Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 4 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
HulkHogan - 1 (Moana #1272)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
PrincessPeach - 1 (Rikishi #1365)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Hades, JackSparrow, MasterChief, Medivh, Sauron, Sephiroth, Twintania

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5
The problem I have with Hades is he was left with one vote on D1, so he would have had only a 25% survival rate. Not sure if his scum teammates would have done that to him.
Possible scum knew about it being the last person on the list
The problem I have with Hades is he was left with one vote on D1, so he would have had only a 25% survival rate. Not sure if his scum teammates would have done that to him.
He was pushed down to 1 pretty late and had no good reason to be defended, which I loudly pointed out at the time
The problem I have with Hades is he was left with one vote on D1, so he would have had only a 25% survival rate. Not sure if his scum teammates would have done that to him.
I have the same problem. If scum team are experienced players with so much influence then it brings town points to hades.

If they are inorganised bunch of inactives then it doesnt mean much and hades was abandoned
I think it's entirely possible that the scum team wasn't all present at the end of D1. Like someone probably was, but that's also why Hades popping up in time to vote felt icky to me.
Theory time:

Peach can talk to players at night. They need to submit target beforehand as day action. Mass rb affects only night actions so that worked.
Croissant told her their role (if claiming is allowed in such scernario). They could lie if they were scum but as town you either tell the truth or say you wont tell anything.
Peach got town read on Croissant in the end so they had a way to compare roles.

Do you like theories Peach or do you think theorising is stupid?
usually roleclaim rules are same in thread. i do agree with you that a solve here is needed.
I also think that Sephiroth was a towny presence yestersay so I'm inclined to call him town. Judging by his abscence and the write-up he appears to have been exiled for today but maybe someone who can read better than I can clarify this.
nah, just got sick yesterday and crashed way early. catching up now.
Welcome back.

Is there anything wrong with you after last night? Dont answer is this is considered claiming.

I only played 2 rajah style games before, I don't know exactyly what is allowed here.
But to reiterate my point about Princess - I do stand by my assessment that there was a clear and observable town motivation for their play, and just because something could be a scum play doesn't mean that it was.
could be. but the thing i question is, even if you have a town role that is underpowered, how do you know they have a better one? and we've seen this as a scum play recently? you're right, because something COULD be doesn't mean it IS. but it also doesn't mean it ISN'T.
i think it's fair for princess to explain, in non a roleclaim way, why she was so confident in croissant being a specific role.

only a few things happened n1. now that we are confident subby is town, ,makes sense to revisit what scum did to them on a night where they used a mass rb.
So looks like Subzero is clearing Sora. Looks like people are also clearing Princess maybe? I am not sure what to think of Princess just yet. I don't think scum but wonder if there is another 3p out there of some sort.

Hades seems to be the lean for the vote today. I need to back and look at their stuff to see if I am on board with that train or not.

I just did a quick read through so going to go back through and see if there is anything I want to respond to or ask about. I like that couple breakdowns we have gotten of actions from people. Always helpful.
Welcome back.

Is there anything wrong with you after last night? Dont answer is this is considered claiming.

I only played 2 rajah style games before, I don't know exactyly what is allowed here.
nothing wrong with me that i'm aware of. except things that are normally wrong with me: impatience and crazy theories.
I think scum were hoping Applejack might get blasted by Listo and that probably clears SolidSnake since they were busdriven
Yeah I agree with this. They may have been hoping to take out Solidsnake if Applejack was the one that got targeted by Listo.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 4 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
HulkHogan - 1 (Moana #1272)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
PrincessPeach - 1 (Rikishi #1365)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Hades, JackSparrow, MasterChief, Medivh, Sauron, Sephiroth, Twintania

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 5
if the current modified majority is 5, it doesn't make sense to hammer right now. i am curious about hades. in addition to subzero and sora, i also tend to feel good about grumpycat.
if the current modified majority is 5, it doesn't make sense to hammer right now. i am curious about hades. in addition to subzero and sora, i also tend to feel good about grumpycat.
Modified majority doesnt matter untill EoD. There is no need to consider it right now.
Here's all the mentions of reads/potential pushes/defense of Sora:
I wish Kirby was here so he could eat Sora. Put those keyblade powers to good use.

