Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 9: Sega vs Nintendo - The Race for the Next Generation

I inferred what the rule was.

And you are missing my point that Dreyski has not expressed an original read this game.

You can argue all you want about how Claws didn't actually believe in his own read, but the other dude didn't even have any reads to begin with. And I don't recall anyone actually asking Claws the question of "are you just meme pushing Void here" nor do I recall him stating such. You are just running off assumptions here instead of looking at the facts.
I know we're forcing things do to having 2 people we're forced to, but is it a big deal that dreyski hasn't had an original read on day 2 with a small number of things to interact with?

Even more so on day 1

Dreyski is neutral to me.

But there's an argument to be made that if you're neutral on both, claws is the more active player
Dreyski's latest couple of posts made me feel better about him being town. To be honest, I wasn't strongly scumreading him to begin with, but there was a part of me that wanted to take the other side when Foxxi started pleading for everyone to vote Claws. I didn't like about my thoughts but I may have overrepresented them a little to try and create some tension around the yeet. Because if it looked to be a unanimous decision to yeet Claws then mafia could easily blend in by condemning him along with everybody else no matter his alignment. I wanted to make this day feel more competitive.

Though I get the feeling that most people don't really care that much about who is yeeted. Makes me think that both players are town and the wolves are chilling tbh.

Vote: unvote

Like I said, since I feel better about Dreyski being town here I no longer have much of a reason to stand in the way of Claws elimination. Foxxi did raise some reasonable points about how my town read on Claws could be misguided although I really don't believe this. So I'm fine with her having her way with Claws. That way I will either be proven right or we will yeet a wolf.

Regarding who I think the chilling wolves are, I think the names like Future, CWE, Mazer, PG, Matthew for the mold, as well as no-shows in MTR and Tildey. If you think that someone fits the mold but their name isn't here, you are probably right.
Without KNOWING Void did this, it's just 50/50. Becuase I refuse to believe scum would put one of their own in this. And the only people who KNOW if Void did this is, Void (dead), Psycho (probably not going to tell us right now. Call it a hunch), and scum.

Unless someone has a reason to KNOW 1 is scum, just keep it close and see if scum swing it.

So the question is @Dreyski anything you can say for your talent this game? @Claws anything you to tell us for your contribution.
Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy
shoot GIF
Austin Butler GIF by Golden Globes
I Am Milomanheim GIF by Paramount+
Boy Meets World Lipstick GIF
I didn't like badger's pop in either honestly. It felt way too uninvolved. I would have expected more vocal opinions on the choices given how much arguing has happened and instead just got a "yeah i guess claws could be sus" and not even a comment on how he felt about me pushing it..... if claws is scum badger looks awful from that I think.
Vote Count
6 - Claws (Nightingale, Peter Griffin, Dreyski, Val, Badger, CWE)
2 - Dreyski (Claws, Jarrod1983)

Not Voting: Blind Ninja, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Insaner, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu, Mazer, MTR, Tildey
To be clear, that is a badger specific read. I think a town badger would have had a lot more words to say about the situation, he's usually very wordy when he's trying to solve, and I think it's sus even if I'm wrong about claws - but especially if I'm right.
I know we're forcing things do to having 2 people we're forced to, but is it a big deal that dreyski hasn't had an original read on day 2 with a small number of things to interact with?

Even more so on day 1

Dreyski is neutral to me.

But there's an argument to be made that if you're neutral on both, claws is the more active player
volume is not equivalent to content (acknowleging Claws is hamstrung) and you should know my posting style better than some on here.
Okay bear with me. I have been sick for the last couple days. So just now reading and catching up. I will try to post thoughts and respond to stuff as I go.
I didn't like badger's pop in either honestly. It felt way too uninvolved. I would have expected more vocal opinions on the choices given how much arguing has happened and instead just got a "yeah i guess claws could be sus" and not even a comment on how he felt about me pushing it..... if claws is scum badger looks awful from that I think.
I still am not confident in my reason you, but I do want to see Badger vetted.

There's not enough for me to get crazy, but pings
volume is not equivalent to content (acknowleging Claws is hamstrung) and you should know my posting style better than some on here.
Absolutely. You're a wonderful analyst. Claws is more predictable in getting reactions from and to in each day phase.

I typically assume if he is scum it will more likely come our before endgame.
I earlier had a thought that if we weren't restricted to voting between Dreysko and Claws today, I'd want to prod MTR because of him admitting to not trying to get reads on people. I understand that there are people who don't like to focus on reading people based kn their posts and would rather solve the game via spreadsheeting and action analysis, but it is still something that I associate with scum play as a baseline.

