Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

You're caught lying , Princess, or at the very least, deliberately evading our questions. Now I am wondering if we have enough time to get enough folks to switch votes to you.

Everyone else, please at least weigh in as to whether or not you agree that Peach is a stronger yeet candidate than any of the others today.
Id be ok with peach hades hasnt done anything signifigant either idk still dont like sora, alys is hard slackin

archeus seems the most towny still confused why grumpy got silenced.

Moanas seemed non existant this day same with sauron lots of ppl need to get it in gear

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy luckily the work is over!
On one hand, I don't like that Hades didn't share any reads when prompted. On the other, I think refusing to vote out of concern there's no point is townier than randomly voting Hulk
On one hand, I don't like that Hades didn't share any reads when prompted. On the other, I think refusing to vote out of concern there's no point is townier than randomly voting Hulk
But does that outweigh the fact they just basically threw the towel? A read can chnge minds doing nothing is either defeated scum or town that doesnt care. why bother signing up then?
Kinda same with peach either they are town and obviously dont care or they have a special reason to be lynched but is there even another 3p i thought nightingale was the only one?
But does that outweigh the fact they just basically threw the towel? A read can chnge minds doing nothing is either defeated scum or town that doesnt care. why bother signing up then?
if they threw in the towel, does this mean peach is going to ask us to vote for her instead now?
But does that outweigh the fact they just basically threw the towel? A read can chnge minds doing nothing is either defeated scum or town that doesnt care. why bother signing up then?
Townies can throw in the towel, too. Croissant largely did the same.

My point isn't that Hades is suddenly town because of it. It's that Peach looks worse.
Townies can throw in the towel, too. Croissant largely did the same.

My point isn't that Hades is suddenly town because of it. It's that Peach looks worse.
Its frustrating tho if they are town they need to do better why give scum a easy win if every1 just gives up when they are on the noose
Not sure its worth putting a vote on a slot that still has 0 posts and likely a mark that listo can handle. If they come into the thread and we want to work on resolving that slot, it would be more understandable.
Well I was hoping a little pressure and visibility would draw them out but apparently not. I'll have to read back the last page or so and revote as appropriate.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 6 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586)
PrincessPeach - 4 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, SubZero #1573, XavierWoods #1596)
HulkHogan - 3 (Moana #1272, JackSparrow #1410, PrincessPeach #1588)
Sauron - 1 (Bacon #1496)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 8
An accused liar vs somone unwilling to defend themselves. If they're both town we're fucked.
For the sake of competing trains:
Vote: PrincessPeach
Hades and Peach could both be scum, but the fact people have been around but no real moves have been made makes me feel like whatever active scum are around are stalling. And peach not gaining any real momentum just makes me feel that might be the better hit here.
Hmm. I see Twintania and JackSparrow on Hades, both of whom I'm wary of.
I had given PrincessPeach a slight preferential treatment for the big swing to save Croissant, however the people voting here don't contain the red flag players for me.

I don't think I'm happy either way at this point.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 8 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586, JackSparrow #1410, Alysrazor #1622)
PrincessPeach - 5 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, SubZero #1573, XavierWoods #1596, Bacon #1618)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, PrincessPeach #1588)
Twintania - 1 (Arceus #1524)

Not Voting: Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 9
Certainly no time to change it at this point, though. Options are Princess, Hades, or abstain to try and avoid a lynch entirely. I've never been a fan of no lynching. Do I trust my take on Princess or my takes on Twintania/Jack more?
Well, in the end it's 2 against one. I'll go with my lack of trust in those two.

Vote: Princess Peach
Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 9 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586, JackSparrow #1619, Alysrazor #1622, XavierWoods #1628)
PrincessPeach - 5 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, SubZero #1573, , Bacon #1618, Arceus #1627)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, PrincessPeach #1588)

Not Voting: Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 9
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Welcome everyone!

This is the game for our anonymous battle royale. This will be a typical Rajah style game with no claims allowed and write ups at the end of each phase. There is one change in mechanics that is listed below.