This is scummy. You are trying to sow discord in my town and you wont live to regret it.

Vote: Sora

Right now you're at like a 10% chance of death. But those are the best odds you're going to get this game

I am the god of this world. I created the universe and all that lay within it. I see into all your hearts, and I see that Sora's heart has been consumed by the darkness he had spent his entire life fighting against.

Vote: Sora

I'd lynch Sora. After I get my loot.

Tell me who do you want for most votes and I will help you. Lest see who will try to stop us.

What do you mean you want someone dead already? We know nothing yet.

FOS this.

If no town member gets immunity, town will still get targeted.

Town with immunity narrows down the choices for town and scum to do NAs. Meaning, town has a better chance at Blocking, Protecting, Tracking, Watching, you name it. Town has a better shot at getting some information. You being dismissive about this not being a positive looks bad.

It doesnt matter if the mod is bastard or this game is bastard. You cant assume everything is wrong until something bastard actually happens.

For being the fluffiest poster, and these reasons, Sora is my likely target to vote off on D2. I dont want to give them the chance at immunity this day.

Hmm i think ive liked sora and grumpycat the most this day.
subzero im on the fence trying really hard to pocket sora.
Princess peach seem to be falling in the scum catagory.

The rest just either havent intriged me or entertained.

The sea is calling!

Who amongst these would we like to see get immunity? I'm okay with Sora, and Grumpycat getting immunity. I kinda don't wanna see Sora die. The rest are a a shrug on if they die or not.

This is pretty good analysis. Maybe you're a good guy after all.

So Foxxi was actually playing as herself? Interesting.

@Sora Why did you want Kumquat dead?

Sora vs subzero seems a bit town vs town at the moment to me dudes.

Vote: Sora

Somethings you.

Vote: Sora

Well you came outta nowhere. Wassup with this vote?

To get at least 5 posts in and a vote.

Then sift through the shit between SZ and Sora. At a glance, Like SZ more.

Its is entirely possible that its TvT.

Also possible that one of the most vocal is wolf. Currently have both in town lean pile

Well, for what it's worth the top posters are Sora at 159 posts and SubZero at 132 posts. I know activity doesn't necessarily mean anything in terms of alignment but it's something I wanted to note. Grumpycat is a distant third at 38 posts.

I assume most people are sort of finding their feet and it'd be pretty hypocritical for me to tell people to post more when I only have 9 - now 10 - posts myself but this early in the morning that's what I'm bringing to the table as a random observation.

And yet my vote isnt on Sora, is it? I did say I needed to sift through them. Also stated today it feels TvT.

Not hiding behind anything. I havent really been asked much, if anything. And Ive poked around with some comments to get some feelings on people.

Nope, I’m the red and yellow Hulk brother. The moment I legdropped Savage at Bash of the Beach was the start of a very dark path. I’ve worked all that out in therapy brother!

I also hope you’re not the heel Rikishi that ran over Austin and did it for da Rock?

Also good points notes brothers on the activity of Sora/Sub vs everyone else. It is good for future note the further we get into the game. It still feels town vs town at this stage but worth noting anyway.

I had a rethink about it and I came to a conclusion about Sora, and why my gut feeling was wrong. So


I think the idea around seeing if anyone was moved from 1 vote to 2 during the 30 minute timer or just before is worth checking out

Not a lot yet. I can see why people would make a case that you and Sora are being vocal scum trying to lead the discussions but I am not convinced of that and leaning town for both of you. I am not feeling that anyone is really wolfing at this point. I could be wrong. I think scum is doing more lurking and what not currently.

Well for sure you and Sora for reasons I have already laid out. Right now everyone else is on the table and I am still trying to figure out who I want to vote for which is why I have not voted yet. Right now I think the only other train beyond me and Sora if you can call a couple votes each a train at this point is the princess and I don't want to jump on a train yet. But then again if we are going to get rid of someone we do have to have a lot more votes on them or they don't get yeeted.

