Fingers of Suspicion

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kiss mafia

Please recognize that I haven't cleared you, either. Your "Unfortunately due to my role ..." statement includes the possibility that your role is scum. But let's leave that alone for a day or two.

Since I cleared MTR, who do you think is more likely untrustworthy among BN and Claws?

I am back and forth - I first voted BN because of how hard he fought to get a lynch of a townie. I switched to Void because of process of elimination, and I love Taylor Swift.
Let's not. Scum always have dees, i.e. the people who are not on their team. It's key to the whole 'informed minority vs uninformed majority' process we use.

I was wating to see if anyone counter-claims, but as time goes on, you become more trustworthy. Which also 85% clears MTR, unless he's actually the GF. As for BN vs Claws, a curmudgeon vs a loose cannon. Going off past experience, I suspect BN was sincere in his willingness to take the hit if LDG couldn't be yeeted, and for town to take the hit if she could. Claws is in my reading blind spot. If I could trust Void or Foxxi, I'd ask their opinion.

And I presume you meant to say you switched to Claws due to poe, but you might have cleared that up in the space between our posts.
Mainly fluff on both sides:
Future/forgotten - doesn't like maths* and can't spell, D1 vote was OMGUS on Val, whose vote was presumably random
Diva - loves maths and drops bagels. Asked if we could breadcrumb/claim, but hasn't done either yet. D1 vote was sleep, quite late on I think. Maybe you'd made it clear you'd hammer if necessary at that point, so they didn't feel the need.

As it stands, Future has the stigma of always being scum but I hate maths, so I'm going to hold my vote...for the moment.

*yes, I used the British spelling.
A good thing to then might be to get some conversation around people that they might think, and then see how they want to play it. Some people like to fish and some people might like to go through.

Probably not all dees, but someone might want to be subtle.

I'm still wanting to get some conversation around reads of diva. Dees would be great. Like someone like futurehold or dreyski. I'd love to know what they thought. Hell, maybe psych.

CWE is likely to just tell me none of my business, unless he wants to.
So far I think Diva is exactly rand. They've mostly posted non game-related content or reasons for not being around. Considering the flips, it's possible diva felt comfortable and felt no need to vote either wagon, hence the no lynch. But I'm not sold that it's scummy
3pups seems legit to me and also I think the way they developed around their BN read is towny. It feels like he's actually trying to figure out the right way forward rather than stall with words or misrepresent town. I also just don't see him claiming like that so brazenly if scum.

Dreyski still seems good, too. If it's just scum bullshitting some reasoning, bravo, but I think I see the gears turning a bit too much to be scum.

I still think Nightingale's play, while a bit grating, is less likely to come from scum Night. I don't really like that she is refusing to give reasons for her reads, but again, I feel as scum she feels pressured to do so by now.

Don't remember if I said it last phase, but MTR seems more engaged than normal too, and with the cop clear on him, I feel good trusting that he's not a Godfather.

Still trying to sort how I feel about the rest.
CWE? Frog legs are delish.
Frog legs are delish

But to be honest I don't feel scum vibes from CWE. He may have refused to confirm his alignment, but he also has been loose with his vote and was quick to question Mazer for hammering when he normally wouldn't on d1. I feel like scum!CWE is more clammy and less forthcoming with votes and pushes. Like last game where he was scum, he was hardly even around.
I don't mean just volume of posts, though. It's the attitude and the fact that I can remember stances he's taken with those posts. He's been combative and making votes, as opposed to just kind of coasting and giving a playful, "I don't want to answer that question." Scum!CWE is limp. His volume may be light, but he doesn't feel limp
DivaSmurf(2)-MTR, Mazer
Mazer(2)-PsychoSoldier, Claws
Dreyski(1)-Val the Moofia Boss

not voting: CWE, Dreyski, VoidKitten, DivaSmurf, Blind Ninja, ForgottenHold

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch or no lynch.

deadline counter
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Do you actually have a scumread on Diva or are you just trying to drum up discussion?
I didn't love Diva's pop in style and recitation. And then, I think that was a safe vote on a sleep train that wasn't going to take off without much explanation. So, I'm genuinely interested there.