1. All players will be given a created account by me along with credentials for this game. No one will be using their actual account for this game and will instead use these accounts to post instead. Accounts will be given with your rolecard. The names of the original player will be revealed with the flip.
2. Day/Night Phases: Day phases will last 48 hours and Night phases 24 hours. Official deadline will always be at 8:00pm ET, but the actual start/end will depend on action submission.
3. It is recommended to vote at least once per phase and post at least five posts per day phase.
4. If the day ends without a majority being reached, modified majority will come into play. If a player has a majority of the votes that have been cast, that player will be eliminated. If a player does not have a majority of votes cast, no elimination will happen.
5. No role-claiming or breadcrumbing/hinting whatsoever. You all know I will not hesitate to modkill so let's see if I can get through a game without doing that.
6. Investigative roles will not receive their own results. Instead, along with action submission, they will choose another player to receive their results instead. You cannot choose the same player twice in a row to receive results. If you are subject to this, your rolecard will state it. Cop investigations will report Supremacy or Other. If the action fails, No Result will be delivered to the user of the ability.
7. No discussing the game outside of the thread or in specified discord channels. Please do not use OGI or angleshooting (such as comparing how rolecards are written or if a player is inactive or not, or if they are in discord and not thread). If you want to use this information to develop your own reads, fine. But please do not bring up things in the thread like this.
8. Self-targeting is not allowed unless otherwise specified
9. Votes/Unvotes must be done through the BBCode. You do not have to unvote. I will accept whatever the most recent vote is.


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Arceus
3. ArtTheClown
4. Bacon
5. GrumpyCat
6. Hades
7. HulkHogan
8. JackSparrow
9. MasterChief
10. Medivh
11. Moana
12. PrincessPeach
13. Rikishi
14. Sauron
15. Sephiroth
16. SolidSnake
17. Sora
18. SubZero
19. Twintania
20. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale (Night 1)
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey (Day 2)

3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod (Night 2)
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce (Night 2)


Day/Night Writeups:

Game Intro:

Enough was enough. Mazer swung his sword down at VoidKitten who only had time to dodge out of the way, but not quickly enough. Mazer’s blade slashed through VoidKitten’s thigh. VoidKitten fell to the group and looked up at Mazer. “We have had enough of your reign, VK. This place has gone to shit.” Mazer swung the hilt of the sword down and knocked VK out.

Mazer cackled as he declared himself Supreme Ruler of FoS, Mother of Mafia, The Statesman, Sixth First Best Mafia Player. “No longer will we need to use technology to play Mafia. We can return to the days of writing notes with quills and using an abacus.” He skipped through the land, extolling his capture of VK and gathering loyal subjects for what would come next.

Unbeknownst to Mazer, VoidKitten stirred early. He was weakened and restrained, but was able to use the last of his energy to send out a telepathic message. He just only hoped the savior would come.

Listo, was working at the local orphanage when he stiffened suddenly as words filled his head. “Listo, help me. Mazer has taken over FoS and is planning on taking it back to the dark days of Mafia. You have to stop him. He is holding me at…” The message cut out suddenly as Listo was wracked by pain and Mazer’s voice filled his head. “Do not get any cute ideas, Listo. You may have saved those three huskies, but you will not take my power.” Listo collapsed but quickly recovered. “That is a great idea! I should go get 3puppies!

Listo quickly left, gathering a ragtag group of people, and making plans to march upon Mazer. But Mazer knew this was coming and had a secret weapon on his side. He needed Chaos Incarnate to impose his will so he brought forth Lora to ensure the deeds were done. During preparations, Firebert showed multiple enhancements to the defense of Castle Rezam and the entire Supremacy laughed knowing no one would defeat them.

Listo and 3puppies gathered a group of ragtag heroes, including stalwarts such as mth and Caito, to continue the fight to keep technology and not go back to the ways of old. They were a motley crew, so they donned the name Riff-Raff as to mark their humble beginnings.