I wonder if sub zero and sora just did scum theatre all day that would be magical.
but still burn this princess, twood seem we are out of rum again


Other than Xavier (why do i keep saying Xander?), I have madybe Medivh for the early sleep vote. Though having played many games before, I think i know who they're and it's probably NAI. Can't be sure though. Unfortunately I do not have the bastion of knowledge so far, so my reads are quite limited.

I don't want either yourself or Sora to be voted off yet because, well then the game would become quite slow.

If im pure OMGUSS'ING theen Masterchief.

Town reads: Sub, Sora, Moana, SolidSnake

Scum leans: Xavier, Medivh, this might be audacious but grumpycat

My take on Sora vs Subzero. Already said that Subzero has the write up causing me to clear him for now, and Sora I think is being a little bullheaded but is probably town. Scum likely sat back and enjoyed the show. Even if Sora is scum, I'd rather save him for later.

Of the list a couple posts back...

I'm enjoying the silly HulkHogan roleplay, so I'd prefer not to lynch for that one silly reason.
Alysrazor- Feels familiar to me as a player, have some guesses on that front. Was active during the last 30 minutes rush of yesterday. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, to be honest. Not opposed to a lynch, but probably not a first choice
Sora- Already said I suspect he's good. though that could change I'd rather lynch others for now
Croissant- Fine with lynch
Applejack- Fine with lynching.
Moana- Mixed feelings of the gut feel variety. Going back and forth between good with lynching, and rather not.

Very surface level at the moment, would definitely need closer investigation of how votes moved in the last 30 minutes from 0 to 1 and 1 to zero, but I am about to be busy and won't be able to do so right away. Also, I could certainly be convinced of other people entirely who weren't at 2 votes.

To avoid the wrath of doom from the mod for not voting ever, here's a place holder vote on one of the above.
Vote: Applejack

Im actually thinkin sora is failing testing the waters on ppl its a really poor look

Im actually tempted to flip crosant just to see about sora

You dont wanna look bad in the case they flip town after such a long, hard push

Fuck id just yeet sora at this point if it wasnt so late in the day phase

Sora pushed every1 to crosant as a counter train peach hasnt done anything towny voted herself stating crosant is town

Ill swap if we get majority to crosant but may come gunning sora tomorrow

I didn't include me or the majority of Peach's posts since that speaks for itself. I also didn't include just interactions with Sora about other people or other thoughts.
So looks like Subzero is clearing Sora. Looks like people are also clearing Princess maybe? I am not sure what to think of Princess just yet. I don't think scum but wonder if there is another 3p out there of some sort.

Hades seems to be the lean for the vote today. I need to back and look at their stuff to see if I am on board with that train or not.

I just did a quick read through so going to go back through and see if there is anything I want to respond to or ask about. I like that couple breakdowns we have gotten of actions from people. Always helpful.
No one is actually clearing Peach based on info. Just reads.
The Hulkster’s been busy with charity and publicity events. It’s not an easy life being the Hulkster and can’t flex my 24 inch pythons as well as I used to but I still try to work out and the spirit of Hulkamania is still alive! I understand the neutrality but can assure you I’m the red and yellow Hulkster and hopefully that becomes clear!

Just to clarify the town vs town on Sora and Subzero comment. Although they disagree, it doesn’t come across as scum pantomime to me trying to control (that could be wrong), it just seems too talkative. Not sure what to make of Peach besides what’s already said other than maybe the poster has guessed who Sora is and they have a history so I don’t know if it’s joking or if she really has picked up something on him.

The Hulkster was a bit surprised at the Gibbs/Jarrod reveal as from what he knows, Jarrod wouldn’t go out like that and is active so could be a quiet scum so far dudes although they did guess Foxxi.

