Spirit Breaker
That's what I thought. Stand by my post tenI can do a person twice. Just not two times in a row. I actually did Listo twice.
That's what I thought. Stand by my post tenI can do a person twice. Just not two times in a row. I actually did Listo twice.
I'm not sure you've earned the good cookie yet.Wow for the first part.
100% agree on animated Robin Hood.
When we win, you can save me the super deluxe cookie when you and I inevitably post-mortem.I'm not sure you've earned the good cookie yet.
I might be missing something, but why would they want to kill a suss person? Why would they gain more than you, particularly if he looked like the most likely mislynch?But it is NOT Madame Listo. If it be me VK woulda been DEAD long ago, I woulda gained nothin' from killing Matt. Why kill someone who be sus with me? Goin' after MTR/Satsu.
He is saying he would have killed me as a grudge after last game if he were scum.I might be missing something, but why would they want to kill a suss person? Why would they gain more than you, particularly if he looked like the most likely mislynch?
Wouldn't anyone want to kill cleared town and rack up potential mislynch?
I apologize if I'm missing something here
If you would only start the podcastWhen we win, you can save me the super deluxe cookie when you and I inevitably post-mortem.
Da spirits say nothin' seems ta be glaringly wrong. But dey are sure about VK/BN.Do you have any holes in my thoughts on anyone else?
I was referring to Matt or satsu killing Matt last night specifically.He is saying he would have killed me as a grudge after last game if he were scum.
Da spirits say nothin' seems ta be glaringly wrong. But dey are sure about VK/BN
In da case dat da Madame be the SK, Matt would not have joined da spirits. Get rid o da almost certainly cleared people.I might be missing something, but why would they want to kill a suss person? Why would they gain more than you, particularly if he looked like the most likely mislynch?
Wouldn't anyone want to kill cleared town and rack up potential mislynch?
I apologize if I'm missing something here
Val/CWE be based on da info. Badger be unsure on Void SKness. Da rest be dat da spirits trust da rest of ya.Give any reason other than val's info?
I mean, you couldn't say anything else with Mazer asking why.In da case dat da Madame be the SK, Matt would not have joined da spirits. Get rid o da almost certainly cleared people.
Not going back all the way through his ISO right now, but I remember noting that he spent most of the game solely focused on me and was not looking for anyone else. The only people he was throwing shade on at the end was me, mazer, badger, and listo.So if I have this right, scum killed cwe and missed on night 4.
The sk killed rock, claws, val, and Matt.
The Claws stands out some since he was probably going to be a target. Not as likely as xan. Who would have wanted claws dead?
I remember him trying to throw some shade my way with xan. And some with vk. Although I honestly don't think vk would have feared the push at that point.
Anyone who would have been jumpy of claws?
If SK can kill through blocks and protects then Claws is an odd kill. Would make more sense to just keep him to distract scum team with a doc.The Claws stands out some since he was probably going to be a target. Not as likely as xan. Who would have wanted claws dead?
Ok I think the spirit made his mind on who is the SK. But maybe you would like to switch to VK today.It is literally NOT Madame Listo.
Vote: BN
So you are more concerned with a no yeet streak, then actually finding the last bad guy. Good to know.Ok I think the spirit made his mind on who is the SK. But maybe you would like to switch to VK today.
Fucker jumped me last game and broke my 7 games without geting yeeted streak. And this game he tries to CFD me d1. the audacity.
I am going to have my revenge in this game or the next so why wait.
Vote: VK
You can concede after that. There is no way for you to win it even with a day kill.
Can we follow da will o da dead so they can be quiet bout VK/BN?Not going to lie. I am leaning Satsu as well with the theory he had a GF type protection from investigation.
So rolecop would get vt on gf and sk. Doc and medical examiner on mafia. It is like how can they get scum then. Why are they in game for?Not going to lie. I am leaning Satsu as well with the theory he had a GF type protection from investigation.
All you have said is to follow the dead. You haven't even come up with any thoughts of yourself other than "im going to go with these people I said I talked to"Can we follow da will o da dead so they can be quiet bout VK/BN?
