Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

MTR cannot tell us his character nor his role, but the info he provided makes me believe he is not a cop, but that he was able to identify players that were not noted in the write-up, as characters that did. He knows who he targeted, but he can't say that specifically.

If I was able to figure this out, I am sure that others can, and MTR deserves protection.

Tildey getting stumped does not seem to jive with the rules of the gun game

Did Psycho just lose his BPV?

Windward losing his life hurts town because he should have taken the BPV, but it supports keeping psycho alive as he did not register a kill, and Exodia needs 2 more.

I'd love to hear Tildey share whatever she can about how/why she decided to choose a gun.
Also I dont like this, I dont think anything Claws is saying is scummy here. He is having natural thoughts for a towny and you wanting to dismiss it makes me think you are just trying to con us.

I think we have time to investigate Claws, as Cape should be today's yeet while Psycho should hopefully get blocked/jailed (if possible) tonight.
MTR cannot tell us his character nor his role, but the info he provided makes me believe he is not a cop, but that he was able to identify players that were not noted in the write-up, as characters that did. He knows who he targeted, but he can't say that specifically.

If I was able to figure this out, I am sure that others can, and MTR deserves protection.

Tildey getting stumped does not seem to jive with the rules of the gun game

Did Psycho just lose his BPV?

Windward losing his life hurts town because he should have taken the BPV, but it supports keeping psycho alive as he did not register a kill, and Exodia needs 2 more.

I'd love to hear Tildey share whatever she can about how/why she decided to choose a gun.
It was a calculated risk. I decided it was worth it to take a shot at Psycho since he said he would take multiple tries for town to take him out.
I'm not so sure Tildey was town, though.
None that I can share.

Presumably nobody else in town targeted Psycho, else he'd be dead. Well I guess Windward might have. But her above response makes me think this was part of her own role, and not something that happened to her because she targeted Psycho. At first read, I thought it could have been one of Psycho's defenses.
Also I dont like this, I dont think anything Claws is saying is scummy here. He is having natural thoughts for a towny and you wanting to dismiss it makes me think you are just trying to con us.
I mean I'm gonna die anyway and I literally said you can kill me before Claws.

It's a regular thing that scum will go all out to kill an outed 3p, especially in the face of other scum dying. Claws visceral reaction to suddenly go for me first screams of scum trying to keep their numbers alive as long as possible. I don't really care if I die now because I'm not gonna live long anyway. But if you don't actually look at what Claws is doing when I do, you're a fool.
Mazer's being a bit thick about it, but it's ok. I literally have nothing to gain by trying to lie about my solve. I'll die eventually and maybe you can learn to accept my help from.the grave.
@VoidKitten Can you tell us how you plan to handle vote ties? I checked the rules post but didn’t see anything about it. I know it’s not common to be able to pull off a tie, but seeing how close the Cape/Psych trains are I’m curious.
He said he was gunna gun cape which looks helpful but who does it help other then himself we are gunna lynch cape anyways if you chose a gun i implor you to shoot psycho if he chose bpv he lied to us and how can we trust him anyways
This reaction, I should specify, look like he's desperately trying to draw shots to me. Town wants me dead but town knows I'm fucked and mostly can't do shit. So scum clearly wants people to shoot me instead of Cape, who probably grabbed a bpv, so that if we chop him today, he lives. The potential kill threat against them is gone and Cape gets one more night to act.

I don't think just pushing me or saying I need to die is scummy automatically. I think emphatically pleading for people to shoot me instead of Cape is just as scum motivated as pushing to chop me instead of Cape.
This reaction, I should specify, look like he's desperately trying to draw shots to me. Town wants me dead but town knows I'm fucked and mostly can't do shit. So scum clearly wants people to shoot me instead of Cape, who probably grabbed a bpv, so that if we chop him today, he lives. The potential kill threat against them is gone and Cape gets one more night to act.