When reading through Void's ISO to find an answer to Grumpy's post, I noticed that VoidKitten was voicing suspicion of MTR on D1. Could be part of the reason why Void was killed?
I don't try to get reads on people off d1. So many people me included just shit post or only half serious post day 1. I am also terrible at reads so I would rather try to get reads later on. I only sometime spread sheet.

I got my vote stolen so while that doesn't clear me because I am not sure what action in the write up indicates that if any. Just wanted to throw that out there as I am reading through things.
This phase hasn't changed my day 1 interests very much

Except I think there's a genuine chance that some people may have overtrusted foxxi. Who I can't yet see why someone goes all the way there yet.

Although I have one specific read that gives me a lean on foxxi.

A claws reveal gains a little more info.
This phase hasn't changed my day 1 interests very much

Except I think there's a genuine chance that some people may have overtrusted foxxi. Who I can't yet see why someone goes all the way there yet.

Although I have one specific read that gives me a lean on foxxi.

A claws reveal gains a little more info.
Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
These past 2 days of worked suck. Anyways getting caught up now. If Claws can explain to me why I shouldn’t vote him using the highest quality gifs that would be appreciated.
He has been doing things to keep himself alive. Why ask for more?
To be clear, that is a badger specific read. I think a town badger would have had a lot more words to say about the situation, he's usually very wordy when he's trying to solve, and I think it's sus even if I'm wrong about claws - but especially if I'm right.
This was a similar argument that Claws used last game because I wasn’t around. Just because I’m not around these days as much as I used to be doesn’t mean I’m not reading when I have the time. I was a year unemployed so I had more time to be active.

I already addressed it (and was actually agreeing with you but you seemed to not have noticed) that Claws shouting Void earlier in the phase could be a difference maker. Him being active even with a gif handicap is otherwise NAI for me. Apart from that, him and Dreyski don’t ping me terribly but also curious now that Dreyski’s theory that some actions could be hidden. The usual quiet suspects are being quiet. CWE seems town, not sure what to make of Mazer’s RP but he has been speaking more normally. BN as usual seems to beating a dead horse getting LDG and PG to talk but also get the thought he hasn’t offered any more thoughts. GrumpyCat teasing a reveal earlier but seems to be dancing a bit around it whenever asked to share it seems a bit odd.

Another thing that struck me about the actions that nobody has commented was the duelling commercials that Sega Saturn and PlayStation had. I doubt that is just flavour. Anyone else got theories on that.
This was a similar argument that Claws used last game because I wasn’t around. Just because I’m not around these days as much as I used to be doesn’t mean I’m not reading when I have the time. I was a year unemployed so I had more time to be active.

I already addressed it (and was actually agreeing with you but you seemed to not have noticed) that Claws shouting Void earlier in the phase could be a difference maker. Him being active even with a gif handicap is otherwise NAI for me. Apart from that, him and Dreyski don’t ping me terribly but also curious now that Dreyski’s theory that some actions could be hidden. The usual quiet suspects are being quiet. CWE seems town, not sure what to make of Mazer’s RP but he has been speaking more normally. BN as usual seems to beating a dead horse getting LDG and PG to talk but also get the thought he hasn’t offered any more thoughts. GrumpyCat teasing a reveal earlier but seems to be dancing a bit around it whenever asked to share it seems a bit odd.

Another thing that struck me about the actions that nobody has commented was the duelling commercials that Sega Saturn and PlayStation had. I doubt that is just flavour. Anyone else got theories on that.
Oh I noticed you agreed with me... but it pinged me that you cited one of the arguments I've made but didn't actually say anything about how you felt about me making that argument or Insaner's town read on claws. And I'm not saying it's your lack of posting that is bothering me. It's the lack of content in the post you did make that concerns me.
@Jarrod1983 d just popping in and voting has me :eyebrow:

Nothing to add?
Not really. I don't really think either of you are scum and you had less votes.

This phase has sorta felt like a extension of D1 to me except we're stuck with these options. Scum are probably enjoying this, have used the time to plot and already have night plans pretty much set. Claws is stuck with GIFs, people are pushing the hell out of him and while he has communicated wonderfully it does feel like stars aligned this phase for scum to sit back and watch us eat our own.
Oh I noticed you agreed with me... but it pinged me that you cited one of the arguments I've made but didn't actually say anything about how you felt about me making that argument or Insaner's town read on claws. And I'm not saying it's your lack of posting that is bothering me. It's the lack of content in the post you did make that concerns me.
Okay the reason I haven’t commented on your push is because I don’t have any particularly strong feelings about it. I have a light town read on you at the moment, we have to vote one and trying to solve but then you’re always talkative so could go the other way so I haven’t got much to say about it.
Okay. I have read through things but brain only half functioning things to whatever it is I got. I blame Diva this time around. Pretty sure they gave it to me.

So I tend to tunnel on claws a scum and when I don't and get convinced he is town he turns out to be scum.