Elsewhere, a hooded figure walked the land. She looked at her pocket watch and sighed. She stood on a cliff, overlooking everyone making preparations. But she had her own plans and her own designs. Foxxi jumped off the cliff, did sixteen flips in the air, and then glided down to the ground below. She knew what she had to do and it would be done.

Day 1 End:

Day 2 Start:

Day 2 End:

Day 3 Start:


The player with the highest amount of votes cast for them today (Day 1) as well as the player with the lowest amount of votes cast for them will be subject to a 75/25 dice roll to determine their fate. If they are successful, they will receive immunity from being targeted until Day 3. If they fail the roll, the player will be killed. The player with the most votes has a 75% chance to live. The player with the least has a 75% chance to die.


Current Phase:

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
I just subbed in. Haven’t read anything yet. Will try to catch up tonight.
Day 3 End
Final Day 3 Vote Count:

Hades - 10 (SolidSnake #1266, HulkHogan #1269, GrumpyCat #1399, ArtTheClown #1501, Twintania #1539, Sora #1586, JackSparrow #1619, Alysrazor #1622, XavierWoods #1628, SubZero #1632)

PrincessPeach - 4 (Rikishi #1365, Sephiroth #1536, Bacon #1618, Arceus #1627)
HulkHogan - 2 (Moana #1272, PrincessPeach #1588)

Not Voting: Hades, Sauron, MasterChief #1556, Medivh #1561

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when majority is reached. With 20 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 9


Hades wasn’t sure what to do. Everyone was looking at him and he quickly turned to run, his hair turning red as he started to get mad. Before he could do much, he tripped over a rock and tumbled. The angry mob quickly grabbed him and walked him over to a lake. Hades struggled, but the group tied cinder blocks to his feet. Hades cursed everyone as they tossed him over the bank and into the deep water. Hades' hair fizzled as he plummeted downwards.

Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf


Morrison wanted to have a little fun tonight and as the day ended he followed Moana outside and quickly put them in a headlock and knocked them out. When Moana awoke, she saw she was sitting on a stool across from Morrison. He looked at her and formed an evil grin, his fist extended. “Welcome to my game. You have been a pestilence on me for far too long. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Best 3 of 5. Winner takes all and the loser…well…is taken from this life.”


Listo was not pleased. Still, people didn’t listen. He typed some more into his laptop and marked another two players today. Listo closed the laptop and sighed.


It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end on June 10th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be considered valid.
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Morrison and Moana quickly faced off rapid fire. With a couple of ties in there, the duel was settled in three rounds, with Moana taking a clean sweep victor. Moana grinned as he grabbed a gun from the table and aimed it at Morrison. Moana fired and just as the bullet was going to hit Morrison, he activated a device and threw up a shield, deflecting the bullet, but rendering the shield incapable of being used again.

Morrison cursed and quickly ran back to Castle Rezam.
Day 4 Start
Morrison, fresh off of his embarrassing loss in Rock, Paper, Scissors wanted to make sure that the Supremacy had an edge tonight. He walked over to his trusty console and configured it to work in Dark Mode. As soon as it activated, a dark, purple pulse came out from Castle Rezam and covered the land in pure darkness, ensuring the Supremacy wouldn’t be seen tonight.

Robozerim sneaked into Subzero's bedroom with killing intent, rolling his magical dice until they turned into a bladed grappling hook. He threw the weapon at Subzero and shouted "Get over here!" Upon pulling Subzero to himself, he discovered it was a life sized doll replica of him and cursed as he crept away from the scene of his attempted murder, taking the decoy with him so it couldn't be used again.

3puppies looked shocked at the sudden darkness but knew it wouldn’t interrupt his plan. He set out and was able to locate both SubZero and GrumpyCat and gave them new orders, sending them both in the other’s direction.