I don't think just pushing me or saying I need to die is scummy automatically. I think emphatically pleading for people to shoot me instead of Cape is just as scum motivated as pushing to chop me instead of Cape.
Are you ok do you need a hug your really reaching for a cornered animal
Wow thats a surprisingly alot of shots

There are a lot of scum alive. They wouldn't be targeting themselves. Since the shooter is not revealed, I would think most scum would not hesitate to take the gun. Other than Cape, because basically flat out told Cape to take the BPV. Which I thought was only for purposes of the gun game, not to be held until needed

Im thinkin psychos gunna kill me tonight if he has a chance and im still votin cape:headbang:

I'm hoping our town roleblock/jailer is not Tildey's pre-stump role, and they don't forget that psycho still needs to be blocked/jailed tonight.
This reaction, I should specify, look like he's desperately trying to draw shots to me. Town wants me dead but town knows I'm fucked and mostly can't do shit. So scum clearly wants people to shoot me instead of Cape, who probably grabbed a bpv, so that if we chop him today, he lives. The potential kill threat against them is gone and Cape gets one more night to act.

I don't think just pushing me or saying I need to die is scummy automatically. I think emphatically pleading for people to shoot me instead of Cape is just as scum motivated as pushing to chop me instead of Cape.
My read of the event rules was that the bpv was only good during the event (not until the end of phase). Meaning that if you chose the BPV then you couldn’t get shot by someone that chose gun. @VoidKitten can you clarify?
My read of the event rules was that the bpv was only good during the event (not until the end of phase). Meaning that if you chose the BPV then you couldn’t get shot by someone that chose gun. @VoidKitten can you clarify?
Oh, reading it again, you're probably right. So Cape can probably still die today unless he already had a BPV
This opening gave me whiplash

Listo arrived here like they have been here this whole time. It just seems like such a non opener

listo is kinda the same story, they also feel verbally stally.

i have my eye on blind ninja since rock died, but I am still kinda leaning town there due to threadstate of a million coasters LOL

So overall this is where I am at

MTR (revived)



Blind Ninja


This actually might be a good look for Listo
llettuce hasn't made major reads since Sunday. That feels coasty

But then we have Kareemah who only had one scum read who just died in rock and was saying silly things like rock was only posting to hit postmin, like if they were doing that why would they top post? Also their non filler moved the game forward

Tidley felt wolfy in that they "read" everything once, but hasn't provided an actual read off that, and then proceeded to talk about how they are usually better then this
Not sure if this is just shading for the sake of shading or if there's a partner mixed in here. It feels a bit like one of these are partnered, but I'm not too sure how much I want to read into that since he never seriously pushed any of them
Tildey tends to be much more solvey when she's town, but she has rolled scum quite a bit
She is solvey scum or town. Prior to this game she was town twice and one of those games was the game we didn't know who each other were and she died on like day 2 or something.

I don't see a reason to think she was scum prior to her being shot and I am sure can be helpful to us as move on.
All these posts are in response to or about Xanjori:
well idk if ur familiar with me but i outed ur friend last game by existing

1. Wow D:
2. Me? No. I was in champs season 8 but not with Xanjori, im just familiar with him, along with some others here

is this a joke?

That read sounds like complete filler anyways.

You could say that for any group of 6 people

Listo arrived here like they have been here this whole time. It just seems like such a non opener

Vote: GrumpyCat

Down for this Claws, and Blind Ninja

With Grumpy I found the wording of this message sus.

With Claws they posted a lot of NAI things and then did some whatever mech talk that felt meh.

With Blind Ninja, they feel strange. I didnt like that one comment they had to where they said they are an easy target

I kinda townread the last line here. Like they feel really "on edge" right now and that could go either way, like I have seen a lot of scummy town do that, but at the same time I do find it scummy.

I think rock and a hard place and Xanjori have been the towniest people so far in the game.

I mean, Psycho wasn't near my first choice but,
1. slight paranoia, like it is easy to just slap a townread there for putting in some decent stuff.
2. I checked back at his conversation with me about rock because i thought he was being inconsistent there, but nah.

And as of now I am getting more sketch vibes off of Psycho's treatment of GrumpyCat. Like he voted GrumpyCat in agreement with me and is now saying they are "too easy" and are now saying in their recent posts that GrumpyCat's posts were perhaps too open wolfy early on and they wouldn't be so wolfy if they were wolf.

