do have to check if Psycho placed his first vote on GC on D2 or not
And if so, who else did, and why they weren't chosen to double their votes.
Ill do this when I'm awake, though, if nobody does it first.
So what do Claws D1 and Psycho D2 have in common?
It's not their voting patterns, I checked to see who voted them and where they placed their votes on the respective day
I do have to check if Psycho placed his first vote on GC on D2 or not
And if so, who else did, and why they weren't chosen to double their votes.
Ill do this when I'm awake, though, if nobody does it first.
I think I have an idea based on what you said and what was mentioned earlier.
unlike all of you i was born in the hate molded by it you didnt know how to hate until you were a man

Hate is an old friend.

You know nothing of hate. I was raised my whole life to hate the entire human race. Beaten until there is no emotion other than hate.
Day 3 Start
The Ur-Dragon let out an ear-splitting roar. From the mountains rose up dozens of whelps that flew to The Ur-Dragon’s side. The whelps were commanded to keep an eye on everyone today so that The Ur-Dragon could dole out some justice.

Haunter was lazily floating around when he caught sight of his target. He let out a laugh and decided to stick around and have some fun.

Omnimon strode around the battlefield looking fierce. He came across WindwardAway and smacked her on the back of the head, all while still looking. The blow was so fierce WindwardAway was having trouble seeing and thinking clearly.

Maximillion Pegasus had been keeping his eye on things as they progressed. He sat down at a table, sipping a glass of wine when one of his security cameras caught something. Pegasus focused his Millennium Eye on 3puppies, locking his soul in an adhesive spell that would take time to release.

Squirtle was on the case. He and the other members of Squirtle Squad were going to ensure that Industrial Illusions would win. Squirtle found Mazer and sprayed water around his feet so he would leave footprints to follow.

Dark Magician Girl was quietly chanting a spell of pure Chaos magic. Once the chanting was finished, she raised her staff encasing herself in a sheathe of pure chaos. You wouldn’t believe what would happen next.

Gabumon had a package and it was a very special delivery that would stick around. Gabumon left the package out in the open, hoping someone would find it.

Exodia the Forbidden One walked amongst the group and knew it was time for DivaSmurf to pay the price. Exodia accosted DivaSmurf and focused his energies, eviscerating his soul. As Diva’s soul dissipated, two others died. The energy in the realm grew stronger as the Left Leg of Exodia reformed. Exodia laughed. “Two bloodlines down. Two to go. Fear me mortals.”

DivaSmurf, playing as Time Magician/Marowak, the Town Captain JOAT, has been killed.

had a great plan involving utilizing vines as slingshots, but was unable to locate his target.

Pikachu was pikacited to help out and quickly scampered over to MTR and surrounded him in a Thunder Wave, which was poised to react.

Ditto slinked along the ground, casually keeping an eye on things going on. As he was walking, he was accidentally stepped on by PsychoSoldier, who kept on walking unaware he was taking Ditto for a ride where he went.

Gatomon had been trying to catch a pesky mouse that would not leave him alone. He wouldn’t have stopped until he saw Claws walk by. Gatomon quickly followed behind him and slid a notebook into Claws pocket and grinned as he walked away.

Celtic Guardian walked the realm with purpose and no real words, but a very reassuring aura. He was the strong, but silent type really. He located WindwardAway and set up shop to see what might turn up.

Oko, Thief of Crowns heard the call and knew it was time to eliminate his target. He moved through the shadows, barely able to be seen if someone was focusing, only to be gone mere moments late. Oko’s enemies never stood a chance and that was no different here. Rock the hard place was minding his own business, when a katana cut his head clean off. As Rock’s head flew through the air, two others met a similar fate.

Rock the hard place, playing as Saggi the Dark Clown/Squirtle, the Tracking Ability Cop, has been killed.