The earlier vote on Applejack was because the Hulkster didn’t like his opening promos. Not everyone can work thr mic like the biggest icon of professional wrestling!
The Hulkster’s been busy with charity and publicity events. It’s not an easy life being the Hulkster and can’t flex my 24 inch pythons as well as I used to but I still try to work out and the spirit of Hulkamania is still alive! I understand the neutrality but can assure you I’m the red and yellow Hulkster and hopefully that becomes clear!

Just to clarify the town vs town on Sora and Subzero comment. Although they disagree, it doesn’t come across as scum pantomime to me trying to control (that could be wrong), it just seems too talkative. Not sure what to make of Peach besides what’s already said other than maybe the poster has guessed who Sora is and they have a history so I don’t know if it’s joking or if she really has picked up something on him.

The Hulkster was a bit surprised at the Gibbs/Jarrod reveal as from what he knows, Jarrod wouldn’t go out like that and is active so could be a quiet scum so far dudes although they did guess Foxxi.

The earlier vote on Applejack was because the Hulkster didn’t like his opening promos. Not everyone can work thr mic like the biggest icon of professional wrestling!
Are you fully caught up on the phase?
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 4 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, SubZero #1283, GrumpyCat #1399)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410)
Medivh - 2 (Sora #1316, XavierWoods #1283)
Sora - 1 (PrincessPeach #1322)
PrincessPeach - 1 (Rikishi #1365)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Arceus, ArtTheClown, Bacon, Hades, MasterChief, Medivh, Sauron, Sephiroth, Twintania

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 6
Sora 317

SubZero 265

Sephiroth 88

GrumpyCat 82

VoidKitten 62

MasterChief 57

JackSparrow 52

ArtTheClown 47

Rikishi 47

XavierWoods 47

Arceus 46

Twintania 37

Pikachu 35

Moana 33

PrincessPeach 32

Bacon 26

HulkHogan 26

Croissant 25

Kumquat 25

Alysrazor 20

SolidSnake 19

Medivh 18

Applejack 12

Hades 12

so right now, i kinda like the top group of posters as town. which begs the question if we feel anyone from scum is trying to drive or if it's a sit-back team.
could be. but the thing i question is, even if you have a town role that is underpowered, how do you know they have a better one? and we've seen this as a scum play recently? you're right, because something COULD be doesn't mean it IS. but it also doesn't mean it ISN'T.
i think it's fair for princess to explain, in non a roleclaim way, why she was so confident in croissant being a specific role.

only a few things happened n1. now that we are confident subby is town, ,makes sense to revisit what scum did to them on a night where they used a mass rb.

Thank you for joining me in my request that the Princess explain not just how she knew Croissant was town, but that the role was better than hers.

Roleclaiming is not allowed in private communication either. I recall what happened to 3puppies when he role claimed in a prior game here - he was quickly banned.
I think that blindly yeeting people from this list from the bottom up results in a town win.

Very well may be.

Hades has not posted anything helpful. But I remain concerned about them being left with one vote on Day 1. I would like to hear from them today.

Applejack got replaced by Sauron, so I'd kind of like to hear something before voting there.

Medivh also has not posted much, and none of it has been helpful. If the Peach can give us anything to support herself, I don't mind looking here.

Alysrazor 20 - the little that was posted felt kind of townish to me, but I would like to see more.

Hogan was away, but is posting now. I shall have to ponder whether I need to send a letter.

Bacon is also not giving us much.
Very well may be.

Hades has not posted anything helpful. But I remain concerned about them being left with one vote on Day 1. I would like to hear from them today.

Applejack got replaced by Sauron, so I'd kind of like to hear something before voting there.

Medivh also has not posted much, and none of it has been helpful. If the Peach can give us anything to support herself, I don't mind looking here.

Alysrazor 20 - the little that was posted felt kind of townish to me, but I would like to see more.

Hogan was away, but is posting now. I shall have to ponder whether I need to send a letter.

Bacon is also not giving us much.
The Hulkster loves fan mail! Tell the Hulkster what’s on your mind dude.
Very well may be.

Hades has not posted anything helpful. But I remain concerned about them being left with one vote on Day 1. I would like to hear from them today.