The problem I have with this take is I don't get the vibe that GrumpyCat was posting scummy on purpose.

i totally forgot about them

Vote: Val the Moofia Boss

They haven't left an impression on me so im fine swapping here

it would just prove i cant read

Crackleslap still feels really towny, Xanjori does to, but the ladder means Xanjori is wolfing. (I don't believe this read)

Psycho has felt very towny recently

and finally WWA is trending a bit down for me, could see them being deepwolf, the way they handled me gave me the heeby jeebies, stuff after that felt ~fine but a bit coasty ig

So overall this is where I am at

MTR (revived)



Blind Ninja



cool so like, why aren't we just killing them then? I am town

Kinda torn here. It's a lot of interaction if they're partners, but also a lot of it feels pretty softballed. Don't get the feeling from Cape's side they're truly evaluating each other, but I'd have to look at Xan's side to confirm that. Worth looking into, not sure it nets anything.

Also a couple of these posts might clear Grumpy. I remember Grumpy was Cape's primary push on d1, and the fact he tried to shade me for joining that wagon reads like scum who knows I'm targeting town so has the room to make that flip.
For some reason the spoiler didn't work right and my text that I wrote AFTER the spoiler ended up inside it anyway. But basically, Xan could be partnered though it would be weird, GrumpyCat is probably clean.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Cape90 - 7 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708, GrumpyCat #1801)
Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)

Not Voting: Mazer, Nightingale, MTR #1713

Current Modified Majority: 8

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Day 3 Public Wish Grant
Jesse looked at her papers and then stood up. “Attention everyone. I wanted to announce that the public wish has been granted by the gracious, glorious, and lovely Team Rocket. Aren’t we the best? Well, good luck everyone!” Jesse then turned away and started to pack up all of their equipment.

The granted wish is: I wish that 4 random players play a mini tournament of wish granters choice in Duelist Kingdom.

The players will be chosen at the end of the day and teleported to the Duelist Kingdom for their tournament. The four chosen players will not be revealed to the thread, nor will the players be able to perform any actions until the tournament completes. The winner of the tournament will receive a choice of four prizes. The first loser will face The Dice of Demise. The other two have nothing happen to them.

Unknown to our good friend, Blind Ninja, he too will partake in this tournament. If he wins, he will pick a prize and give it to a player of his choice. If he loses, he will not have to roll the Dice of Demise, but neither will anyone else.
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So will there be 4 random players PLUS Blind Ninja? Or Ninja and three others for a total of 4? Will the players know who they are competing against? And most importantly, will the results of the mini-tournament be posted before the night phase ends?

It would seem that all of us who have a night action available would want to wait to know if our potential target has gotten a prize or lost the dice of demise.
Do you really think scum would kill their buddy counting there will be a rez mechanic that it will be MTR who would get picked and use a cannibal kill on top of that that would let them see their pole while others wouldnt? To get a role they already know?

MTR could be wrong about Cape but if he is red then it is 4d chess indeed.
No. And because of that that's why that's the one I support over Psych.

But I have also seen people resurrected into different roles, recruits, and hidden busdrivers. So, I don't rule out the 3-5% odds completely until I have reason to. Like Cape's kill being accurate would shift from 95 to 100 basically.

Catching up since last night now btw.
This reaction, I should specify, look like he's desperately trying to draw shots to me. Town wants me dead but town knows I'm fucked and mostly can't do shit. So scum clearly wants people to shoot me instead of Cape, who probably grabbed a bpv, so that if we chop him today, he lives. The potential kill threat against them is gone and Cape gets one more night to act.

I don't think just pushing me or saying I need to die is scummy automatically. I think emphatically pleading for people to shoot me instead of Cape is just as scum motivated as pushing to chop me instead of Cape.
I can see this point. But I still don't think anyone should allow you to oversell that later. Your words have burned me before.

But please know that I say that with the deepest appreciation for the art involved.
All these posts are in response to or about Xanjori:

Kinda torn here. It's a lot of interaction if they're partners, but also a lot of it feels pretty softballed. Don't get the feeling from Cape's side they're truly evaluating each other, but I'd have to look at Xan's side to confirm that. Worth looking into, not sure it nets anything.

Also a couple of these posts might clear Grumpy. I remember Grumpy was Cape's primary push on d1, and the fact he tried to shade me for joining that wagon reads like scum who knows I'm targeting town so has the room to make that flip.
I don't hate this. You know cape better than me, but didn't necessarily strike as a go for the team right away. Particularly if you are new to group.
Day 3 Vote Count:

Cape90 - 8 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708, GrumpyCat #1801, Mazer #1847)
Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)

Not Voting: Nightingale, MTR #1713

Current Modified Majority: 9

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
All these posts are in response to or about Xanjori:

Kinda torn here. It's a lot of interaction if they're partners, but also a lot of it feels pretty softballed. Don't get the feeling from Cape's side they're truly evaluating each other, but I'd have to look at Xan's side to confirm that. Worth looking into, not sure it nets anything.

