Cuddly, but Saavy
I never claimed it to be pro-town. I have done it as town because I'm impatient and as scum with an agenda.maybe not but I still don't really see how a hammer with so much daylight left was all that pro-town.
I never claimed it to be pro-town. I have done it as town because I'm impatient and as scum with an agenda.maybe not but I still don't really see how a hammer with so much daylight left was all that pro-town.
Lmao. Claws, you are always begging to hammer early in games. And will do so the minute someone gives you the okay if you're around. Stop trying to make me look worse than it really was.idk if it was because of rocks hubris takes but 10hours is alot of time wasted
untrue i usually will ping ppl that dont vote to voteLmao. Claws, you are always begging to hammer early in games. And will do so the minute someone gives you the okay if you're around. Stop trying to make me look worse than it really was.
I waited until everyone voted Claws.untrue i usually will ping ppl that dont vote to vote
Of that list? Psycho for being alive without being targeted much and Lettuce for not really seeming that invested. Lettuce typically is more comfortable as town and typically would attempt solve more than she is. LDG will go either way. She typically ends up randing town moreso than scum. Doesn't actually mean anything, but she hasn't felt much different this game. NG I have an inkling on who she is.void who would you kill between LDG, NG, Lettuce and Psycho?
Any reason?Vote: Val
Listo hates this vote.Vote: Val
He needs to postAny reason?
Listo believes Night is town.future (9)- vk, Jay,gc, val, night, psych
I expect/wouldn't be suprised if there is scum in Val, night or psych. Scum knew Future was going down so those 3 clawing thier way onto the wagon for the sweet sweet town cred makes sense to me. + they are all just scummy in thier own right.
looking at the 2 mislynch wagons
Robo (9) - claws, llettuce, matt, grump, mtr, xan, night, drey, kryll
Grump (9) - psych, claws, dreyski, night, matt, lletty, mtr, LDG, vk
lettuce, night, mtr and claws are the unconfirmed that were on both wagons. In my heart of hearts, I think both claws and MTR are town leaving night and lettuce.
Freudian slip? She's talking as if Richard is NOT part of the scum team.I'm not going to be the one murdering in my sleep tonight anyway.
Just a hint, if you don't want Scum after you, then be QUIET and don't attract attention.
how odd that cr isnt in there now can you explain why i am im just curiousWell I guess I can throw my jarrod tinfoil away... and being completely wrong about grumpy also convinces me I was wrong about richard. He could have voted grumpy D1 instead of future to make a counter train instead of a random useless vote on MTR to try and save future if he were partnered.
I'm willing to yeet any of these
That is not a bad point. I can absolutely see LDG doing that as scum. Especially in a heated scenario.Freudian slip? She's talking as if Richard is NOT part of the scum team.
Poe. I feel more strongly about everyone else as being town. I've seen nothing from you this game that makes me think you are.... anything. Which is frankly sus all by itself because *usually* the more sus I am of you the more likely you are to be town.... but that hasn't happened here.how odd that cr isnt in there now can you explain why i am im just curious
well dunno what ya want from me officer jennyPoe. I feel more strongly about everyone else as being town. I've seen nothing from you this game that makes me think you are.... anything. Which is frankly sus all by itself because *usually* the more sus I am of you the more likely you are to be town.... but that hasn't happened here.
....it was a lot of typing of the name "Blind Ninja". Typo.Why is Blind Ninja's name different colors? I assume mistake.
Listo honestly does not believe she is. If she were scum Listo and Void would know. (Assuming she isn’t scum with Void)night is just scum claw that is bookending her scumteam in the middle.
im leaning mustard for the recordListo honestly does not believe she is. If she were scum Listo and Void would know. (Assuming she isn’t scum with Void)
thoughts listo, claws?Freudian slip? She's talking as if Richard is NOT part of the scum team.
Listo does not believe Val is scum.idk man, I kinda low key think
3. MTR
4. Listo
5. Claws
6. CRichardFoL
9. Matthieu
12. Kryllian
22. Dreyski
are all town wich leaves exactly
1. Psycho666Soldier
8. VoidKitten
10. llettuce
14. Val the Moofia Boss
15. LemonDemonGirl
19. Nightingale
there are exactly 6 scum left in this game. Like were do you think I'm wrong here? Drey? I'd love if I had been right about Drey all along but recently I've been thinking that I've been wrong? MTR? Richard
@ listo and anyone else that would like to comment
LDG is LDG to Listo.thoughts listo, claws?
i more so meant why isnt she still slamming into himrichard hasn't even been on, how are they ignoring each other?
Listo means Listo can’t read LDG. She should be taken care of before end game no matter what though.so listo thinks void lettuce and pyscho are scum so the other 3 would be in mtr, claws, richard?