Also, I bet voidkitten would have already gotten the clues I've laid out.
Frog legs are delish

But to be honest I don't feel scum vibes from CWE. He may have refused to confirm his alignment, but he also has been loose with his vote and was quick to question Mazer for hammering when he normally wouldn't on d1. I feel like scum!CWE is more clammy and less forthcoming with votes and pushes. Like last game where he was scum, he was hardly even around.
I think it's interesting that broke rule number 1 and number 2. He's 50/50 when he does that, I think. I should start recording these things.
Psych, I am curious what caused you to change your mind from yesterday. I think you've missed at least two things that I would normally expect you to get. Which may or may not be AI. I know you hate when I push too hard expecting someone to get everything, but it's popped up before.

To be clear, I'm still neutral at this point on you, but also want to know because I'm genuinely curious on your process this game.
I didn't love Diva's pop in style and recitation. And then, I think that was a safe vote on a sleep train that wasn't going to take off without much explanation. So, I'm genuinely interested there.

Also, I bet voidkitten would have already gotten the clues I've laid out.

I read this as you're suggesting you know your vote on Diva is pretty weak, and you're mostly pressing for a reaction, from her or anyone else. But a small part of this just feels forced solving - like you're scum and you know you have to appear like the town version of yourself.

To me, CWE feels a LOT worse than Diva right now.

What are your thoughts about Claws or BN right about now?
I read this as you're suggesting you know your vote on Diva is pretty weak, and you're mostly pressing for a reaction, from her or anyone else. But a small part of this just feels forced solving - like you're scum and you know you have to appear like the town version of yourself.

To me, CWE feels a LOT worse than Diva right now.

What are your thoughts about Claws or BN right about now?
Yes, unless dees comes in, I make connections. Obligatory posts and check-in votes are not deal breakers, but often tells. And the connection and pattern is how I work. Because, I'm more sociological than psychological. There were honest agendas that I saw yesterday, and he didn't ring that bell. On a day 1, that's as much as i've got on anyone.

CWE, I'm neutral. There are things that are different, and things in line with what I expect. There are definitely some things I'm thinking. And I just genuinely expect CWE to manifest clearly. I can't think of a game where it ever hasn't happened. The interesting caveat is that he's already indicated he wants to play this game differently. So that does give me a little more pause. Why do you see CWE as more suss?
CWE rankled me a few times. The early vote on me was bad enough and I almost gave an OMGUS vote to him, but he changed his vote, I believe a few times on D1. No real reasons behind his votes - not that I would expect any - but it didn't feel like what we have seen from him in other games. The "kill me and find out" felt wrong from him - almost precisely what game ending jester would say, but also what a truth telling scum would say.

I bought into Diva's flighty/busy gimmick because it just felt real. She joined me on the No Lynch train, and it wasn't quite clear that both you and MTR would come through with a hammer. I just figure that with her busy schedule on the holiday, if she were scum then she would have alerted her team mates, and they would have coached her to be sure a town lynch went through.

Looking through the LDG yeet train, how many scum do you think were on it?
CWE rankled me a few times. The early vote on me was bad enough and I almost gave an OMGUS vote to him, but he changed his vote, I believe a few times on D1. No real reasons behind his votes - not that I would expect any - but it didn't feel like what we have seen from him in other games. The "kill me and find out" felt wrong from him - almost precisely what game ending jester would say, but also what a truth telling scum would say.

I bought into Diva's flighty/busy gimmick because it just felt real. She joined me on the No Lynch train, and it wasn't quite clear that both you and MTR would come through with a hammer. I just figure that with her busy schedule on the holiday, if she were scum then she would have alerted her team mates, and they would have coached her to be sure a town lynch went through.