3puppies was not done. He felt a sudden urge to continue going on tonight and sought out another person. He snuck up behind Sora silently and wasted no time, shooting them in the back of the head. He looked down at the body bleeding out and made some comment about this death being reduced by a coupon to free. Once Sora mercifully bled out, 3puppies continued on his way.

Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner

decided to try and get some more pictures of people’s communication arrays. She went out to look for GrumpyCat and found him. Dreyski set up the camera pointing at the communicator and waited to see what she would get.

Robozerim grabbed his magical dice and decided to put on another show. He had heard that Sauron did not believe that his dice could create a shield. Robozerim was happy to oblige and rolled the dice, causing them to erect a protective shield around Sauron this night.

Pablo Diablo knew that the Riff-Raff had to get their stuff together. In hoping to further that plan, he found Sauron and gave them a pep talk. Sauron felt so pumped up by the talk he immediately went forth with any plans he may or may not have tonight, before anyone else got the idea to.

CWE grabbed his pack and ran out into the darkness. He wanted to see if anyone came to talk to Sora and quickly set up camp near where Sora hung out to see what would happen that night in the area.

Listo decided to take a different tact tonight. Instead of focusing on those who didn’t follow instructions, he had something more interesting in mind and knew the perfect person. Listo left his cave he was saving some animals in and went to find his target. It didn’t take long before he came upon ArtTheClown and decided he really really hated clowns. Listo grabbed an axe and connected it with the side of ArtTheClown’s neck, severing it completely. He then took the head, planted the neck in the ground and watered it.

“Much better,” said Listo. “ArtTheTree has a much nicer ring to it.” Listo left, but not before leaving an open communicator in front of ArtTheTree.

ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???


ArtTheTree is now a Tree Stump. He cannot vote, be voted upon, perform actions, or count towards parity, however he can post in the thread during the day.


Living Players:

1. Alysrazor
2. Arceus
3. Bacon
4. GrumpyCat
5. HulkHogan
6. JackSparrow
7. MasterChief
8. Medivh
9. Moana
10. PrincessPeach
11. Rikishi
12. Sauron
13. Sephiroth
14. SolidSnake
15. SubZero
16. Twintania
17. XavierWoods


Dead Players:

1. Kumquat, playing as Foxxi, a Neutral Mentoring Clockmaker, has been killed. Actual Poster: Nightingale
2. Croissant, playing as Psycho, the Riff-Raff Bodyguard, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: Tildey
3. Gibbs, playing as Sabi, the Supremacy Bookie, has been killed. Actual Poster: Jarrod
4. Pikachu, playing as mth, the Riff-Raff ON Manipulative JOAT, has been killed. Actual Poster: llettuce
5. Hades, playing as Caito, the Riff-Raff Ability Thief, has been eliminated. Actual Poster: DivaSmurf
6. Sora, playing as MTR, the Riff-Raff Hiding Commuter, has been killed. Actual Poster: Insaner
7. ArtTheClown, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed. Actual Poster: ???


It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on June 12th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.
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Also, I feel like stumping Art was not at all a good call, but meh

Rereading this, I'm thinking Morrison's action made it so scum's actions were replicated as town actions, so 3pups kill was probably actually a scum kill. Also a Robo tried to kill me? But I don't know why it wasn't successful
Also, I feel like stumping Art was not at all a good call, but meh

Rereading this, I'm thinking Morrison's action made it so scum's actions were replicated as town actions, so 3pups kill was probably actually a scum kill. Also a Robo tried to kill me? But I don't know why it wasn't successful
"3puppies looked shocked at the sudden darkness but knew it wouldn’t interrupt his plan. He set out and was able to locate both SubZero and GrumpyCat and gave them new orders, sending them both in the other’s direction."

looks like 3pups also bussed you
Ok, 3pups did a reflective action the previous night, and Robo did the protective shield. So the kills are definitely masked actions.

There's still some other stuff I have to parse here, but the good news is that Art targeted Sora and confirms that he was the fake 3pups.