It almost be like da Madame was not gonna be in da game ta begin wit due to some minor burnout. So she be takin a very chill time dis game.All you have said is to follow the dead. You haven't even come up with any thoughts of yourself other than "im going to go with these people I said I talked to"
Where are your vote analysis?
Why are there three protection roles in this game if there has only really been one kill a night?So rolecop would get vt on gf and sk. Doc and medical examiner on mafia. It is like how can they get scum then. Why are they in game for?
While I believe you have burnout since we talked about it last game, you have said this two games in a row now.It almost be like da Madame was not gonna be in da game ta begin wit due to some minor burnout. So she be takin a very chill time dis game.
Madame Listo has said she be trustin' all but ya and BN. At least she thinks she did?I really dislike both Listo and Satsu today.
Listo has been solely focusing on "follow these dead" and every argument against me has been "im gonna go with what some of the dead have said." He started with saying it was all the dead yesterday and then said it was only one or two. And again today. But, his dropping of the roleplay felt genuine. Things since then have felt worse admittedly.
Satsu wants to yeet me for lulz/grudge instead of going after who he actually thinks. It's like he is framing the next days instead of looking at today. Unless he is just lawling.
Mafia had a doc to protect them from Crackle and you. Town has rolestoper and JK to protect from mafia and make the game less power heavy.Why are there three protection roles in this game if there has only really been one kill a night?
I am not sure that is the way to go though. I mean I was tin foiling that way but I don't think it is the way to go.Can we follow da will o da dead so they can be quiet bout VK/BN?
But what if dey are not masons. Please do not fall for da lies of dose 2.Okay not sure how much I will be around due to returning boy scout popcorn and coffee the troop didn't sell and also preparing to go home for a couple days, I will do my best to check in.
At this point I feel like the way to go in my head is Satsu. I wanted to go the BN route but the more I think I don't think that is the way to go. I can't see a situation where one of the masons is evil and the other is not I fell that Void is clean. I know that the dead are saying could be both but not buying that unless these two are just pulling off a big huge ass lie this whole time about their roles.
I can see the argument for Listo but not convinced and not going that route today. If we choose wrong today that is the play for tomorrow in my mind.
Mazer is clean. I am clean.
I feel like this is going to be hard to get a yeet off today though. But still in my head the way to go is Satsu. I know that it is a hard sale because that means he had a GF type protection from investigation on top of being able to go around my role stop.
Honestly any of us are a hard sale at this point which is hurting my head and I want to finish this game.
Getting a vote in for now. Open for discussion as I am able to check in.
Vote: Satsu
trueDere be only 6 alive. Da SK being in VK/BN means not lynching one o dem today be a town loss.
And yet, lynching one of us just drops the town numbers and sets up a SK win.Dere be only 6 alive. Da SK being in VK/BN means not lynching one o dem today be a town loss.
But it wouldn't due ta da fact da SK be in one o ya 2 :DAnd yet, lynching one of us just drops the town numbers and sets up a SK win.
Seriously like da spirits also be sayin before' a scum hiding in masons been done before. I seen it. Madame Listo not be askin' for much just to fuckin' lynch one o Vk/BN.Okay not sure how much I will be around due to returning boy scout popcorn and coffee the troop didn't sell and also preparing to go home for a couple days, I will do my best to check in.
At this point I feel like the way to go in my head is Satsu. I wanted to go the BN route but the more I think I don't think that is the way to go. I can't see a situation where one of the masons is evil and the other is not I fell that Void is clean. I know that the dead are saying could be both but not buying that unless these two are just pulling off a big huge ass lie this whole time about their roles.
I can see the argument for Listo but not convinced and not going that route today. If we choose wrong today that is the play for tomorrow in my mind.
Mazer is clean. I am clean.
I feel like this is going to be hard to get a yeet off today though. But still in my head the way to go is Satsu. I know that it is a hard sale because that means he had a GF type protection from investigation on top of being able to go around my role stop.