Also a couple of these posts might clear Grumpy. I remember Grumpy was Cape's primary push on d1, and the fact he tried to shade me for joining that wagon reads like scum who knows I'm targeting town so has the room to make that flip.
I've had many thoughts about Xanjori as well tbh (and others!). If cape is red, I'd get extra curious about Xanjori.
What am I specifically being inaccurate on?
More where you were insinuating that me evaluating how people handled me was meant to be misdirection. I don't really blame you for being wary of my words, of course. Nor do I think I'm like 100% right. Just don't want people to just overlook my reads just because of my alignment. You know I'm a scum hunter at heart.
BPVs were always going to win. The uncertainty of the hit (I hear most people actually miss occasionally) on scum. That combined with another big percentage on a miss or backfire vs. the certainty of a BPV.

Even when things have equal probabilities most people choose to avoid a loss vs. a potential gain. Classic behaviorial economics. Kahneman and Tevorsky would have a field day here.

But if someone thinks one way of the other would have an AI, would love to hear it.
yall want me to swap to cape or we lynching 2

I don't think we can yeet 2 together, because majority or modified majority applies. We need 9 for a yeet because we've had almost everyone vote.

In prior Void games, when there was a tie at modified majority, I think tiebraker went to the person with the earliest first vote.

I am sure that psycho would prefer that you swap your vote from him.

I also think we should beware of potentially hidden vote shenanigans - there could be scum who can make their vote count as zero, etc. Not sure if they'd use that yet, though

I'd kind of like to see MTR be the hammer we need, because of the unknowns with the upcoming wish tourney game, I don't want him left out not voting.
Day 3 End
Day 3 Final Vote Count:

Cape90 - 9 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708, GrumpyCat #1801, Mazer #1847, MTR #1858)

Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)

Not Voting: Nightingale

Current Modified Majority: 9


The group came together at the end of the day, having survived various shenanigans. Overall, it was a very eventful day and everyone was exhausted. However, work had to be done and they came together to decide that Cape90 had to be removed from this mortal plane. The group grabbed Cape90 and carried him ceremoniously to the highest mountain in the realm and yeeted him very unceremoniously off the cliff. Cape90 hit the ground with a sickening thud and so did two others.

Cape90, playing as Shivan Dragon/Omnimon, the Silencing Restrictor, has been eliminated.


With the death of one of his beloved dragons, Seto Kaiba collapsed to his knees, pained at the loss of such a beautiful and powerful creature. He then flew into a rage. After breaking more than a few objects, he composed himself and activated Kaiba Corp’s hidden failsafe, ensuring he would be able to deal with those who think to provide too much information to the group.


The Ur-Dragon, too, lamented the loss, but he still had the information gained from the whelps he sent out and knew it was time to pay. The whelps had been listening intently for the word scum and the one who said it the most would pay.

The Ur-Dragon flew forth and located PsychoSoldier and blasted them with his magical breath attack. PsychoSoldier flew backwards and hit the wall. PsychoSoldier struggled to their feet but felt completely drained and weakened. PsychoSoldier quickly left before the Ur-Dragon could do anything else.


The names have been chosen for the event and the players will receive a message with details shortly


It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 19th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm for them to be valid. If you are not using an action, please let me know you are holstering so we are not waiting around.
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Night 3 Event Results
The event has concluded. It was a rousing game of “Everything About VK.” All five players fought valiantly, but unfortunately one did have to roll the Dice of Demise, and as expected, it resulted in demise.

3puppies looked at his dice roll and then up moments before he exploded into a million pieces.

3puppies, playing as Kuriboh/Machamp, the Jailing Bomb, has been killed.

Team Rocket
looked on at all the chaos they had wrought and all in the name of a good dollar. But now they had new ambitions. It was time they took their crime and skills universally. Team Rocket jumped into a rocket, but not before looking back and saying, “Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!”
Day 4 Start
Maximillion Pegasus bowed his head to his fallen comrades. He would not let Industrial Illusions lose. Now that casualties were starting to mount, he used his Millenium Eye to pierce into everyone's souls. “Now this is going to hurt, but it will hurt them more than us.”