Which is good because I was gonna push him today

Vote: PrincessPeach

You're next
Yah I think there’s scum trickery with those kills dudes! They might have one of terminator killers and be able to shape shift. Wouldn’t put it past Void to include something like that brother!
"3puppies looked shocked at the sudden darkness but knew it wouldn’t interrupt his plan. He set out and was able to locate both SubZero and GrumpyCat and gave them new orders, sending them both in the other’s direction."

looks like 3pups also bussed you
I don't know if that was a traditional bus, but otherwise yes
Yah I think there’s scum trickery with those kills dudes! They might have one of terminator killers and be able to shape shift. Wouldn’t put it past Void to include something like that brother!
Look at Morrison's action and then the fact we didn't see any reds. All scum were terminators last night, but it's probably not a permanent thing.
Morrison, fresh off of his embarrassing loss in Rock, Paper, Scissors wanted to make sure that the Supremacy had an edge tonight. He walked over to his trusty console and configured it to work in Dark Mode. As soon as it activated, a dark, purple pulse came out from Castle Rezam and covered the land in pure darkness, ensuring the Supremacy wouldn’t be seen tonight.

So Scum actions were hidden. With both Robo and 3pups "acting" twice, are 1 of each action a scum performed action and the other a town? Or were both Robo and 3pups motivated to be able to perform multiple actioons?
Ok, 3pups did a reflective action the previous night, and Robo did the protective shield. So the kills are definitely masked actions.

There's still some other stuff I have to parse here, but the good news is that Art targeted Sora and confirms that he was the fake 3pups.

Which is good because I was gonna push him today

Vote: PrincessPeach

You're next
There's a small chance that Art was CWE, but I don't think that's the case
So Scum actions were hidden. With both Robo and 3pups "acting" twice, are 1 of each action a scum performed action and the other a town? Or were both Robo and 3pups motivated to be able to perform multiple actioons?
I'm like 100% certain the kills were actually scum. The other Robo/3pups actions were the legit ones
Gonna be gone for a bit, but Hades flip, the fact I'm pretty sure Art was scum, and the Peach wagon couldn't gain any traction - all signs that make me think Peach really was the hit yesterday

This is beyond Peach's play just being scummy in general
Day 4 Vote Count:

PrincessPeach - 3 (SubZero #1648, Sephiroth #1650, HulkHogan #1653)

Not Voting: Alysrazor, Arceus, Bacon, GrumpyCat, JackSparrow, MasterChief, Medivh, Moana, PrincessPeach, Rikishi, Sauron, SolidSnake, Twintania, XavierWoods

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play.

Current Modified Majority: 2
Well you can't be modkilled, so who were you?
Well idk about that. I cant actually access my discord on my new phone whilst at work because lost my previous email account haha. So if there's any rules VK told me in that i cant see them til i get home where im auto logged in.

Seeing as im cannibalised also, feel like i claimed i will be removed from the game.

That said, i have apparently been quite present in the night actions!
Well idk about that. I cant actually access my discord on my new phone whilst at work because lost my previous email account haha. So if there's any rules VK told me in that i cant see them til i get home where im auto logged in.

Seeing as im cannibalised also, feel like i claimed i will be removed from the game.

That said, i have apparently been quite present in the night actions!
CWE showed up for the first time. That's the only person other than fake 3pups you could be. So you haven't been that present in the night actions each night...unless you've been acting in favor of scum.
CWE showed up for the first time. That's the only person other than fake 3pups you could be. So you haven't been that present in the night actions each night...unless you've been acting in favor of scum.
Sometimes i feel like you're being deliberately obtuse. But that's just my opinion personally.
Gonna be gone for a bit, but Hades flip, the fact I'm pretty sure Art was scum, and the Peach wagon couldn't gain any traction - all signs that make me think Peach really was the hit yesterday

This is beyond Peach's play just being scummy in general
I think the action on grumpy cat was an attempt to stop someone who might have switched.
No I'm just dumb.
Feel like i already gave a, perhaps subtle hint to who I was already last day phase. If ye read my comments carefully from the start of d3 and the RP. Though if it isn't blatantly obvious by now. Then sir, my hope is lost.