Remind me to tell you about my favorite Freudian slipwhat does Freudian slip mean
And eventually listo evolved them into men.Listo does recall a game where LDG went something like “I hope the sk doesn’t kill me”, she didn’t mention the mafia team because she was mafia that game.
Listo helped an abandoned nest of eagles hatch and grow up to be the best eagles ever.
I thought these were the eagles that Gandalf used to save the Hobbits and the Dwarves?And eventually listo evolved them into men.
He sent then off to college on athletic scholarships. Eventually they reunited in Philadelphia
Listo agrees he has been needing salvation but Listo feels he is pure at heart.maybe it is Richard here
Listo believes these 5 individuals require salvation immediately. Psycho, VK, claws, llettuce, LDG.if he's pure at heart why does he need salvation?
Listo wants to go after Psycho today.agree with you on MTR (about his EOD/catch up not being great.) I still kinda think he could be town that scum was pushing him. I know that there's people out there that are like "if he's scum then future would vote him!" I'm not super convinced by that argument but his play has not been that great so he's a wait and see for me.
Do you think we should do LDG today while town have more #'s on the off chance she's not a hit?
I would say yes. I know the game runners do different things with their hiders but typically yeah if the hider is behind a person that dies they die as well.Jarrod died b/c he hid behind bn right?
Any particular reason for me and llettuce?Well I guess I can throw my jarrod tinfoil away... and being completely wrong about grumpy also convinces me I was wrong about richard. He could have voted grumpy D1 instead of future to make a counter train instead of a random useless vote on MTR to try and save future if he were partnered.
I'm willing to yeet any of these
Same reason I gave claws. PoE.Any particular reason for me and llettuce?
I can understand Void and maybe Psycho.
I hate trying to read claws because I tend to tunnel on him being scum. So I tend to wait and see what others think.
I feel like listo is town.
What a terrible answer. This is how we got 2 towns mislunched in a row.maybe it is Richard here
I was wondering when that would be brought up.Freudian slip? She's talking as if Richard is NOT part of the scum team.
Beats me. Though I'm not if that's an aberration of player activity or something else.in fairness, I *did* kinda push for a Robo earlier on when I thought he was possibly scum lurking it out. I know life is unexpected at times but I have no clue why people sign up to play and then not play.
Yes that one. I've noticed LDG has been shielded on meta, which I frankly do not understand at all.What are you talking about? you mean void and night talking about how LDG is ground fruit? It's possible that they are just scum defending her.
EBWODP: In other news, my spelling has seen better days.The biggest problem that causes for me is that if LDG is town, then scum were TMIing them as town though that can be hard to distinguish. Shocker I know.
It's also problematic if LDG flips scum instead, as distinguishing wrong town from scum defending their buddy isn't easy to figure out.
Void's posts today make me town lean him.
I had a slight town lean on Psycho but now I'm not so sure.
Vote: MTR
Listo believes Listo’s path is the way forward. Psycho, Void, Claws, LDG, Llettuce, MTR. Let us give salvation to these people.The biggest problem that causes for me is that if LDG is town, then scum were TMIing them as town though that can be hard to distinguish. Shocker I kow.
It's also problematic if LDG flips scum instead, as distinguishing wrong town from scum defending their buddy isn't easy to figure out.
Weirdly enough, I don't hate this vote.One thing I always do in these games is look at the 'big hitters'. By that, I mean the likes of Mazer, Psycho, Void and Night. It's a double edged sword of mine but I like bouncing off of such players to help solidify my opinions on what's going on.
Obviously Mazer is out of the equation during this game on account of running the game.
Of the three remaining, I feel pretty good about Night. Our exchange felt natural and due to my misunderstanding and stubborn doubling down regarding Kryllian, Night had every reason to take that final push to send me over the edge with a misyeet. She had every reason to and it could have been passed off as a plausible mistake. Yet she didn't do that - she took the time to figure things out.
So I'm throwing my full support behind Night.
That leaves Void and Psycho. Of the two, I'm most suspicious of Psycho - I'm used to Psycho being bold and 'taking charge'. He hasn't really done that during this game. He's been fairly quiet, only really commenting in passing and not being as vocal as I'd expect him to be.
So I'm fine with putting my vote there for today:
Vote: Psycho
EBWODPYeah I voted Matt, because they were in my PoE though that's changed as I find their back pedalling on Kryll push is towny. I feel that if they were scum, they'd tunnel Kryll even when others were telling them to stop.
No. Way Listo saw it scum chose specific people who got pushed into BN. Listo has trust in Listo’s list to follow.I don't know how a town team with Nightingale, Void and Psycho is getting reamed so badly. The only explanation is at least one is non-town.
Nonetheless, if we go with the BN lightning rod knowledge, Jarrod's dead and I'm town, which leaves one of Rock, Mattieu and Listo as CMT. I'll have to read back a bit.