Ditto had finally gotten the footprints off of him and he was looking sleek and knew. Ditto closed his eyes and manipulated his body ensuring he would be extra sticky tonight.

Aegislash was on the hunt again tonight and followed closely behind someone until they stopped. Aegislash stayed close to Kareemah and struck up conversation to figure out their true intentions.

Zapdos was soaring through the air, scanning the battlefield below, looking for people to assist. He saw MTR getting prepared for battle and Zapdos swooped down and encased MTR in an electric shield before flying off again.

Exodia, The Forbidden One had a score to settle and set out to see it done. He came across his foe Claws and decided his soul needed to be shredded. Exodia took no time to connect with Claws on a soul wave level and shatter it completely. As Claws fell to the ground, so did two others.

Claws, playing as Emrakul/Gabumon, the BPV Giving Ability Thief, has been killed.

Summoned Skull
continued crossing his arms as he always had, with no real expression on his face. But he knew work had to be done. He located PsychoSoldier and cast a curse on him that would not be removed by any conventional means.

Gaia The Fierce Knight was reviewing all the information he had presently but knew he needed more to help Industrial Illusions come to a victory. Gaia set out and located Xanjori to check the information that he had gained previously. Once he was done, Gaia The Fierce Knight headed home.

While Gaia was out, a sneaky Impmon had taken up residence. He knew that GrumpyCat would provide a whole wealth of opportunities. Once Gaia arrived back to camp, GrumpyCat and Nightingale were getting ready to have an intense chat, when Gaia’s camp exploded and everything went up in flames. There would be no way to survive that blast for GrumpyCat and Nightingale. Near the scene, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was seen flying away, with bits of blue fire trailing from his mouth.

GrumpyCat, playing as Gaia The Fierce Knight/Mudkip, the Innocent Child Parity Cop, has been killed.

Nightingale, playing as Feral Imp/Haunter, the Neighboring Hider, has been killed.

Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
flew through the air with a big grin on his face. He was super cute, but also had some awesome mystical powers. He had created a package and left it near Crackleslap hoping he would find it of some use.

The Ur-Dragon was stricken by the mental attack from Pegasus, but he fought through the pain and broke free. He knew someone had to die and was going to see it done no matter what. The Ur-Dragon flew through the air and located MTR. The Ur-Dragon launched a fiery attack that crashed against the shield given by Zapdos. The shield tried to hold, but it could not contain the wrath of The Ur-Dragon and MTR ended up being incinerated.

MTR, playing as Celtic Guardian/Aegislash, the Watching Alignment Cop, has been killed.


Living Players:

1. Crackleslap
2. CWE
3. FutureHold
4. Kareemah
5. Listo95
6. Llettuce
7. Matthieu
8. Mazer
9. PsychoSoldier
10. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
11. Xanjori

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Aug 21st at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
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It's likely that a third party role with the ability to kill has some form of protection, yes. As it happens, the flavour text suggests that Psycho only requires two more kills in order to secure victory. Presumably at that point he then departs the game in a manner similar to Blind Ninja.

He's been caught out, though I don't think he's going to throw the game in a way that isn't to his favour. So I'd say to be on the safe side we try to yeet him today to remove his protection and then if he doesn't hit scum in the night, we take him out properly tomorrow. If he does hit scum tonight, we allow him to endure and achieve his win condition.

