Vanilla Townie
For Riki, Croissant and anyone else who thinks that trying to control the votes and having any opinions at all is a scum tell
May i direct your attention to SubZero was sure trying to take control of things that EoD so y'all can now start scum reading that guy.
Personally, I don't think that the people they chose to push are scummiest people. I acknowledge that Xavier is scum reading me but I think they probably believe this.
That surprised the heck out of me. Anyone else thinking that once all of the scum voted, they triggered their end day early, in the hope / likelihood there's a mechanic to catch a non-voter.
No way to tell for sure yet., but it looks like there will be an inactivity or low activity voter to deal with, just not for day 1. And it appears that scum has the ability to end days early, so it means we need to get our votes in earlier rather than later. I wonder if scum also has the ability to end a night phase early as well?
Also, XavierWoods, when I voted for you it was early, just thanking you for getting me an avatar. And because KingWoods rocks. Earlier, someone else had voted for you so I was surprised you were toward the bottom. Glad you survived. I like your thought process and agree with you that it would be better to give someone we town read the immunity than give it to scum.
Since my 1 vote on you was early, it looks like ties are resolved by who reaches their total first or last. At least that's how I interpreted it.