I don't really like either choice and if Void picked them then he thought one or both of them were scum but that doesn't mean he was correct. Then again he could be correct on both of them. Time will tell.

If I had a vote I would probably go dreyski for no other reason is that I am always second guessing myself on claws and honestly I kind of leaning both being town as a gut reaction right now.
All that being said I am probably going to go back to resting for a while so I can get shit down around the house I need to and also to drop back in here hopefully before the day is done with a more clear brain
Okay. I have read through things but brain only half functioning things to whatever it is I got. I blame Diva this time around. Pretty sure they gave it to me.

So I tend to tunnel on claws a scum and when I don't and get convinced he is town he turns out to be scum.

I don't really like either choice and if Void picked them then he thought one or both of them were scum but that doesn't mean he was correct. Then again he could be correct on both of them. Time will tell.

If I had a vote I would probably go dreyski for no other reason is that I am always second guessing myself on claws and honestly I kind of leaning both being town as a gut reaction right now.
Okay, but if you think they are both town and we have to yeet one anyway, can we yeet the one who is actually sus. Even if I'm wrong we have to remove one, why not the sus one? >.>
I did toy around with the idea posting the idea earlier that we don’t vote to see what happens but then remembered Psycho’s rule that in a tie someone at random gets eliminated anyway makes that null and void plus other potential fuckery that could result from not voting.
If Claws was forced to say post nothing but cats like I was forced to post nothing but badgers then we might talk about the crown…
cmt GIF by Still The King
I did toy around with the idea posting the idea earlier that we don’t vote to see what happens but then remembered Psycho’s rule that in a tie someone at random gets eliminated anyway makes that null and void plus other potential fuckery that could result from not voting.
Because not voting doesn't work. Or at least it didn't when TOPANGA WAS MURDERED.
I haven’t been able to get caught up entirely but I wanted to at least make an appearance. I have to work for a few hours today so it is truly just a drop in appearance to weigh in at least a little.
I have not been able to go back and read all of what I’ve missed. what I have read I skimmed.

Regarding D1 reactions, I tend to struggle with those. I wasn’t particularly struck by either Claws or Dreyski’s post. Both seemed NAI to me. Drey’s posts were analytical and mechanic focused. Claws was taking the piss out of VK. Seemed like a typical D1 to me on both counts. I didn’t think anything odd about Claws’ delayed vote on VK because of his "I am the hammer" post.

I did look up the gladiator role because I'm not familiar with it. From what I gathered, the role typically would be able to choose any player to faceoff against. Since he was killed before getting to do that, it makes sense to me that as a passive he was able to choose any two players to faceoff. So my gut tells me that he picked two from his sus list & that’s how we got here.

I am bothered by Foxxi's insistence that everyone sheep her vote because she feels stronger about her read than she feels others are about theirs. In my experience, she's a proponent of wanting people to come to their own conclusions & think for themselves. So to see her appear to be discouraging that & instead taking the stance that everyone should vote the way she wants them to because she wants it more just feels offputting to me.

I’m also not crazy about Future’s shitpost drop in then claiming he was ready to be serious and then disappearing.

I’m not going to cast a vote yet because I hope to be back before day ends.
Not really. I don't really think either of you are scum and you had less votes.

This phase has sorta felt like a extension of D1 to me except we're stuck with these options. Scum are probably enjoying this, have used the time to plot and already have night plans pretty much set. Claws is stuck with GIFs, people are pushing the hell out of him and while he has communicated wonderfully it does feel like stars aligned this phase for scum to sit back and watch us eat our own.
Are you confident in your claws read then?
I haven’t been able to get caught up entirely but I wanted to at least make an appearance. I have to work for a few hours today so it is truly just a drop in appearance to weigh in at least a little.
I have not been able to go back and read all of what I’ve missed. what I have read I skimmed.

Regarding D1 reactions, I tend to struggle with those. I wasn’t particularly struck by either Claws or Dreyski’s post. Both seemed NAI to me. Drey’s posts were analytical and mechanic focused. Claws was taking the piss out of VK. Seemed like a typical D1 to me on both counts. I didn’t think anything odd about Claws’ delayed vote on VK because of his "I am the hammer" post.

I did look up the gladiator role because I'm not familiar with it. From what I gathered, the role typically would be able to choose any player to faceoff against. Since he was killed before getting to do that, it makes sense to me that as a passive he was able to choose any two players to faceoff. So my gut tells me that he picked two from his sus list & that’s how we got here.

I am bothered by Foxxi's insistence that everyone sheep her vote because she feels stronger about her read than she feels others are about theirs. In my experience, she's a proponent of wanting people to come to their own conclusions & think for themselves. So to see her appear to be discouraging that & instead taking the stance that everyone should vote the way she wants them to because she wants it more just feels offputting to me.