Applejack got replaced by Sauron, so I'd kind of like to hear something before voting there.

Medivh also has not posted much, and none of it has been helpful. If the Peach can give us anything to support herself, I don't mind looking here.

Alysrazor 20 - the little that was posted felt kind of townish to me, but I would like to see more.

Hogan was away, but is posting now. I shall have to ponder whether I need to send a letter.

Bacon is also not giving us much.
Bacon has to sleep and work. What do you want to know?
The Hulkster loves fan mail! Tell the Hulkster what’s on your mind dude.
Why did it take so long for you to apologize not for being a racist, but instead your apology was for getting caught on tape saying "I am a racist!"

Dark times, bruddah.

But I'd like to know - What are your thoughts on the PeachPrincess, and on Medivh.

Same question to you, Bacon
Are you unsmoked or smoked brother?
Smoking is bad for you...but great for me!

Why did it take so long for you to apologize not for being a racist, but instead your apology was for getting caught on tape saying "I am a racist!"

Dark times, bruddah.

But I'd like to know - What are your thoughts on the PeachPrincess, and on Medivh.

Same question to you, Bacon
I'm not racist, I'm just haram.
Oh, the other question? I'll need to check ISOs for today.
Dark times indeed Kish. We’ve all done things we regret and it took me a long time to apologise brother but saying my prayers that all Hulkamaniacs will forgive me though it won’t be easy!

Think I covered Peach in that one way or another she has a good idea who Sora is. Not saying this clears her but it does seem loud to be scum. Mevidh haven’t seen much of dude so not on the town pile at the moment.

PS I don’t like how the Tribal Chief is treating your sons so back dat ass up and teach him a lesson. Maybe get Rocky involved too. I ran him over but we still buds dude! Loved Kane and his kanenites too!
I think Medihv is exactly rand with a hint of spew that maybe makes them town. But I feel like if we're going for low impact players, there are better options
Think I covered Peach in that one way or another she has a good idea who Sora is. Not saying this clears her but it does seem loud to be scum. Mevidh haven’t seen much of dude so not on the town pile at the moment.
i'm not sure i get what you're saying in regards to peach and sora. i think that could be jumping the gun, but may be misunderstanding where you're going here
Day 3 Event Fix
Game Event

was feeling crappier than he thought from Marack's dart and decided to get some sleep early.


This should have happened originally with the first game event. I apparently cannot read my own role cards I created. This is not anything extra or because of something someone did after the original event.
i'm not sure i get what you're saying in regards to peach and sora. i think that could be jumping the gun, but may be misunderstanding where you're going here
The way Peach was voting Sora, the Hulkster is unsure if they’ve made a guess to the poster or they have a genuine read.
i'm not sure i get what you're saying in regards to peach and sora. i think that could be jumping the gun, but may be misunderstanding where you're going here
I think he's saying that Peach knows Sora's actual identity and that's why he's been pushing Sora so hard.

I don't really think that's Peach's reason, though, and think both players should be read independently.

More importantly, Sora's town and there's no point questioning that. But that's also why I feel Hulk is likely town here
Peach is being super unhelpful but our leading posters think she's town, I could see a case for jester but don't know if vk uses them
Medivh hasn't given me much to go on, but I can't see anything scummy, if they are the person I think they are. Just rather typical for them.

What about Alysrazor and Arceus? These two have completely flown under my radar.
Peach is being super unhelpful but our leading posters think she's town, I could see a case for jester but don't know if vk uses them
Medivh hasn't given me much to go on, but I can't see anything scummy, if they are the person I think they are. Just rather typical for them.

What about Alysrazor and Arceus? These two have completely flown under my radar.
Being a leading poster doesnt always make you town tho scum do it for control so keep that in mind
I think Medivh is town. Not getting any scum vibes.

Nothing screaming out at me about Hulk either at the moment.

I could be wrong but those are my reads.