Living Players:

1. 3puppies
2. Cape90
3. Claws
4. Crackleslap
5. CWE
6. FutureHold
7. GrumpyCat
8. Kareemah
9. Listo95
10. Llettuce
11. Matthieu
12. Mazer
13. MTR
14. Nightingale
15. PsychoSoldier
16. Tildey
17. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
18. WindwardAway
19. Xanjori


Another familiar voice sounded again. “Well hello everyone. It is I, GioNinja. As promised, I would be present today to share my wishing power and show how amazing this technology is remotely. However, today, there will be different rules which will be stated below. I am sending Jesse and James to grant the wishes and they have a message for you.

“While our battle may be done, you guys are still locked in war. The good, the bad, and the unknown God. With our victory, we have decided to grant 2 wishes to show our gratitude. It is highly unlikely for us to grant any wishes of protection, that bores us terribly. We would prefer more mischief, mayhem and a little chaos. This would add a little more excitement to life. Creativity is key, as is making it reasonable.

When those wishes are finally granted, we will part ways and let your war unfold without our interference. And remember, we aren't scum, we are just misunderstood.”

Jesse and James will be present and grant two wishes during Day 3 before all of Team Rocket leaves for good. For wishing, one wish will be made publicly and one wish will be made privately. For the public wish, please make a wish as was done yesterday in BLUE and BOLD text and start with I wish. You may submit one public wish.

For the private wish, please message the moderator in your private channel and give your wish starting with I wish. Once the wish is received, it will be passed along. You may submit one private wish. Jesse and James will not know who submitted the private wishes.

Once a wish is granted, the wish will be revealed, but not who wished for it.

Good luck and good wishing!



It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 19 players alive, majority is 10 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Day 3 Public Wishes
Val - I wish for four random players to be forced to only post Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and MTG cards for the next two days. They can still vote. - #1395
Future - I wish to play Pot of Greed, drawing 2 random powers from those who died and handing them out to 2 random players - #1522
GrumpyCat - I wish for Psychosoldier to die if they ever lie. - #1635
3puppies - I wish that Psychosoldier is turned into a stump, so that he is not a threat to town. If he survives to the end, he should be given a modified honorary win condition. - #1668
Xanjori - I wish for Psychos win con to be changed, his NK will be replaced with a non-consecutive doctor ability (can self target) and his new win con requires him to successfully block two NKs. - #1670
WindwardAway - I wish for Omnimon to be restricted to posting gifs. #1672
MTR - I wish that 4 random players play a mini tournament of wish granters choice in Duelist Kingdom - #1716
Last edited:
My interpretation of the writeup RP:

Ur-Dragon (scum) could see everyone's actions last night?
Haunter (town) tracked someone.
Omnimon (scum) roleblocked Windward
Pegasus (town) watched or roleblocked 3puppies
Squirtle (town) tracked Mazer
Dark Magician Girl (town) did ???
Gabumon (scum) did ???
Exodia (SK) killed DivaSmurf
Divasmurf (town) flipped JOAT
Sudowoodo (town) might be a vigilante or roleblocker who failed to find his target
Pikachu (town) roleblocked MTR
Ditto (town) tracked PsychoSoldier
Gatomon (scum) did ??? to Claws. Sent him a message?
Celtic Guardian (town) watched WindwardAway
Oko, Thief of Crowns (scum) killed Rock the Hard Place (Squirtle)
So I guess Exodia is a inactivity SK? Also what does the Bloodlines mean? Is that just flavor?
Given the size of the game and the very likely chance of not being able to find whoever the player in question is, I doubt that the game will end once Exodia attains another two kills. I suspect it's similar to the Blind Ninja situation and it's just a third party role in play that has its own unique win condition.

That's admittedly just a theory on my part, to be clear. Though one I'm fairly confident in based on what we've seen so far.
Given the size of the game and the very likely chance of not being able to find whoever the player in question is, I doubt that the game will end once Exodia attains another two kills. I suspect it's similar to the Blind Ninja situation and it's just a third party role in play that has its own unique win condition.

That's admittedly just a theory on my part, to be clear. Though one I'm fairly confident in based on what we've seen so far.
Agreed! But I'm guessing the effects of reaching their goal are probably more devastating than bn's has been
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