I’m also not crazy about Future’s shitpost drop in then claiming he was ready to be serious and then disappearing.

I’m not going to cast a vote yet because I hope to be back before day ends.
That isn't what I've said. I've argued IF people don't feel strongly - which no one other than Insaner arguing he has a town read on claws seems to be the case - then I would rather see the person I have suspicions on yeeted than just an apathetic "guess it doesn't matter, I have to pick one" yeet.
Because not voting doesn't work. Or at least it didn't when TOPANGA WAS MURDERED.
Same tie mechanic psych has too.

The vote for immunity for caito, followed by gladiator.

Also the doc forgot that he submitted the action and then tried to figure out why it happened.

Classic jp
I haven’t been able to get caught up entirely but I wanted to at least make an appearance. I have to work for a few hours today so it is truly just a drop in appearance to weigh in at least a little.
I have not been able to go back and read all of what I’ve missed. what I have read I skimmed.

Regarding D1 reactions, I tend to struggle with those. I wasn’t particularly struck by either Claws or Dreyski’s post. Both seemed NAI to me. Drey’s posts were analytical and mechanic focused. Claws was taking the piss out of VK. Seemed like a typical D1 to me on both counts. I didn’t think anything odd about Claws’ delayed vote on VK because of his "I am the hammer" post.

I did look up the gladiator role because I'm not familiar with it. From what I gathered, the role typically would be able to choose any player to faceoff against. Since he was killed before getting to do that, it makes sense to me that as a passive he was able to choose any two players to faceoff. So my gut tells me that he picked two from his sus list & that’s how we got here.

I am bothered by Foxxi's insistence that everyone sheep her vote because she feels stronger about her read than she feels others are about theirs. In my experience, she's a proponent of wanting people to come to their own conclusions & think for themselves. So to see her appear to be discouraging that & instead taking the stance that everyone should vote the way she wants them to because she wants it more just feels offputting to me.

I’m also not crazy about Future’s shitpost drop in then claiming he was ready to be serious and then disappearing.

I’m not going to cast a vote yet because I hope to be back before day ends.
I do not hate this post.
I am bothered by Foxxi's insistence that everyone sheep her vote because she feels stronger about her read than she feels others are about theirs. In my experience, she's a proponent of wanting people to come to their own conclusions & think for themselves. So to see her appear to be discouraging that & instead taking the stance that everyone should vote the way she wants them to because she wants it more just feels offputting to me.
Isn't it sort of sheeping Foxxi if you just put the minimum vote in and then unvote it? If you really didn't want to sheep you'd put a vote on Drey and let it stand so who she's pushed overly hard this phase doesn't get eliminated.
With what ive read through today, doesnt look like anyone else is coming to the defense of claws, or damning enough info to vote drey. So im content with my minimum vote effort, along with what I added to the conversation last night.
With what ive read through today, doesnt look like anyone else is coming to the defense of claws, or damning enough info to vote drey. So im content with my minimum vote effort, along with what I added to the conversation last night.
You're never ok with minimum effort from anyone! :lol: Sorta fishy.
You can if you'd like, it'd be more normal of you than saying the minimum is acceptable.
So you think I did the minimum for the day? If so thats and interesting angle. I dont like either option. I had a vote recorded. More then some people. But since I get called out for calling people out, now called out for not calling people out and called out for ensuring I meet the rules of the game... WEhat the fuck do you want from me?
So you think I did the minimum for the day? If so thats and interesting angle. I dont like either option. I had a vote recorded. More then some people. But since I get called out for calling people out, now called out for not calling people out and called out for ensuring I meet the rules of the game... WEhat the fuck do you want from me?
I thought you saying you wouldn't sheep for Foxxi and then unvoting was weird.

Then you saying you were content with your minimum vote effort I felt was also weird.

You've contributed more than some though for sure but the vote and unvote to me is like, I don't want to pile on Claws because maybe there is a scum or two there already but don't want to see a push for Dreyski pick up steam because scum wants Claws gone or even Drey is scum. Not looking for anything just saying that is unusual from my point of view.
I thought you saying you wouldn't sheep for Foxxi and then unvoting was weird.

Then you saying you were content with your minimum vote effort I felt was also weird.

You've contributed more than some though for sure but the vote and unvote to me is like, I don't want to pile on Claws because maybe there is a scum or two there already but don't want to see a push for Dreyski pick up steam because scum wants Claws gone or even Drey is scum. Not looking for anything just saying that is unusual from my point of view.
I was content with the minimum for the vote. get one on the board to follow the rules. I dont like either vote option today.
That's cool.

I think the resistance to keeping Claws is why I'd like to see D2 play out differently. Knowing my luck though Claws is scum and people are going to think I took the cookie from the cookie jar after he's gone.
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