Looking through the LDG yeet train, how many scum do you think were on it?
Fair enough. There's some perfunctory tells that I've not seen, but that's hardly definitive A cwe train isn't my biggest interest, but I'm not disinclined.

I would disagree that it wasn't obvious that I'd hammer. I said I would. If I say I will or won't vote for something, that's what I do. I'd be shocked if anyone thought I'd double back.

Scum has pulled the "let me ask about the rules" thing a lot lately. Kingmaker being a recent example. And there wasn't anything diva said that scum would feel the need to reserve. So I give no bonus points there.

To compare and contrast- Day 1 Blind Ninja and claws felt more genuine. I doubt Blind Ninja gets as outwardly fired up about duty as scum. Admittedly, it's a meta read. But it's the read I have. Claws felt genuine to me, and I wonder if he'd go hard that early as scum. It read as his extrernalized emotion to me, and it put him in View. So I was guessing town. I laugh though, because claws is notoriously hard for me to read.
Me too. There's nothing I hate more than an unfinished story. George RR Martin can fuck right off.
I hate that he didnt finish the books, then they made the rest of the series. I should read the books for the fun... and maybe rewatch the series to spot the differences (more entertainment for myself)
I didn't love Diva's pop in style and recitation. And then, I think that was a safe vote on a sleep train that wasn't going to take off without much explanation. So, I'm genuinely interested there.

Also, I bet voidkitten would have already gotten the clues I've laid out.
At this point, VK may be a lost cause... who knows if/when rock will deal with the situation. Would prefer VK show and voice his opinion before action takes place
3pups seems legit to me and also I think the way they developed around their BN read is towny. It feels like he's actually trying to figure out the right way forward rather than stall with words or misrepresent town. I also just don't see him claiming like that so brazenly if scum.
Is it just the read development... or the claim with no counter?

Do you think 3pups would be the person to try and bait a TPR out?
I read this as you're suggesting you know your vote on Diva is pretty weak, and you're mostly pressing for a reaction, from her or anyone else. But a small part of this just feels forced solving - like you're scum and you know you have to appear like the town version of yourself.

To me, CWE feels a LOT worse than Diva right now.

What are your thoughts about Claws or BN right about now?
Not gonna lie... the vote doesnt look weak, diva just looks weak. I dont see a lot of town equity from that slot.

Also agree that CWE looks bad. For me to say which looks worse, would require me to get some sleep and sober up.
CWE rankled me a few times. The early vote on me was bad enough and I almost gave an OMGUS vote to him, but he changed his vote, I believe a few times on D1. No real reasons behind his votes - not that I would expect any - but it didn't feel like what we have seen from him in other games. The "kill me and find out" felt wrong from him - almost precisely what game ending jester would say, but also what a truth telling scum would say.

I bought into Diva's flighty/busy gimmick because it just felt real. She joined me on the No Lynch train, and it wasn't quite clear that both you and MTR would come through with a hammer. I just figure that with her busy schedule on the holiday, if she were scum then she would have alerted her team mates, and they would have coached her to be sure a town lynch went through.

Looking through the LDG yeet train, how many scum do you think were on it?
I can see being busy on the day (2/14) with the cookie business for Diva, but after and so far this phase, there has been nothing. The No lynch seemed like a safe spot that people wouldnt really question based on how our community has typically voted on D1. Would people really question it? My bigger issue, as outlined in another post, she made more posts on d1 not related to the game then actual game related posts. If you have time to talk about bagels or books, you have time to give an opinion on the discussions that happened.
Psych, I am curious what caused you to change your mind from yesterday. I think you've missed at least two things that I would normally expect you to get. Which may or may not be AI. I know you hate when I push too hard expecting someone to get everything, but it's popped up before.