I am fine with pushing the Hades train but if we are looking for another train maybe Rikishi or JackSparrow. Nothing really sticking out to me about either just trying to think of somewhat more active people to push beyond low activity. I do think there is probably a scum in the lower activity but I feel like there has to be scum more involved in the conversations.
Being a leading poster doesnt always make you town tho scum do it for control so keep that in mind
Fair. I do know a couple of posters who like to lead the conversation as both town and scum so it's NAI on that point.
Arceus feels clean to me, Alysrazor more neutral.
Peach is being super unhelpful but our leading posters think she's town, I could see a case for jester but don't know if vk uses them
Medivh hasn't given me much to go on, but I can't see anything scummy, if they are the person I think they are. Just rather typical for them.

What about Alysrazor and Arceus? These two have completely flown under my radar.
I don't 100% think Peach is town as much as I don't find their behavior unbelievable from town.
I still think Arceus is town. Jury's out on Alys
I disliked how lots of people were switching over to Croissant towards the end. IIRC Croissant popped up to say that he didn't have the time to create a post to defend himself. That read to me as a town player who did not have much investment in the game and was perhaps a little defeatist (it's D1, people want to get a lynch off and someone has to be the unlucky sob, it was late so the chances of other trains starting up are becoming increasingly unlikely, etc), rather than a scum player who would have been much more motivated to fight to help his team who has a limited number of players and could lose powers if he died. I did not believe Croissant was scum, as if he was scum then it would have been very easy for Croissant to type up a quick rebuttal post and then have the scum players "buy" that read in the game thread, and then hard push someone else. The anonymous nature of the game means it would be easy for scum to hard push someone else as an alternative without people being alarmed by seemingly out-of-character behavior of players they know. (At the time I was suspicious of the posters who were posting a lot in that late phase, though now I am not so sure).

I do not know anything about Sora. I was irked by their actions yesterday. Rereading the writeup, it seems that Sora is clear, as otherwise someone would have come out and have said "Sora is scum" because they watched him or received an "other" result on him by now. It is possible that he could be a godfather who didn't do anything last night, but I feel the chances of that are statistically unlikely. So I think Sora has a higher than average chance of being town, but his behavior yesterday still really irks me.
I disliked how lots of people were switching over to Croissant towards the end. IIRC Croissant popped up to say that he didn't have the time to create a post to defend himself. That read to me as a town player who did not have much investment in the game and was perhaps a little defeatist (it's D1, people want to get a lynch off and someone has to be the unlucky sob, it was late so the chances of other trains starting up are becoming increasingly unlikely, etc), rather than a scum player who would have been much more motivated to fight to help his team who has a limited number of players and could lose powers if he died. I did not believe Croissant was scum, as if he was scum then it would have been very easy for Croissant to type up a quick rebuttal post and then have the scum players "buy" that read in the game thread, and then hard push someone else. The anonymous nature of the game means it would be easy for scum to hard push someone else as an alternative without people being alarmed by seemingly out-of-character behavior of players they know. (At the time I was suspicious of the posters who were posting a lot in that late phase, though now I am not so sure).

I do not know anything about Sora. I was irked by their actions yesterday. Rereading the writeup, it seems that Sora is clear, as otherwise someone would have come out and have said "Sora is scum" because they watched him or received an "other" result on him by now. It is possible that he could be a godfather who didn't do anything last night, but I feel the chances of that are statistically unlikely. So I think Sora has a higher than average chance of being town, but his behavior yesterday still really irks me.
How do you feel about Hades? Who of the people who switched to Croissant are you most suspicious of?
I disliked how lots of people were switching over to Croissant towards the end. IIRC Croissant popped up to say that he didn't have the time to create a post to defend himself. That read to me as a town player who did not have much investment in the game and was perhaps a little defeatist (it's D1, people want to get a lynch off and someone has to be the unlucky sob, it was late so the chances of other trains starting up are becoming increasingly unlikely, etc), rather than a scum player who would have been much more motivated to fight to help his team who has a limited number of players and could lose powers if he died. I did not believe Croissant was scum, as if he was scum then it would have been very easy for Croissant to type up a quick rebuttal post and then have the scum players "buy" that read in the game thread, and then hard push someone else. The anonymous nature of the game means it would be easy for scum to hard push someone else as an alternative without people being alarmed by seemingly out-of-character behavior of players they know. (At the time I was suspicious of the posters who were posting a lot in that late phase, though now I am not so sure).