As for scum, i'm reread night actions results when i get home and start forming a poe.

Seeing as you've been shot already by Caito through mind control, im assuming you're clear from the mind controllies, I have a feeling about Moana being town.
I'm very eager to hear from GrumpyCat in particular.

Vote: Princess

Mostly a placeholder but I'm not against seeing it through given how badly looking elsewhere has gone.
Moana seems to be a town lock based on the Rock Paper Scissors and the subsequent kill attempt on Morrison (for losing the game/role modifier/flavour)
A feeling?!?
Scum tried to KILL MOANA!!!
the cynic in me doesnt want to rule out the possibility of scum having a shield or defence or whatever to save themself from the game had they failed the rock paper scissors (as seen with morrison) and it was all just for show.
the cynic in me doesnt want to rule out the possibility of scum having a shield or defence or whatever to save themself from the game had they failed the rock paper scissors (as seen with morrison) and it was all just for show.
Moana has 2 things to say for that...

And 2...

YOU'RE FUCKING WELCOME TOWN. THE GF'S BPV IS GONE ALL THANKS TO MOANA. And I don't even have a fucking kill ability!!!
Hmm. I just looked back at Art's posts and...I can see a world where the info I have on him is faulty.

He's basically either CWE or 3pups. Technically he'd be the fake 3pups, but maybe Morrison's effect showed me the target of the fake while showing me the actual player behind the real 3pups(real as in the real role, not the poster 3pups)
I agree that the Peach train is worth continuing, but I am also very interested in looking at the voting history of the last two misyeets. There pretty much has to be scum on those trains. Especially when we consider that they have information that town doesn't.

Something doesn't add up to me. Did scum get two kill attempts - one that took out Sora, and another that Subzero survived? And both were masked, but getting action masked by 2 different characters? That seems pretty powerful.
Ok, 3pups did a reflective action the previous night, and Robo did the protective shield. So the kills are definitely masked actions.

There's still some other stuff I have to parse here, but the good news is that Art targeted Sora and confirms that he was the fake 3pups.

Which is good because I was gonna push him today

Vote: PrincessPeach

You're next

How did you know that Art targeted Sora and confirmed that he was the fake 3pups? That was not in the writeup. I understand the deal here is that folks watching and tracking won't get their own info, but they will choose to send it to someone else. Does that mean Art chose to send it to you? If Art was the fake 3pups, as scum why would he be tracking and sending info to you? Or did you get it because you were also busdriven? If so, does that mean Art chose to send it to GrumpyCat?

I apologize for my confusion - I need a glass of wine. Perhaps a bottle.
Its gonna be tough for me to get to 5 posts before the day ends. I am fighting a bad reaction to all the wildfire smog, and my blood pressure has been really elevated all week.
@ArtTheClown , can you share why you were targeted by Listo? I think you voted, but I am not sure if you contributed the recommended min 5 posts.
I feel like i did do the 5 posts, idk i cbf checking. Either way, if Listo is actually town they made a wrong call on me.

Also i'm not fake, im the real one (role character!), le clown is le town.
well what a night and a treestump interesting.

You guys need to slow down on peach ppl need to get thier posts in we have pleanty of time.

Im all for peach a potencial counter train wouldnt hurt what would your guys 2nd choice be just wanna see where your heads at.

mines peach then bacon as bacon hasnt done much and mostly just states the obvious
well what a night and a treestump interesting.

You guys need to slow down on peach ppl need to get thier posts in we have pleanty of time.

Im all for peach a potencial counter train wouldnt hurt what would your guys 2nd choice be just wanna see where your heads at.

mines peach then bacon as bacon hasnt done much and mostly just states the obvious
bacon hasnt done much, but others have done less
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