To be clear, I'm still neutral at this point on you, but also want to know because I'm genuinely curious on your process this game.
I don't care about how hard you push unless I disagree with the read. My issue is that Diva was seeming a bit like a scapegoat and an easy target, and while I think Nightingale is behaving in a way that's very unlikely to come from a scum perspective, your hands-on pushes and being at the forefront seems a bit different. I liked you last phase, but then you voted Diva with no real reasoning of your own, only making mention quite a few posts before about how you want discussion of them and Future.

No one else has stood out to me as scummy yet, and your progression on Diva didn't sit right with me.
I hate that he didnt finish the books, then they made the rest of the series. I should read the books for the fun... and maybe rewatch the series to spot the differences (more entertainment for myself)
I agree. But they kinda had to. Those books ain't never getting done.

My theory is that the show actual ending (with major differences in how to get there) is closer to what Martin had planned, and now he doesn't know what to do

And he's also making loads off shows
I don't care about how hard you push unless I disagree with the read. My issue is that Diva was seeming a bit like a scapegoat and an easy target, and while I think Nightingale is behaving in a way that's very unlikely to come from a scum perspective, your hands-on pushes and being at the forefront seems a bit different. I liked you last phase, but then you voted Diva with no real reasoning of your own, only making mention quite a few posts before about how you want discussion of them and Future.

No one else has stood out to me as scummy yet, and your progression on Diva didn't sit right with me.
Well, putting out questions and seeing if anyone responds and gauging response strength is certainly an early game strategy unlike me.

It's some of that haphazard baseline avoidance, for which I am well-known and beloved.

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Today's a partner day, so I'll probably be absent most of the day

I'm gonna try and hash out how I feel about the rest and after catching up. The day seems a bit stale so far, and I don't know if that's scum absence or scum apathy
I’m a little weary on Dreyski still, could be an Abbi’s Law thing. I wish people stopped asking me about my House of MTR reads but I can say that MTR and Diva both feel like town to me with how they are speaking
Vote: unvote

I'm currently going to go with where I wanted an association. I was curious about an interplay.

I have to ask myself, would Rock assign 4 people who are town all to a neighbor chat? Seems like ratio wise, you'd place a scum in there. If I consider that I'm meta reading two people as town, and I've got a couple reads in general that at least grant some suspicion, I think my highest odds are on

Hey, I'm so sorry, I had a double on Friday, martial arts training on Saturday morning followed by another double at work, tried to sit down and catch up last night but ended up passing out. Catching up now.
Amazingly no hang over today after two nights of heavy drinking. I have never done so many Fireball shots but these guys like their Fireball.

So trying to catch up. I see people bouncing around a little. I am going to go ahead and unvote for now and rethink things and trying to respond to some stuff.

While I would expect that there was likely some spread yesterday, I think mtr likely had some genuine consternation about voting LDG. Some people were doing their duty, I guess. But it definitely could genuinely not feel great to vote LDG for lack of participation after she was frustrated. I'm not intending to waste another day debating that, but suffice it to say some people are going to "feel" very differently about that.

I mention this, because while I don't think the absence of write-ups is a good reason to preclude the possibility of a gf, which is often standard in games without Rajah style write-ups, I would not really suspect mtr of being the godfather.

I would tend to think Blind Ninja would be more reserved on his general frustrations and pushes on LDG as scum. He brings her up every game, so I don't process it the same as I would a generic bad kill (part of the reason yesterday frustrates). I could be wrong, but that felt a little more like town BN.

It might be good for Futuramahold to give his take on Diva. And anyone else he wants.
also i don't understand what you mean by "spread" could you explain
Vote: unvote

I'm currently going to go with where I wanted an association. I was curious about an interplay.