Honestly any of us are a hard sale at this point which is hurting my head and I want to finish this game.
Getting a vote in for now. Open for discussion as I am able to check in.
Vote: Satsu
This is incorrect.But it wouldn't due ta da fact da SK be in one o ya 2 :D
This is pure AtE and I really hate it. You have jumped around all day today. Duo. Single SK. Literally anyone but us.
This literally is not true in a Foxxi game and you are so scummy for suggesting it.Seriously like da spirits also be sayin before' a scum hiding in masons been done before. I seen it. Madame Listo not be askin' for much just to fuckin' lynch one o Vk/BN.
That is assuming he is actually yeeted tomorrow. Don't tell me you haven't see shit fall apart at the last minute.If listo is sk he already lost unless he has a collar
I like how your vote on me is still lulzI am going to vote listo tommorow if bn is the sk than he can have it. I did what i coyld.
It is mechanically the best play if you assume everyone will vote Listo and not tinfoil BN or you actually think we are a duo.I like how you know it is mechanically best play but you wont have it![]()
If I am killed, that doesn't clear BN as you are saying there could be one between us. You are saying its an auto-win with Listo tomorrow, but will Mazer/MTR/whomever agree with that or will it wonder if BN is actually a bastardized mason SK when I flip green. Instead of actually shooting within the games PoE (and your PoE) you want to shoot outside of it for a mechanical reason that doesn't help since you said we aren't a duo. I am still not fully sold you are town.I dont think you are a SK duo. I think there could be a scum betwwen you. i already posted my odds for sk.
I should get a superpower from the cookie crumbs.Why does my vote count for 2 on discord any way? Did mu delionious cookie gove me superpowers?
Whoever the serial killer is....including either one of you....would make complete sense.If Listo were the SK, why would he be trying to push against Satsu train unless he is trying to set up for the next day?
It doesn't but I voted BN yesterday so I can still blame town that didnt follow me. too bad.If I am killed, that doesn't clear BN as you are saying there could be one between us.
7 hours remaining.How much time we got?
Heading to airport
Tell me how I am Sk this game without saying rolecop would get vanilla town on SK.been hard to think about the game, but have been trying to be here and do things.
Going to lay down for a nap, but I might not wake up before deadline. This cold has been kicking my ass.
im between Satsu and listo. Feel listo is a lot less likely then satsu
Vote: Satsu
The alternating theory would work for the number. But I still think only 1 of you is more likelyIt is mechanically the best play if you assume everyone will vote Listo and not tinfoil BN or you actually think we are a duo.
Which means Matthieu lied and it was five bad and not four bad.
7 hours remaining.
Not voting you today. But not convinced I'm voting with you.What do you think Mazer? Would you rather vote me or with me?
This is what was I was talking about earlier. You said its an auto-win tomorrow with Listo going over and seem like you don't actually want to vote Listo.So be it
Vote: Listo
If scum wins this well played keeping rajah players.
Vk.also did say he wouldn't vote blind Ninja.If Listo is town and this is one of you tean town loses. BN said he won;t vote you and you said maybe it is BNI guess. Whatever.
In nearly every game of mine or Foxxi's, 3p characters appear as "Other" on cop checks when the results return as "Mafia or Other." It keeps the SK hidden from alignment cops. With no alignment cop, it is reasonable to think rolecop could have it.Vk.also did say he wouldn't vote blind Ninja.
Vk can you cite a foxxi game where sk had gf protection?
Or anyone
We do tend to use it way more as a scum role than a town role yeah. I do rolecops as town in the Rajah style games because I typically have tons of abilities in them so I need to share the love all around.Cop might have innocent on sk but i dont remember if rolecop was ever a town role.
How long ago was this? It was before my time and I actually kinda like it.Rolecop is more of a mafia role because they already know who scum are and they are fishing for tpr.
Btw there was a cool feature back on mmoc. Day phases would get shorter as time goes by. Until day 4 those woyld be 48h but around day 4 it would go down to 36h and around day 6 it would be 24 h days.