I don't know how much Psycho can say concern is if we don't strip him of his protection he'll just target someone at random then go 'lol' and be unyeetable during the following day phase and take someone else out at night. That's exactly what I'd do.
This is probably a towny position against my slot. Placeholder on Claws after this maybe a tiny bit too.
I wish for Psychos win con to be changed, his NK will be replaced with a non-consecutive doctor ability (can self target) and his new win con requires him to successfully block two NKs.
This is probably a towny wish. Even though I don't like how he reacted to me saying Claws was scum, I think scum definitely don't want me to be officially added to town numbers with a protective ability. Especially from Xan who is great at making interesting wishes.
Ehh, I'm not gonna quote any posts because they're all small things, but I'm not really feeling Kareemah anymore. I feel she's been posting as if completely isolated from the thread and I don't think it's faked, and even with a potentially inactive scum team(so far not the case), I can't imagine her being as uninformed as she is. It's kinda light maybe, but eh.
The one time I played scum with Kareemah, she had a problem with saying things in thread that she shouldn't know. She doesn't even acknowledge me being caught and it's clear scum preferred me being chopped over Cape, so that just adds to the disconnected from thread vibe that probably spews Kareemah town.
CWE was too eager to drop off my wagon and vote Cape. I dunno, maybe he knows how the "Scum against outed neutral" game goes because he's been a part of the many times scum!Rip tried to make those arguments, so maybe he was just getting ahead of the game. But he never faltered and overall I think that's probably town indicative.
I'm willing to put my trust in Psycho since he kept his word. Taking him out this day phase would only serve to waste time that could be better spent looking elsewhere.
The one time I played scum with Kareemah, she had a problem with saying things in thread that she shouldn't know. She doesn't even acknowledge me being caught and it's clear scum preferred me being chopped over Cape, so that just adds to the disconnected from thread vibe that probably spews Kareemah town.
True 😂 and yeah, I saw that you’re caught. I already reacted to that.
Pegasus (town) did ???. I'm guessing he's a JOAT.
Ditto (town) tracked someone)
Aegislash (town) tracked Kareemah
Zapdos (town) doc protected MTR
Exodia (SK, Psycho) killed Clawsout
Summoned Skull (town) cursed PsychoSoldier (Exodia the SK)
Gaia the Fierce Knight (town) copped Xanjori
Feral Imp/Haunter (town, Nightingale) visited Grumpycat (Gaia, town) and both died. Looking back at previous morning writeups, I'm not seeing who could have visited either to rig them to explode.
Blue Eyes Toon Dragon (town) gave Crackleslap something.
The Ur-Dragon (scum) might have been hit by Pegasus. He strongarm killed MTR (Aegislash, town cop).
I'm willing to put my trust in Psycho since he kept his word. Taking him out this day phase would only serve to waste time that could be better spent looking elsewhere.
Agree. He should survive except for a pure crapshoot for the foreseeable.

Is anyone sheeting? What are we getting count wise?
I never know what to make of Val pop up votes.

What do you think of kareemah?
I'm not willing to write her off, I've played a scum game with an inactive chat and lost and confused is the easiest part to play. I feel like a lot of her posts have been filler and at least for me we are at a stage where pieces should be coming together. Especially since she's been getting a lot of shit, to say ah yes the sk cleared me on vibes whose next reeks.
CWE was too eager to drop off my wagon and vote Cape. I dunno, maybe he knows how the "Scum against outed neutral" game goes because he's been a part of the many times scum!Rip tried to make those arguments, so maybe he was just getting ahead of the game. But he never faltered and overall I think that's probably town indicative.
Do you think I "know" how to play any scum play optimally?
I'm 50/50 on which way I'm going today. Head or heart, people? And yes, by heart, I mean liver.

And also, I will be spreadsheeting today. Since when this day ends, none of you will see ME for 30 days.

Welcome to hell!
I'm 50/50 on which way I'm going today. Head or heart, people? And yes, by heart, I mean liver.

And also, I will be spreadsheeting today. Since when this day ends, none of you will see ME for 30 days.

Welcome to hell!
Oh shit. This snuck up on me

This is not a drill people. I repeat, this is not a drill.
I mean I wont lie, Im half tempted to just nuke the Psycho wagon, but some red must have gone Cape when it was dealing with info
I mean I wont lie, Im half tempted to just nuke the Psycho wagon, but some red must have gone Cape when it was dealing with info
I was considering this. But BOTH trains had info so how many do we think hopped on their own teammates' train over an outed sk?
Maximillion Pegasus bowed his head to his fallen comrades. He would not let Industrial Illusions lose. Now that casualties were starting to mount, he used his Millenium Eye to pierce into everyone's souls. “Now this is going to hurt, but it will hurt them more than us.”
Also I got the feeling from the write-up that this was a mass RB? Which makes the amount of deaths wild
I was considering this. But BOTH trains had info so how many do we think hopped on their own teammates' train over an outed sk?
Yeah its one where technically there isnt a "wrong" train to be on, its probably better to look for some closer VCs in the middle where maybe red felt they had more chance of saving Cape
Yeah its one where technically there isnt a "wrong" train to be on, its probably better to look for some closer VCs in the middle where maybe red felt they had more chance of saving Cape
There was a wrong train. And may God have mercy on anyone I decide has a bad reason.
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