I have to ask myself, would Rock assign 4 people who are town all to a neighbor chat? Seems like ratio wise, you'd place a scum in there. If I consider that I'm meta reading two people as town, and I've got a couple reads in general that at least grant some suspicion, I think my highest odds are on

Yeah I think it is safe to say if we do have a 4 people neighborhood that someone is not town.
On a more serious note, this does remind me once again of my trip to Cairo. A nurse is always fairly transparent, even if you're not medically trained. And Murdoch is catholic. So you can usually tell what he's feeling. Ultimately, I really was concerned about Groening's later work, as the Simpsons was his apex.
this reads like something important but I don't know the code
@DivaSmurf @ForgottenHold @MTR How do you feel about your other house members?

Additionally for Diva, why didnt you comment yesterday on the direction of votes, aside from saying you dont think we should vote LDG. But had 3 posts about Bagels, a post about math, a post about books, a gif and work is busy.

@VoidKitten You coming back to us anytime soon? Would like to hear your take on game state.
I'm not very active in these games because I feel like I don't have much to contribute and I struggle with doing reads, me sharing my thoughts on the LDG vote was me trying to do better. I struggle with reads in general and especially day one reads, so I voted no yeet because I was worried about making a mistake.
Foxxi - not solvong
Vk - nonexsistant
Mazer - saying we cant read his code but spewing a ton of nonesense
Psycho - partner day (idk what that is)
Mtr - still living *sigh*
Future and diva - needs alot of work

Every1 else i just havent looked into
I'm not very active in these games because I feel like I don't have much to contribute and I struggle with doing reads, me sharing my thoughts on the LDG vote was me trying to do better. I struggle with reads in general and especially day one reads, so I voted no yeet because I was worried about making a mistake.
Sure you may not have reads on everyone, but figured you'd be have at least some insight on those you've known longest... like FH and MTR.
Foxxi - not solvong
Vk - nonexsistant
Mazer - saying we cant read his code but spewing a ton of nonesense
Psycho - partner day (idk what that is)
Mtr - still living *sigh*
Future and diva - needs alot of work

Every1 else i just havent looked into
You say Foxxi isnt solving, but what help are you being to town?
Sure you may not have reads on everyone, but figured you'd be have at least some insight on those you've known longest... like FH and MTR.
If I had been more active in more games that might be true, but in practice I've only had maybe two games where I was consistently engaged, my goal is to make this game number three, I just wasn't expecting the last couple days to be so rough.
Ok now that I'm caught up here's how I'm feeling.

mazer feels scummy, the push on me feels opportunistic, he knows better than anyone my day one post style was consistent with how I usually play
-also if anyone decodes the clues he's said he's dropped please share with the class
MTR reads scummy to me because he was so against voting LDG, then he made a switch to her last second
3pups seems towny to me so I don't think he's lying about his deets, so I don't know how to feel about that
Not picking up on a scum vibe from Future
Psycho seems to be reading my motivations better than my therapist so I'm gonna have to mark him as town
I'm reading CWE as town, he's giving grumpy and irritable but he's not giving scum

as for everyone else I'm not feeling too strongly one way or the other
I had presumed Void would get subbed out if he just didn't turn up for a couple of days. That he hasn't either means Rock didn't get anyone for backup, or he knows why VK is awol. I'm happy to assume he's not part of the neighbourhood.

@3puppies you voted sleep day one but then checked out MTR. What was your reasoning there? And was MTR your intended target? (a bus driver in this setup would be very bastardy but I don't want to discount any possibilities.)
I had presumed Void would get subbed out if he just didn't turn up for a couple of days. That he hasn't either means Rock didn't get anyone for backup, or he knows why VK is awol. I'm happy to assume he's not part of the neighbourhood.
Ah, nvm just seen Rocks post on the signup thread
Mazer(3)-PsychoSoldier, Claws, DivaSmurf
ForgottenHold(2)-Nightingale, Mazer
Dreyski(1)-Val the Moofia Boss

not voting: CWE, Dreyski, VoidKitten, Blind Ninja, ForgottenHold, MTR

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch or no lynch.

17 hours remain in the day phase
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