I do not know anything about Sora. I was irked by their actions yesterday. Rereading the writeup, it seems that Sora is clear, as otherwise someone would have come out and have said "Sora is scum" because they watched him or received an "other" result on him by now. It is possible that he could be a godfather who didn't do anything last night, but I feel the chances of that are statistically unlikely. So I think Sora has a higher than average chance of being town, but his behavior yesterday still really irks me.

This feels okay, but still not great. So you were just guessing when you told us Croissant was town, and has a better role than you? You're basically saying "Yesterday I was lying, but today I am telling the truth" Not sure I am ready to buy it.
What reasons did you actually have for Art?
Well I still feel he was active right before the event hit, plus he hasnt really contributed overly much in actually pushing people. And I wanted the Art train yesterday but it looks more like we got double town wagons instead
Well I still feel he was active right before the event hit, plus he hasnt really contributed overly much in actually pushing people. And I wanted the Art train yesterday but it looks more like we got double town wagons instead
Yeah, that's all solid. Their input has been minimal and a bit more showing up when it matters and leading down the wrong direction. Could just be that they're busy, but I'm not sure that accounts for their iffy posts after D1 ended
I think he's saying that Peach knows Sora's actual identity and that's why he's been pushing Sora so hard.

I don't really think that's Peach's reason, though, and think both players should be read independently.

More importantly, Sora's town and there's no point questioning that. But that's also why I feel Hulk is likely town here
subby, i'm gonna need you to give the others at least a few minutes to answer. i have layers. seriously tho, i agree with what your take here. i think peach should be read independently too. i'm not ready to lock her in another castle, but i don't see why she can't be vetted. which is why i can't get behind hulk's takes here completely. gotta consider how people act in the context of what we know. people fake poop all the time.
Peach is being super unhelpful but our leading posters think she's town, I could see a case for jester but don't know if vk uses them
Medivh hasn't given me much to go on, but I can't see anything scummy, if they are the person I think they are. Just rather typical for them.

What about Alysrazor and Arceus? These two have completely flown under my radar.
there's just a few people who think peach is probably ok. for all we know, they might just be from georgia. if you want to push peach, i think you should get froggy.
I disliked how lots of people were switching over to Croissant towards the end. IIRC Croissant popped up to say that he didn't have the time to create a post to defend himself. That read to me as a town player who did not have much investment in the game and was perhaps a little defeatist (it's D1, people want to get a lynch off and someone has to be the unlucky sob, it was late so the chances of other trains starting up are becoming increasingly unlikely, etc), rather than a scum player who would have been much more motivated to fight to help his team who has a limited number of players and could lose powers if he died. I did not believe Croissant was scum, as if he was scum then it would have been very easy for Croissant to type up a quick rebuttal post and then have the scum players "buy" that read in the game thread, and then hard push someone else. The anonymous nature of the game means it would be easy for scum to hard push someone else as an alternative without people being alarmed by seemingly out-of-character behavior of players they know. (At the time I was suspicious of the posters who were posting a lot in that late phase, though now I am not so sure).

I do not know anything about Sora. I was irked by their actions yesterday. Rereading the writeup, it seems that Sora is clear, as otherwise someone would have come out and have said "Sora is scum" because they watched him or received an "other" result on him by now. It is possible that he could be a godfather who didn't do anything last night, but I feel the chances of that are statistically unlikely. So I think Sora has a higher than average chance of being town, but his behavior yesterday still really irks me.
if you saw croissant as defeated, why did you think it would be better to kill you than them? usually if i think someone does not have much investment in the game, i'm not going to want people to kill me instead of them.
Game Event

was feeling crappier than he thought from Marack's dart and decided to get some sleep early.


This should have happened originally with the first game event. I apparently cannot read my own role cards I created. This is not anything extra or because of something someone did after the original event.
so, who would have been afraid of the big, bad sora?
I want to make it clear that I'm not advocating for protecting Peach. I lean them as possible town, but I think she's earned every bit of scrutiny tossed her way.
Not that I think you think I think that, Sephiroth, but there's been enough "Top posters don't want Peach" sentiment that I want to make sure everyone knows where I stand.
I do unironically think the S names are likely all towncore. I have reservations about Sephiroth, but I think they're mostly silly.
Sora, Snake, Sephiroth, Arceus

These are the people I don't see myself voting any time soon.

Grumpy, Rikishi, MasterChief, Hulk, XavierWoods

These are the people I want to like, but don't feel confident enough to write off yet.

Moana, PrincessPeach, Alys, Medivh

People that could be scum, but I have at least one reason that gives me enough pause that I don't feel great about pushing.

Everyone else I don't have any real reason to argue against.
Sora, Snake, Sephiroth, Arceus

These are the people I don't see myself voting any time soon.

Grumpy, Rikishi, MasterChief, Hulk, XavierWoods

These are the people I want to like, but don't feel confident enough to write off yet.

Moana, PrincessPeach, Alys, Medivh

People that could be scum, but I have at least one reason that gives me enough pause that I don't feel great about pushing.

Everyone else I don't have any real reason to argue against.
Honestly I feel like I mostly agree with this reads list. Alys and Medivh are just kinda existing rather than exerting any pressure and Id like to see them do more.
i've got no beef with the hades train. i might see if the other people have something to say before going. there's no vote, except for the sora one, that i have a good reason to get all mad about.
Who would be your preferred push at this moment?
for me, it depends on peach's response. i'm itchy to see what happens to pressure there. the hades train feels the best to me of the ones people are on right now. but there's enough uncertainty around the existing ones, that i think it allows for waiting. and if the theory of sitback scum is right, i favor getting some pressure on. i know people got mad at sora yesterday, but he got reactions.
Seems people are continuing to fall for Master Chiefs wickedness. Starting to concern me a little bit. Moreso, with Subzero. You where the chosen one! You're buddying up with Master chief is starting to irk me. Masterchief has more so less, sat on me this game (or wanted to) simply because my first appearance was shortly before the day 1 timer reduction event happened. Suggesting that I placed a vote on @SubZero and then creating the time event to save you. If he still thinks i'm scum, he must think you are too. Otherwise seems his reasoning is a little flawed. Now im not saying this is the reason why scum wanted the time reduction happened, but MasterChief failed to mention that i floated that idea and people liked the idea and then the event came out. :X

Now this, Masterchief hadn't been around that much this day phase gets called out and suggests my name again? Why? With subzero liking the idea of this comment. It's just yuck. I had Sub as my top town and night actions of n2 suggest he might be too, but im not so sure. Perhaps subzero needs a mirror to find the scum!
Seems people are continuing to fall for Master Chiefs wickedness. Starting to concern me a little bit. Moreso, with Subzero. You where the chosen one! You're buddying up with Master chief is starting to irk me. Masterchief has more so less, sat on me this game (or wanted to) simply because my first appearance was shortly before the day 1 timer reduction event happened. Suggesting that I placed a vote on @SubZero and then creating the time event to save you. If he still thinks i'm scum, he must think you are too. Otherwise seems his reasoning is a little flawed. Now im not saying this is the reason why scum wanted the time reduction happened, but MasterChief failed to mention that i floated that idea and people liked the idea and then the event came out. :X

Now this, Masterchief hadn't been around that much this day phase gets called out and suggests my name again? Why? With subzero liking the idea of this comment. It's just yuck. I had Sub as my top town and night actions of n2 suggest he might be too, but im not so sure. Perhaps subzero needs a mirror to find the scum!
I'd like to know where your head is at besides me and MasterChief
You can have all the doubts in the world, but the Lin Kuei do not listen unless you out words to action with your fists vote.
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